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>Asahi Japanese beer
>made in italy

yes there are things called imported products, some are popular in different places. that aside I had this shit expecting a
experience but it tasted like any other beer, disappointing.
Personally I like it because for some reason it's the least hangovery beer I've found and since I'm old and used up now that's my biggest priority.
asahi tastes wildly different out of a keg compared to bottle or can
Yep. And Sapporo is made in Canada for the US market.
>b-but the factories are set up by Japan!
It's not Japanese water, and mostly important, it's not STAFFED by Japanese with their reputation for manufacturing quality. Instead it's staffed by... Italians, so incompetent they can't even PAY DEBNTS. You're paying the weeb tax based on a sick lie.
shall not be buying it anymore i reckon
they brew canned rolling rock in glass lined tanks still but the bottled stuff isn't since it tastes like glass anyway. fuckjed up but true
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It's not Asahi unless it comes from the Asahi prefecture of Japan.
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Fuck off you made a thread already
I'm in japan right now and the cans of asahi taste worse than the shit we get in america. havent tried it draft yet. orion is better i think.
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holy shit it's real
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basically in 2016 Asahi bought Peroni/Nastro Azzurro, one of the biggest Italian brewing companies. since then it started to brew its Asahi brand beer in the same Italian factories for the european market.
>italian buys a Peroni beer
>it's actually owned by the japanese
>european buys an Asahi beer
>it's actually made in Italy
it hate this globalized world so much
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same with Kozel czech beer.
the one you buy here is made in Italy by Peroni
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did they put dry in quotation marks because otherwise people would have sued them for false advertising because it's actually liquid
>Axis allied country producing the beer of another Axis allied country
These beers are the biggest moron filters for mouthbreathers who think that a beer's country of origin is more important than its style & quality. Morons who spend 5$ extra because a beer is from Japan or Italy when it's the exact same product as a beer made the next state over. A mid range lager is gonna taste like a mid range lager whether it's made in Japan, Italy, Germany or the USA. The ingredients, production process and quality in beer production are uniform throughout the developed world.
retard detected
there's zero difference between Asahi and other mid range lagers
you didn't get hungover because a couple bottles cost the same as a case of Rolling Rock so you drank less
What does it matter? I assume japanese beer would be made with rice as that's their main source of sugars. Budweiser is made with rice, so why spend more on imported crap?
Just wait until you find out about boneless chicken
It's good in japan because it's like 150yen for a tall can at 7/11. The suntory premium malts and sapporo yebisu are legit quality beers you can also get at 7/11 for like a little under 300yen. Honestly the best value/quality beer I've ever had.
Factually wrong. Mid range US lager is different from German lager is different from Polish lager is different from Czech lager is different from Ukrainian lager is different from Georgian lager is different from Brazil lager, and they're all gonna be different from Heineken or Tuborg type stuff.

>there are things called imported products
>but it tasted like any other beer

So you did not actually have the imported version. Cool, thanks for sharing.
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I prefer Canadian beer desu
>You're paying the weeb tax based on a sick lie.
I buy Asahi because when it's ice-cold it goes better with grilled or fried or spicy food than any other beer I've found, foreign or domestic. I've tried them all - coors banquet, PBR, bud heavy, the other nip beers, mexican beers, peroni, heiniken, etc. - and Asahi scratched that itch the best. It's like manna from heaven when it's so cold that the bottle is frosted and you're chowing down on some Java extra-spicy. I pick something else for recreational or social drinking but it's my go-to food beer, especially in hot weather.

>that aside I had this shit expecting a
>experience but it tasted like any other beer, disappointing.
It's fantastic on tap (within reason - it's not a sipping beer, it's a "slamming it ice cold while eating fried chicken" beer) IMO but the only place I've ever had it the way it's served in Japan was Hawaii. It was nitro infused and I KNOW the keg came from Japan because I could see the stickers on it.
Explain to us exactly how a mid range lager from the USA tastes different from comparable lagers from Germany, Poland, Ukraine etc. Do you actually believe they add secret ingredients???
>Heineken or Tuborg
Different price ranges so obviously different beers. Tuborg is in the PBR/Budweiser tier, Heineken is comparable to Peroni or Asahi.
I prefer the beery flavor of Sapporo, but Asahi goes down way smoother. I haven't tried anything else that's as drinkable as Asahi.
Is that a mega pint?
>super dry
>open can
>wet liquid
Money stolen
Canadian Sapporo sucks cock and is made with feces-contaminated water
You want the Sapporo brewed in Escondido CA by Stone Brewing
American made beer is made with Mexican piss
If you live in Europe and you ain't Drinking Latvian/Lithuanian beer, your life is a lie
orion is the only jap beer that's actually brewed in japan if you're buying in the states
thanks where can i pick some up
depends what state you live in
total wine can carry it depending
That looks like Geddy Lee from Rush.
Cheers dude, you got some good tunes!
You damn retard
>Explain to us exactly how a mid range lager from the USA tastes different...
Easy. You have a shit palate. Anyone with functional taste buds can tell the difference.

>Do you actually believe they add secret ingredients???
so you are stupid as well? that's a tough break.

I don't think beer is for you. Go drink vodka over ice or something.
>All steak tastes the same because all steak has the same ingredient, steak!
This is you. put more effort into your thoughts

>Different price ranges so obviously different beers.
please try thinking before you post.
i'm a retard for expecting companies to do what they advertise i know, i should be worshipping caveat emptor and worshipping the government instead

fuck you man
>i'm a retard for expecting companies to do what they advertise i know, i should be worshipping caveat emptor and worshipping the government instead
Soda is done the same way. Wherever the closest bottler is located. Whatever. Japan is half a world away and yes, beer does get skunky and spoils.

Did you enjoy your Super Dry? They used to have dry beers in the US, every brand made one, but I guess they always stayed popular in Japan when we discontinued it. One of my favorite things to do is have a bowl of edamame or shishito peppers with an ice cold Asahi.
>Now with less bones!
>hehe other things are done the same way that means its ok!

okay? what the fuck is your point? i thought it was an import from japan and now i know it isn't, that should be the end of it, not that i should be doing research on every import because they're not actually "proper" imports? i should be whipping my phone out at the grocery store looking up every SKU I buy because companies are allowed to lie and cheat with their products?

fuck you i fucking hate that people like you exist, the world is objectively fucking worst with people like you in it, you're literally worse than the companies being deceptive, you enable this behavior, fuck you
>okay? what the fuck is your point? i thought it was an import from japan and now i know it isn't
And Guinness Stout in the US isn't shipped directly from Ireland, too. You assumed wrong, that's all.
>doubles down
fuck you,i initially thought i was being way too hard on you but i guess i wasn't, kill yourself
Just how uncultured, untraveled and naive are you? Were you born under a rock? Did you just learn about reading labels?
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>you need to assume the worst of every company and do research on every product you even CONSIDER buying
Love this sick fucking world, kill yourself and stop replying to me
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For me, I just got a pack of buds
>he calls reading a label "research"
Oh, yeah, they're all different--the point is different stylistically. A Pole in Brazil can and will make spot-on Coors assuming they've got a precise grain bill, hopping instructions, water analysis, and management that will let them follow/treat as nMDKWTCecessary.
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i bought the natural ice 12 pack
Man don't even talk about that, Sapporo outside of Japan fucking sucks. Sugary bitch beer.
I hate this stupid fucking face. She looks like she's being forced to drink drain cleaner rather than enjoying beer.
Mexican made beer is made with Peruvian loli pussy juice
that's hot i wanna see that
Japanese are people are fucking retarded, they pour a beer that's 50% head and if it's not they top it off with some fake fucking "foam", and then when they drink it they scrunch their shit up making it look like they have a cactus up their sideways pussy (men too because there's no such thing as an asian male) and then at the end they go "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" like in the soulless insectoid commercials they play in between their pedophile horse daughter cartoons
I live in Japan, they changed the asahi recipe a few years back and it's fuck piss ass garbage now

Orion is better, yes
ohayo desne... sugoi? nihongo ga? desne?

can i crash at ur place and try some asahi beer
No you can go fuck yourself and live on the street, I don't want a fat neckbeard staying with me because i'm gonna coom in my wife tonight
I'm not fat or a neckbeard you weeb

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