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Eating in bed is a sign of intelligence and free thinking. Your parents told you not to do this, because it offended their antiquated notion of morality, even though it's all convenience with no downside. Are you woke or broke?
It attracts ants to your bed. They crawl into your ear at night and lay eggs in there. Then the eggs hatch and they take control of your brain and make you want to have gay butt sex.
Congratulation faggot.
posting in bed is full faggot behaviour though
Not if I don't leave a crumb.
seriously off yourself, what an incredibly stupid thread
You can't handle the knowledge huh
I dont unless Im feeling incedibly lazy or drunk or maybe sick with a bowl of soup. All of which happen rarely.
My parents never told me not to eat in bed. I'm not a fatty-fat fat-fat so the idea of eating in my bed simply never entered my mind, adipose amigo.
>no downside
Having crumbs and shit in your bed, possibly attracting bugs to your bed, being a nasty fucker overall. This is the kind of shit 12 year olds do as a form of rebellion against their parents.
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Holy fucking retard. Dont even bother to put greasy burger and fries out on a fucking plate. The sneed oil will go through those papers like knife through butter. Enjoy sleeping on greasy bed sheet fucking bellend.
Guy is eating 4 burgers plus fries and chicken tenders. He is probably unable to leave his bed.
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Don't stop, king
>crumbs in bed
hell no
I post and eat in bed whenever I feel like it. I don't exclusively do it but if I feel like it I do it, simple as.
If you are having a full cooked meal on a plate it just feels better to eat at a table of some kind though.
Post dick.
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Now take your socks off and show me your game folder.
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Whoops forgot text. My bad.

I only do this and children at hotels because I am always naked in my room and I don't want to put my butt on the leather chair by the table if I can help it.
How fucking fat are you?
Eating on the toilet is true enlightenment.
What's worse is when you wake up and all the bbq and sweet sauce on your chest, arms, legs have trails of ants and you smack them and they get stuck in your body hair and even more stuck to the sticky area you spilled on yourself. Then you spray ants killer around the border of your bed but that only lasts a day or two.
>average /ck/ poster
You people are disgusting plebs.
infantile pillock
You know this from experience?
eating something that will leave crumbs over your bed is a sign of being a lazy retard
>I engage in faggot behavior whenever I feel like it
It shows.
Comfy, are you reading, watching, or playing?

Bed bros it’s time to feast!
I'm reading Being No One: The Self-Model Theory of Subjectivity and eating microwaved white castles ( in bed)
You can't just post a thirst trap without posting your penis.

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