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File: bushsbeans.jpg (177 KB, 894x955)
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I just ate a pound of Bush's Best Baked Beans, AMA.
What made them Bush's best?
Probably the baby cock from the butchers block
I think they came from the best bean harvest in Idaho, hand picked by a mexican.
My crush is probably getting fucked rn, as I digest a can of fucking BEANS, trying to beat alcohol cravings, I ate those shits COLD.
Stay strong bro, instead of thinking about your crush think about them beans
>My crush is probably getting fucked rn, as I digest a can of fucking BEANS
You got the better of that exchange, I'd say.
Meant for >>20703641 obviously
Isn't a pound of canned beans much less than if you cooked a pound of dried beans and ate that much?
That’s nothing special.
If you’re going to eat that much though you better make them yourself instead of buying canned slop.
Man, I don't want to think about beans.
Only a few complaints on my half.
I will never stop impulsively eating pre-made food.
Ready for the next shit?
When my wifecwas pregnantbwith my daughter she ate a who family size can of Bushs baked beans. She had to lay down the rest of the day..
baked beans are quite nice out of the can
Do you call your daughter "bean baby"?
Dude, the consistency.. oh my god.
Trips of truth.
Did you think about those beans?
Ayyy this nigga eatin beans
Her genetic makeup is probably 50% bean
Yeah, just a little.
Yeah, I cried a little.
i;m thinking bout those beans
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