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It tastes less sweet compared to coca cola, and has different flavour notes, instead of just masking the actual taste with tons of sugar.

It tastes slightly peppery, has a very very mild bitter note, and has other indescribable flavours
Yeah dude I'll try anything once
Except balut, even Andrew Zimmern couldn't eat that shit
yea man I don't care about anything. hand over a can.
File: 1721837754332522.webm (880 KB, 450x800)
880 KB
horse bump
cocksucking pussy didnt even add salt or pepper like youre supposed to
I spend my days spraying poison I'll drink anything. I don't care where it's from we're at that point in globalization where we're curious more than angry that people exist different from us
I like balut. It's pretty good. Just tastes like chicken egg drop soup.
i got some the other day for 79 cents CAD a can, it's not bad tbqhfam
what province?
I paid about 99 cents a can before gst and bottle return fees.
look at im go
Any cola that's kola nut flavour forward is based imo.
If you can't taste the lemon notes of pepsi or the cinnamon notes of coke you are definitely subhuman.
Is it actually from Afghanistan?
Sounds like any other mature cola I've drank. It's pretty disappointing stuff. Mature root beer also disappoints me. Sometimes pretending to hate sweetness is retarded.
Nah. My name's not mohammed
ok justin bieber

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