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None of these are spicy. These are all kinda bland and flavorless except for mild which is just taco sauce.
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hot and diablo are best. i like bringing home extra diablos and cutting an avocado in half and squeezing it into the pit hole and eating with a spoon and some salt. delicious.
Hot's okay because it's spicy but has a flavor. Diablo isn't really hot or has any zing to it. It just tastes like pepper water to me.

Sounds yummy tho anon. I love a good avacado with my mexican food.
i like the diablo and i agree it's not hot, it's just tasty
Diablo on a grilled cheese burrito just hits different.
Maybe I'm just not eating it on the right foods? I had it on my burrito today and it was okay but it didn't taste good when I tried it on those cheesy street chalupas. They were kinda ass and barely put any steak meat on it.
Seems like they are poor because they eat fast food often enough to have such a collection.
she’s not poor anymore. that’s the point of the post. she has an of and can probably afford to eat out every day. if some homos would pay me for pics of my dick i’d do it even if it just paid for fast food every day
I don't care if I have a billion dollars in my banking account I'm still shoving ketchup packets and sauce packs in my fridge.
me too. ketchup just tastes better from a packet.
fire is the best but diablo has certain spice that is kind of addicting, anything below is ketchup tier
I hate when people describe literal spices as flavorless
It's like eating a spoonful of sugar and saying it isn't sweet
the diablo sauce is tomato, salt, garlic, onion, paprika and some unnamed hot pepper
it is impossible for any functioning human to put this shit in their mouth and not taste something
if you truly think these hot sauces are flavorless you either have badly damaged your tongue, you were born with a severe lack of taste resceptors, or are suffering from an undiagnosed malady/brain tumor
I taste something. It tastes like watery pepper with a hint of paprika for the aftertaste.
I just wish that it had more of a unique taste instead of just a temporary burning sensation like frank's red hot.
Diablo sauce goes with hot items. It's kinda gross on cold stuff.
>None of these are spicy
They're designed for mass appeal and not getting sued by retards. No shit they aren't spicy.
>reuse throw away condiment packets
>throw away condiment packets
What kind of small headed tattoo trash whores call "sauce packets" "throw aways"?
go find a wine tasting class, your lack of being able to descern flavors is a disability that you can fix
I'm fine with any of them but diablo tasted like chemicals to me. It's not that it's spicy it just tastes really artificial and gross.
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I prefer a mix of Verde and hot. I use it in my cooking all the time.
look at the ingredients list on a bottle they sell
you probably don't like the slightly sweeter flavor profile, but there's nothing 'artificial'
del taco sauce is way better plebs
Del Taco food is gross even if their sauce is better. I'm not going to go into a restaurant and ask for a brown bag of taco sauce I'd look like a schizo.

Verde is more my speed it's spicy but actually has a unique taste to it. That and mild make excellent toppings on taco bell food.

That's why I call them "safe spicy" but they could at least have like a bottle of some REALLY spicy redditor tier hot ones sauce on standby.

Not everyone is a supertaster like you, anon. Some people just think it tastes like someone squirted pepper spray on your food.
yeah it's not great on real mexican food
No fast food place is going to have truly spicy food. They cater to the masses and the masses want mild.
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I still miss it, bros
SEE? That's what I want. That looks delicious.
>that packet color looks delicious
>doesn't eat the whole packet in one bite
baka doesn't even know how to taco bell right
>None of these are spicy.
How many packets are you putting on each taco? The basic tacos I put at least 2 diablo packets, for stuff like the basic burrito I go through like 6-8 packets. No they're not super hot, but using 20 on your combo mean you get a nice little raise in temperature, and some decent flavor out of the diablos.
None of them are actually spicy. Diablo has a funny taste, fire is better.
Last night I put two packets on a singular taco. Same for the burrito and the chalupa.
Forgot to add; my exgf was irish and anything with more heat than ketchup she was in tears. Like the mild sauce was on the border of too spicy for her. Not everyone has a mouth that can handle even low levels of heat. Knowing the type of people that regularly eat at TB (/ck/) they can't have some habanero 6 million scoville heatsauce in packets where everyone can grab and then sue for being a little too spicy.

Also its taco bell, even if they had a decently spicy hot sauce you're still putting it on the worst tacos available.
I used to love fire roasted and hope they bring it back. Currently I enjoy fire, and will settle for hot if the worker messes up or is out and puts the wrong kind in. I like the initial flavor of diablo, but I'm not a fan of its aftertaste.

Also I tried the steak cheesy street chalupas from doordash and theyre really good. Although the last time I ordered either the driver stole 2 of my other items or the store forgot to add them in. Supposedly has jalepeno ranch sauce on it which maybe I just hadnt tried but it works really well here.

Please god bring it back
No one's likes Verde? :/
The only spicy ones are fire and diablo and only mildly spicy, the only one that tastes good is probably hot or mild though. In the end all 4 of them are way too sweet.
WhatABurger Zesty Ketchup
But white people invented the hottest peppers, tho
"refuse to throw away condiment packets"
>Not everyone is a supertaster
you don't need super human ability to discern onion, garlic and tomato
if all you can detect in tb hot sauce is a mild pepper then you have very little ability to describe most flavors
but if you put even an iota of effort into your descriptive ability and tasting foods you would greatly lift your overall culinary experience
>still using fire roasted and verde packets to this day

Should of got them when you could. Packet savers rise.
M8ssin that verde, bros
I picked up a bottle of Verde but it did not taste like the packets.
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you will never be forgotten, breakfast salsa
I've still got lots of Verde and Fire Roasted packets left still but none of these.

I just rarely went there for breakfast.
Breakfast salsa and verde is still in some restaurants. Just take a handful next time you're there.
>onion juice
First time I've ever seen that listed as an ingredient for something.
they still have those here
Avocado verde they charge .20c for. I don't need to do that yet since I still have maybe 30 I use when I want to treat myself.

Aa for breakfast salsa, good to know but I don't go much for breakfast.
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The best is when you're at one of those combination Taco Bell / Long John Silver's, because they have additional hot sauces out.
Has anyone found a non taco bell hot sauce which is like fire-roasted?
>Avocado verde they charge .20c for.
What a shame but I also understand it. I also stopped opening those packets because they have too much cilantro for me and it just tastes bad. I also stopped getting their street tacos and $12 combo boxes. Ive also never had tb breakfast but one of them near me just leaves the salsa out.

Son, the malt bottle isn't hot sauce at all. And louisiana sauce doesn't really go on tacos.
>And louisiana sauce doesn't really go on tacos.
it sure does. and the malt vinegar works well with tb's potatoes
Why would anyone throw away non-expired food?
>never had tb breakfast
Breakfast crunchwrap is probably my top 3 fastfood breakfast items. Sausage McMuffin (no egg/with folded egg) and Baconator round it out.
Last time I went to a TB at breakfast they were out of the hashbrown.
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This stuff is way too spicy for me
They all taste the same. Diablo just tastes like black pepper sauce. I wish they would just give tobasco packets since that's actually better than all of them. When I worked for food delivery I would always give the customer fire because I think that's the most decent tasting one.
I'm an autist so I carry a hot sauce bottle in my pocket if I'm on the road lol.
I'm tempted to just bring a little tiny mini army MRE bottle of tobasco with me in my wallet just so I can drizzle it on my tacos.
i like mild and fire
hot and diablo are shit
350,000 scovilles on the diablo sauce which puts it around habanero levels.
I don't give a shit if you are "soo big and strong macho man carolina reapers ain't nothing to me nothing is spicy!"
It is spicy, it has a spice to it; regardless of what you claim.
>kinda bland and flavorless
That's just you again being a nitpicky cunt that apparently has blown out their tastebuds
>I have money now which means I'm not poor
Literally white trash before and white trash now.
A Poor-quality person.
Horseshit. Diablo sauce isn't anywhere near as spicy as a habanero.
Why are you so vitriolic towards people who are happy that their life circumstances have improved?
You're wasting your breath. I was watching a vid about that guy that cultivates those nuclear hellfire record breaking peppers and you wouldn't believe how many comments were from SEA/jeet/chang people saying how their moms' cooking was hotter and they could easily eat a whole bowl of of reapers because it was of course only "white ppl" hot
Wtf? They only have TB/KFC combo places here and the LJS got replaced by a fucking starbucks
Nothing I hate more than going to some asian/pajeet/middle eastern place and ask for it to be spicy and they have some stupid grin on their face telling me they'll give me something really spicy and it's the mildest thing I ever had.
I ran into this twice in HI recently. Had to get my friend's asian wife to order for me to actually get what I wanted.
Chinese noodle place, order a lv3 spice (of 6), they give me a 2
Korean wing place in a grocery store, order the spicy wings, they give me the "sweet spicy" (literally just a honey glaze with a dusting of caynne)
Because she's acting like a fucking pack rat gypsy.
I mix mild sauce and tabasco, so I guess I should look into taco sauce recipes. thanks
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I usually bring one of these mini tabasco bottles around, they're not only cute but can make it past airport security checkpoints and can turn up some bland food into something not so bland. It's not a bad way to bring up a conversation with the random cute girl sitting next to you on an otherwise boring flight or trip.
why do liberals love this stuff

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