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Do you like Newark style hot dogs?
I don't know what the hell that is but I would smasch it
Fat hands typed this post
fried hot dogs, potato chips, grilled peppers and onions, all stuffed in a fresh baked pizza bread, which is basically just a pizza crust that's been reformed into a sandwich.

It's a New Jersey classic.
Maybe the Paterson style "Texas Wiener" is more your speed.
it looks like a bagel stuffed with roast veggies to me
I'm in glizzy heaven!
that looks tastier'n horsecocks
you stuffed leftover chinese food into an oversized pizza pocket
that sounds fucking great, actually
i might try making those sometime, what sauces are traditional? looks like some grainy mustard would go real nice
I dont know about that anon. Probably not quite that good.
Used to work at an amusement park with a Jimmy Buff's next to it. Would usually go there for lunch breaks
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Thanks for reminding me that these exist, I keep meaning to try them and keep forgetting. Now trying to find the easiest NJ place with these to get to from NYC via train. Might be Dickie Dee's
Nobody tries to even hide their embarrassing redditness anymore. Basically, fuck you
I'm with the other guy, that sounds really great. I don't think I'll drive 4-5 hours to get one, but if I'm ever in the area I will definitely grab one.
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Okay, so I decided on Dickie Dee's, and it looks like my best bet is to take the PATH to Newark Penn and then light rail (which I've never actually taken before, we killed it all here in NYC ages ago) to the Bloomfield Ave station. Might be a fun trip!
when did normies start calling hot dogs "glizzies"? is this a zoomer or gen alpha thing?
DC slang, dumb observation that an extended glock magazine is roughly the same size as a hotdog
popularized by some faggot rapper, caught on on social media because it's completely retarded sounding
of all the places for verbal diarrhea mind virus to originate, DC is one of the stupidest (silicon valley is the worst).
Yes, my GF made that post.
>diarrhea on a dick
Ayyy nice, based explorer, you’ll have to report back what you thought of it if you go.
Oops, didn’t mean to tag >>20704020, I am confirmed fat hands have now lol.
mixing the hotdogs with italian sausages is peak
>New Jersey classic
This must be a north Jersey abomination, because I've lived in south Jersey for a large part of my life, and have never seen this before.
>"""pizza bread"""
>deep fried dough
>stuffed with more sneed oils and processed """"""
Why would anyone eat this?
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>mustard, chili and onions
damn he's 90% there but it just needs some cheese

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