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Sweet or salted?

Also, how do you prepare it? Stove? Microwave? Shitty microwave bag?
I like my popcorn with black pepper. Nice and spicy.
Odd choice but OK
I personally idk. Sweet popcorn if cold, and salted if hot.
Slowly on cooktop.
air popped with oil and flavacol. tastes exactly like the movie theater except it costs 50 cents instead of $12
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I prefer salted/savory. Usually some melted butter around the bowl, then the popcorn tossed with a fine salt and old bay seasoning. I'll pop kernels in a pot on the stove most of the time but if it's just for me I use pic related in the microwave. What about you OP?
I've always been interested in trying flavacol. Your post may be the one that finally gets me to order a carton. I've used Orville Redenbacher's popping/topping oil and it's not very good
I'm weird. Cold popcorn = sweet, hot popcorn = salty.
I personally don't really bother with butter, just oil to conduct heat better. On stovetop.
Same here with sweet popcorn. It's better cold when the sugars have set imo but I've never made it myself
Always stove with olive oil, or unrefined coconut oil. Salt and pepper. I'm getting jalapeno and white cheddar powder soon so I stop buying Cheetos.
I tried to make my own caramel sauce and add it to the popcorn, it was okay.

how do you make air popped popcorn pop better? Ive tried many times (both in microwave and stove) and it was always much smaller compared to popping it with bit of oil.
Sneezing faggot ruined Deadpool 3
I'm partial to a mix of sweet and salted.

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