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For me it's chicken breast sliced into three thin slices cooked in olive oil and butter on a stove with salt and heavy pepper. What more could a man ask for?
I dislike breasts. Thighs are better in every way
That's okay we are all entitled to our opinions. Thanks for replying to my thread by the way!
Please don't be rude in my thread.
>What more could a man ask for?
some flavor
also, olive oil AND butter?
Just a bit of butter for browning.
OP lies in bed every night with a gurgly stomach, not knowing why
My stomach is fine. Thank you for your concern however.
please dont be gay in my ass
Okay I will respect your boundaries.
butter for the flavor olive oil to up the smoke point, not that uncommon
i marinate chicken breasts in greek salad dressing, bake them and eat them with rice and mixed frozen vegetables. every other week for 4 years now.
By heavy pepper do you mean lots of ground black pepper or something else?

I also like to add some combination of paprika, oregano, thyme.
chiggin breast confit is a good idea
>every other week
So not very often
5 times in 2 weeks
so not very often
yeah just lots of ground black pepper
>cooking with olive oil
>cooking with any oil for that matter
>instead of (exclusively) butter, tallow, or lard
Damn, Ansel Keys really did a number on the American population...
>What more could a man ask for?
5 times per day
What a retard.

EVOO has a smoke point between 350 and 400f with better EVOO usually having a lower smoke point.
Butter has a smoke point between 300f and 350f and my personal experience it lands much closer to 350f.

Good quality EVOO and good quality butter both will smoke around 350f, with EVOO only providing a minor 20-70 degree benefit which generally isn't going to make the difference between smoking and not smoking.

I use ghee for higher heat frying with butter, or a mixture of butter and avocado oil.
Unironically I eat my pan-seared chicken breast every day.
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every single thing posted on the internet is instantly responded by some faggot who always has to act like there's only one solution and one option in contrast to the original statement. both breast's and thighs exist for a reason, enjoy both. both require different cooking methods, cooking times, tastes, textures, etc. if you can't enjoy both it's because you're not eating it properly, you're an actual immature tastelet or it's a skill issue and you just can't cook.
What herbs would you recommend and how can I include them?
I like to use fresh sage, thyme, and rosemary that grow in my herb garden.

Sometimes I'll also add a bit of garlic.
ones you like.
put them on the chicken.

in all seriousness, chicken breast is a super versatile meat, basically a blank slate. so pretty much any flavor combination you want will work.
basil+oregano, plus a squeeze of lemon for some mediterranean flavor.
thyme, sage or rosemary for a more earthy taste.
cajun dry rub.
the sky's the limit man.

anyway, personally I find chicken breast a little bland on its own, I only use it for incorporating into a bigger dish like pasta. but you do you man

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