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8/10 would eat
Show us the moneyshot. Btw patty looks a bit small. Else it looks very good so far.
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It’s a quarter-pound patty. Ground wagyu, prime beef seasoning.
nice cuck burg
Nice cringepost
A bit overcooked for my taste but else looks great.
You’re that guy who posts literally pink ground meat.
Gross, dude.
Captcha: GAYX
sure is pretentious like /ck/ would be

probably costs $19 looks like shit
Not me. Why are you scared of some pink in your burger?
Don't engage fags with bad taste and no culinary skills, Anon
Thanks for the tranny comments please never post again.
Looks like bitch shit that was inspired by that bitch brit food network bitch faggot ramsay. Useless crap meant for morons running around like chickens with their heads chopped off.
What's charged for nasty shit looking stuff like that, $120 w/o sides for the suckers in Las Vegas?
Interesting assortment of toppings. The more I look, the less I find wrong with it. I’d take one seasoned with only kosher salt and mustard.
Needs beetroot
It’s just a homemade burger you jealous mongoloids.
Exquueze me?
That orange cheese is so fucking gay. Get some Swiss you tastelet fuck.
Should I make a gruyere burger? What's the problem with American cheese dude? It's a cheeseburger.
good burger once again
>you tastelet fuck
Why put the cheese side of the burger on the bottom?
worst post ITT
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imagine how perfect that would be with a fat slice of beechrüt
Best post ITT
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"You know what this burger needs to taste of? Dirt."
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I have never in my life understood this méme. How the fuck does beetroot taste of dirt? It's sweet and juicy and meaty it's almost the perfect vegetable
>How the fuck does beetroot taste of dirt?
Mostly its the dirt taste.
>It's sweet and juicy
Mmm sweet juicy dirt
>and meaty
lol you faggot, never once has beetroot tasted "meaty" that's your cope pretending the dirt flavour is "meaty"
Do you pickle them before you put it on a burger?
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I think that beetroot is generally pickled yes, I don't think anyone has uncooked beets fresh out of the ground
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Meh, looks like it would be difficult to eat while you are driving
the only brüger that's reliably edible whislt driving is the McDonald's Cheeseburger
Not OP or anything but got some rye, got some hame and what did I leave off my list. Swiss.
Ham & Swiss on Rye is about as classic as it comes.
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Colby with ham on rye, I'll try that out.
Colby is the thinking man's cheese
I leave this to you fellow anons to determine what's better with ham & rye. Is it swiss or colby?
There's no benefit to having pink in your burger and it destroys the mouth feel, and the rendered fat taste, since ground beef is not supposed to be uncooked. Retards who think you can cook ground beef exactly like steak need to be executed, and retards who think have unrendered fat still inside your burger instead of it being cooked, need to be double executed.
>on a cheeseburger
Absolute fucking brainlet retarded shit-taste dumbfuck. Get that bland shit off my burger. That's for roast beef sandwiches and reubens.
I'm new at Colby and don't see anything labeled as "Colby" just "Colby Jack." Are they the same?
Jesus Christ no anon, you can't just use Colby Jack as a substitute for Colby people die that way.
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Fair enough, I don't want my head lobbed off about some cheese.
IMHO plain Colby is best but Colby Jack is much more visually appealing and quite common for brügers and sandwiches for that reason.

You'll be fine with either, they're delicious and just the right amount of melty
Fair enough but I just want the Colby as a start and it's just around here as far as I can find on supermarket sites. Bah looking for cheesemongers around here.
You might be right Colby Jack as a start, it's everywhere.
You won't regret it anon, it'll be fine
Anon suggested it in another borgar thread, said it makes a little grilled cheese with the bottom bun and seals it together nicely.
He's right. Not sure if I would do it again but it was a good experience.
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I can't help thinking that it'll be good with these Hawaiian rolls, pretty much anything is, but ...
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I know what the boogie needs to bring up it's smile and that's some chik-fil-a sauce. It looks mean and the chik-fil-a sauce will give a happy smile while you eat it.
Don’t have a picture but yesterday I made a burger with grilled onions, pickles, jalapeños, bacon, and a pretzel bun
Let's see it
that looks gr8 m8
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>There's no benefit to having pink in your burger and it destroys the mouth feel, and the rendered fat taste
Fat renders even on rare burgers. Medium or medium-well burgers are juicier.
>ground beef is not supposed to be uncooked
Who are you to decide that? I sometimes make poor man tartar sandwich with supermarket ground beef.
>Retards who think you can cook ground beef exactly like steak
No one thinks that.
>retards who think have unrendered fat still inside your burger instead of it being cooked
>same faggot who comes into other threads to defend pink ground meat
>is a faggot irl and a pedo too
I agree with that other anon, you should be double executed.
In your case, triple executed.

Pink in the ground meat is a pedo tranny style.
This burger is assembled correctly. OP knows what he is doing. Would eat
Wait people actually make this slop


enjoy your early death now available in your own home!
Does it make you insecure about your masculinity that you are scared of ground beef that isn't well done or what?
My granny lived to be 104 years old and ate burgers like 3 times a week
Does it make you insecure about your masculinity that you’re afraid to suck another man’s dick and lick his asshole and take his cum inside of your own ass?
wrong who puts cheese on the bottom
>this terrible post
are you fucking serious right now
People who know the correct way to assemble a burger

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