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It's about as fast food without getting fast food, and it won't mess up your bowels in the process. Just turn your brain off and boil some water. Throw some parmesan on the end, have a bread with butter or olive oil on the side.
I've never purchased premade pasta sauce of any kind
At Aldi today I saw exactly this. Dude got jar of marinara, spaghetti, Cesar salad mix, a 2 liter of Coca Cola, and garlic bread behind me. Probably $10 in stuff. Rail thin, fwiw.
Probably the only time I eat sardines.
Just cook pasta and stir through a can of deenz. Maybe add some garlic or parmesan. Black pepper.
If you get the deenz in tomato sauce, it's pretty much all you need for pasta.
You forgot the meat.
I used to do buttered sketti or pene all the time. I need to make a red sauce some time, it's be fun desu. What are some good veggies to have with red/meat sauce pasta? green beans?
I'm no culinary guy but green beans sound good. Pairs well with pepper and olive oil. Asparagus sounds good.
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literally shopping for it on amazon yesterday. bidens economy has got me stretched thin so figured i’d buy some bulk pasta for every m44yother day meals
I'm italian and I eat pasta about 3 times every week.
most of the times it's just a simple homemade tomato sauce.
>it won't mess up your bowels in the process
Pasta is way harder for the body to process than a burger
And what do you have for pranzo the days you don't eat pasta? I have pasta for lunch every fucking day
Utter fucking retard.
I almost never have a proper pranzo, just colazione and then some snacks around that time.
>ad hominem
>no argument
you lost
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I'm culinary illerate so I make my own sauce, never bought pizza sauce except to make english muffin pizzas
Need to at least have ground beef in it.
I do this pretty often. A jar of sauce, whatever has garlic on the label, a pound of italian sausage, and a box of pasta. Could be 4-6 meals for $7 or so and incredibly low effort. I'll add extra garlic and cayenne pepper to the sauce usually.
This, I need meat. Ill do ground beef or italian sausage if I have any. I rarely buy premade pasta sauce, Ive found its cheaper and better to get a can of tomato sauce, mixed with fresh sliced up tomatoes, peppers,onion,garlic then season to taste, throw some meat in there and there ya go. I usually do broccoli, green beans or asparagus with it. Sometimes brussel sprouts. Ill prolly do a pasta dish once or twice a week.
Just make sure you grill your sketti first
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I like buying fresh, fancy pasta and tainting it with kraft dinner cheese.

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