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File: chopsticks_in_rice.jpg (43 KB, 602x452)
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I stick my chopsticks in rice, I'm an American and fuck you!
This is deeply insensitive. People have lost loved ones and reminding them of their funeral is not OK.
every stupid gaijin does that, up your game and actually light those suckers
Like sparklers, my photochop skills aren't up to that.
based. im asian and i do this in front of my boomer family members. the seethe in their eyes is glorious.
Good times
The only rice I have ever consumed in my life has been from drinking Budweiser beer.
>using chopsticks
>not bringing your own superior, occidental utensils to primitive insectoid restaurants
Why do you have rat turds in your rice?
Because you're a savage and no matter what's posted you'll whine about it like a little school girl that must be tamed.
File: jz82Fr.gif (1.78 MB, 320x180)
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1.78 MB GIF
good man
>Because you're a savage and no matter what's posted you'll whine about it like a little school girl that must be tamed.
Go practice your English somewhere else retard
What movie is that from?
Platoon of course
Oh great and how would you have written it mr English doctorate?
btw it is not a fun film and nor should it be
Yeah, got it.
Thanks there Captain Obvious, you must be first on the list to become a Major.
It's funny that you think what you said was smart
See that?
That’s how a gook laughs at you.
>It's funny that you think what you said was smart
It's funny that you think what you said was smart
yeah it's true, I'm gonna be Major Obvious
btw my dad was in that war and there's a lot of horror in Platoon that he thinks is accurate, but he's always said Apocalypse Now is *exactly* what that shit was like and having seen both films I've always found that seriously disturbing
You are the only one competing here. When you grow up you might understand
Not really youngling, I only mentioned putting chopsticks in rice, you drew what you wanted from there.
I made an observation and you started crying like a baby that stubbed it's toe on a noodle
You appear to have failed on your "thread following" skills, no badge for you.
Dangerously based
if you like ricebiër you should def try the Coors Banquet shit and DEFINITELY try Narragansett
>You appear to have failed on your "thread following" skills, no badge for you.
He said with his eyes full of tears
Wouldn't you be better off with a shovel, you fat cunt?
>Coors Banquet
I remember those Coors Banquet tall boys from like 10 years ago, a friend and I would pool what little money we had and buy a ton of those from some drug store place every day. Those were some strange days.
>it's toe
Like clockwork, the monolingual cannot even speak his own language properly. Choose something else to be "proud" of

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