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Which way, drinking man?
I like grape koolaid and gin
White in spring/summer and red in fall/winter
What kind of question is this? It depends what it's paired with.
really dumb thread
You never drink wine just by itself?
Sometimes. But I don't have a strict preference for ONLY red or ONLY white. It depends on my mood. Both are good.
oh my god you insufferable faggots cant just pick a favorite? i prefer red wine.
For me it's all about the weather
I'm a rosé man myself
Sparkling wine fuck that flat ass shit
I drink gin
depends dunnit
You don't fill wine glasses that high.
You do after a while
do tell
White smells like my grandma.
White when it's hot outside, red when cold.
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I prefer orange juice over grape juice
I thought white wine was made from green grapes and red wine was made from red grapes.
It's actually just whether or not the skin is included?
No you're correct it's just a misleading infographic, leaving the skin from green grapes in wine wouldn't make it red vice versa
So white wine is made of de-skinned green grapes and red wine is made of red grapes with skin?
Can you make white wine out of green grapes with the skin, and red wine out of red grapes without the skin? Is that done?
White wine makes me feel sick, I don't like drinking it especially when it's cold
Same with champaigne
I like drinking red wine the most, red wine doesn't make me feel sick and I can drink a lot of it
This, but between regular white or red i'll choose the red
So you'll pick the nastiest most disgusting red over a regular white, got it.
i am an only a red wine man
if it's hot out then just throw some diet coke in and made it a calimocho
i will literally drink nearly every type of alcohol there is before white wine. absolute bottom of my booze list
For red wine, they leave the skins in the tank while it ferments. Also wine grapes and "table grapes" are a bit different sometimes. Most red wine is made from grapes that look more black/blue than a red grape you find at the store. The "noir" in pinot noir means black and refers to the grape variety. If you press the juice from a red/black grape but don't let the juice ferment with the skins(called grape must) they will make a white wine. There are a few ways they can make rose or red wine and it's kind of interesting to look into and I'd recommend it.
I’ve got something you can pair it with right here, pal
white. as I've gotten older, red wine fucks my stomach up big time. figure it's the acidity or something. liquor of choice with soda water and maybe some lemon/lime juice is king though.
Use apples instead of grapes
speak for yourself imperative nigger

answering the thread:

white is high in iron, alcohol increases iron absorption. just drink red and pretend rest doesnt exist or put some 7up in it to pretend youre drinking rosé
Red. White is for women
Red always
All wine is gross.
Uhhh bro can I smell (and hug) your grandma
Sassy twitter nigger bitch speak is fucking gay. Kill yourself, faggot.
White is sweet but boring. Red is the choice of any true wine drinker.
I only suck dick that's above 7 inches, sorry.
We all know the Billy Joel song
A bottle of white
A bottle of red
Perhaps a bottle of rose instead...
Nice, what does your boyfriend drink?
I don't buy wine that costs more than $8 a bottle, so I get dry white because everything else at the price is horrible.
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You should go for the economical bum wines
For me, it's franzia and removing the bladder from the box to consume easier. Haven't seen mad dog or night train in a long time though.
Sometimes I'll go with a red, like when I'm cooking red meat or just want something more complex, but usually chilled cheap white wine is my go to. Easier to drink than reds, mixes better, and while cheap whites are often acceptable cheap reds are usually barely drinkable.
i'm not gonna go down memory lane, but the store i frequent has had md20/20 blue juice for years and i just went down that aisle to notice it, which is weird, because i'm in a nice neighborhood
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richfag reporting
red is always better tho
never had white or rose ;(
all the reds i've had were terrible
I've never tried it but heard the Wild Irish Rose is ok going down but will give a crazy hangover.
guy at the liquor store i frequented suggested a 50ml airplane bottle of that "and a checkers banana milkshake for a good time" wtf try to sell me 9
they are the same. in double blind, blind folded taste tests people trying to guess which was white or red had the same success as guessing a coin flip.
both depending on circumstances but if I'm drinking wine without food considerations I tend towards reds typically
All wine tastes like vinegar and bile. It's repulsive.
My local gas station doesn't carry them and if I'm going to the liquor store I'm buying something harder that I'll enjoy drinking and can get more than a buzz from before it makes me sick.
>doesn't name the study
i double blind, blindfolded fucked your mom last night
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>Which way, drinking man?
i looked into this a bit because even i as a very non-picky wine drinker couldn't believe it. as it turns out, it was one study done 23 years ago and was not double-blind blindfolded at all, in fact the only reason it was "effective" in its findings was because the PhD student conducting the study added red food dye to white wine and then gotcha'd the taste testers at the end. which proves nothing except that you can fool someone into thinking a wine is a red by dyeing it fucking red. i found 0 studies resembling what you described
what kind of wine would you recommend if I like Fruit and not dry bitterness
i wanna Bacchus max
Beaujolais nouveau, releases in November as the youngest red wine they can make.
Mmm, tannins! Yummy toxic antinutrient!
Source? I want yours.
>If you press the juice from a red/black grape but don't let the juice ferment with the skins(called grape must) they will make a white wine
I don't believe you
my grandparents were avid red wine drinkers, they and their place always smelled wonderfully of zinfandel
You keep posting this horseshit as though it has any merit. Chardonnay does not taste like fucking pinot noir you double nigger, fuck your shitty blindfold test.
NTA, but is trufax. The white wine obtained from red grapes is called "blanc de noirs".
The white label EW is pretty good, but imo not that much better than the black label to justify the price difference. It's worth a try just to know and I think the "bottled in bond" thing is nothing but a gimmick.
White label has a higher proof than the black label as well as it follows a legal requirement to be bottled in bond. You might not care, but there is an actual difference
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What would you eat with pic rel?
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rum + ginger shot + cola

nectar right here
nectar tier
the bottle is empty thought

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