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>Franchising conglomerate owns all the Taco Bells in my county AND the surrounding counties
>Every single one of them is dogshit, to the point that I gave up on them years ago
>Tfw try a Taco Bell while on a road trip
> It's actually good.
I have to drive at least an hour to eat at a decent Taco Bell. What brands are regionally unavailable/disgusting in your area?
I don't know. I don't eat out at fast food chains often enough to have any idea. We don't have any Whataburger here and I like that place, tho
Taco bell fell from grace anyways anon, 4 dollars for a single taco supreme and it's still just as shitty as ever, may as well make your own.
suck it Flyover!
I moved to Florida now i can't get Cookout and i miss it every day
You could fix this problem but you're so afraid of losing the comfortable little life you've made.
its 8 dollars for 3 crunchy tacos.
taco bell is completely dead to me.
I am not committing taco crimes, I just don't eat Taco Bell anymore.

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