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guys lets talk salads
what are some of your favourite salad recipes
would you put rice into your salad?
how would you spice salmon to put it into a salad with spinach and rice? how about chicken?
what other toppings do you like on your salad?
olive oil
no raisins?
Kale, cabbage, arugula, raddichio, raddish, fennel, goat cheese, apple, almonds slivers.
needs red wine vinegar
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I honestly just love a chunkie salad of cukes and tomato. A little onion for stink, lots of Spanish olivölle and a drizzle of balsamic glaze go a long way and of course either fresh mozzaballs or feta.

Lettuce is always a great salad base but not always necessary
You type like a retarded woman lol
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like you've ever met a woman retârted or otherwæse
That's a good lookin salad. For me? Its gotta be
>Spring greens
>Black olives
>Red onion
>Cherry tomato
>Shredded sharp cheddar
>Canned yellowtail in olive oil
And if I'm feeling real fat, some garlic croutons
i never heard of them being called that, is that fancy chef speak?
regardless, that is an interesting sald you got there
what do u think of manouri logs as the cheese?
wtf nobody likes rice salad or spinach or anything?
i thought salad was much more diverse than this
cukes is just farmerspeak for cucumbers anon, it's not fantsy at all it's redkeck.

>manouri logs
manouri logs are a type of greek cheese made from sheeps
I'm married to a woman with a masters degree in clinical mental health counseling.
well she's probably about to get an honorary PhD

are you even human
I don’t think I’ve ever had rice in a salad (that’s including creamy salads like potato or chicken). If I were doing a spinach, rice, and salmon salad I’d probably try seasoning the salmon with either lemon, pesto, or soy sauce.

I really like Greek and middle eastern salads (really anything tomato, cucumber, and vinegar). Caprese is also great
I wouldn't expect someone with a masters degree in clinical mental health counselLing to mention it. You're either larping or you're the epitome of bottom of the barrel. Either way, you're a cunt
I thought he meant the woman he is married to has the degree
I don't have a college degree. If you have one, you should get your money back, because you have the reading comprehension of a stroke victim.
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>a woman with a masters degree in clinical mental health counseling.
You're FUCKED buddy...
Enjoy your alimony faggo.
There was nothing wrong with how he described a salad he likes-you're just a sour FAG who MUST have big issues if you're trying to tear down posters on the food and cooking board of a Mongolian sheep shearing forum.
Does WIFEY KNOW that you're being a BAD BOY on 4Chins?
Meat salad without salad.
My wife once called me the Kurt Vonnegut of shitposting
Post food or GTFO.
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If you didn't care, then you wouldn't have bothered responding.
my intent was to get you back on track, you puling Child.
Now then...
What does little Ralphy like to put on HIS BIGBOY salad?
I like cold rice and lentils added to a leafy salad, often with craisins, sometimes walnuts, croutons and usually a simple vinaigrette using olive oil and ACV plus herbs if I'm feeling fancy.
Almost always a cheese, and is it just me or are super big salads sometimes better the next day after the wilt? I'll often make my whole meal a salad and only eat half. I just refigerate the rest and add more fresh greens--like romaine or broken kale to bring back some crunch.
I love a good ceaser salad but. One of the best ive ever had was a warm pancetta salad. basically reduce big chunks of whole pancetta in olive oil until golden brown. take out the pancetta and blend the crap out of it. then mix oil/rice wine vin, ground mustard seed, and mixed together with pancetta, warm up. the salad was mixed greens, fetta, pine nuts, and dried cranberries. pour warm dressing on top and serve/eat immediatly....its so fucking good.
vegetables, salt, pepper, vinegar, oil
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sounds amazing.
I forgot to add, I almost always include a meat, usually chicken, but sometimes pork.
Fair enough.
i like greek salad and caesar a lot but i like my caesar pretty anchovy flavored. i had a salad a long time ago at the la convention center that looked and dounded weird af. it was lettuce, chickpea, quinoa, i link maybe cranberrys and a peanut dressing or the dressing was a weird cranberry sauce. i dont remember what other ingredients were in it.

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