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Why aren't you foraging for food out in the wild?
because I'm not Ernie TerTelgte
I saw a guy with a schizo sign like that once saying Jesus was a lie because there was no j back then or some shit and Vatican 10th century something something
But I am.
What in fuck's cunt is he going on about in that pic
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because that is the only food for many wild animals to eat, while I can go to the store
because i live in an unconscionably huge city in the middle of a godforsaken desert unfit for human habitation
I live in a society
I consider human society to be "the wild".
Because the rest of humanity had eight billion babies and so the wilderness is vanishing. Fucking cancer.
He's saying that your name is your own and eternal but any written (as on ID, bills etc) sample of it is a commodity in a fake world.
I do. recurve crossbow from the 70s and my mushroom bag are a weekly treck with me and my boy in season
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scoping out chicks at the Trader Joes
Sovereign Citizen shit
Because I provide labor to a society in exchange for their currency which I can then use to procure food at minimal effort. This is far easier, less time consuming and less dangerous than attempting to feed myself.
winnebago attacks
Vegas? Just move out, city living is for niggers, even the outskirts are better.
If you ever actually talk to people like this you realize very quickly they are just obnoxious attention whores and don't really believe 90% of the shit they are saying. They genuinely have nothing better to do with their free time.
worse, phoenix
that is the plan, but not practical at the moment
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I just did (the wild is the undeveloped strip behind a laundromat)
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And these cherry plums last week. Made jam out of them, going to turn the blackberries into a pie when I get home tonight.
I went to phoenix last january. Weather was perfect but that place is too fucking big. Good highway system and it still took an hour to go from the little Mesa Airport to north side of town. We knew someone who let us stay in their condo in Desert Ridge
I had the same opinion when I went there a million years ago. Everything is too far apart. I'm from yurp. I'm used to things being close together.
Im rural flyover. I live about a half hour west of des moines. I used to think it was middle of nowhere and the drive would wear me out. Now I feel like this is as close as I want to be to a city
I built a cabin out of pine in rural Montana. A member of the Goldman Sachs showed up and gave me a bill for past due rent.
its people like you who give me hope. I hope that after they take over the Amish accept you into their community.
how much is your air bill lately, mine's through the roof
I'd be honored to be given consideration by them, I could and do learn a lot from their practices. I garden, and am slowly figuring out spots I might be able to guerilla garden in my area - it's Utah so it's hot and dry and only so many food crops grow without attention or extra water, but I want some random kids to be picking food from my trees in the future, trying to pass the torch along.
mom already bought groceries
Because the local Fishcops kept harassing me for shooting and eating Bald Eagles.
It's not like I did not offer to share.
I did my graduate work in rural flyover America. Many of the women working in dining services were Amish, Mennonite or former members of either, that's how rural it was. I appreciate the desire to live innawoods but I'm very much a city mouse and quite enjoy having neighbours (mostly)
>half hour west of des moines
I've been to that area, too, because reasons and it's absolutely gorgeous but not somewhere I could live.
Real talk, I got my water bill yesterday and it was close to $600. Turns out, neither I nor the missus have paid it since February 2023 because she's bad with money and I'm a luddite who pays bills when I get the paper copies in the mail. I haven't gotten a paper bill from the water company in so long that I haven't paid it since forever. Oops. All things considered, I'm surprised it was that low, actually. $560something for 16 months ain't too shabby.
all of the land is owned by rich people, and it’s on fire. if i’m lucky enough to hit a deer with my car it’s mine!
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because I'm not the feral kid, at least not yet
From hitting a deer with your car, wouldn't it cost less to buy a deer from a butcher than to get your car fixed from the damages?

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