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I'm wanting to make the most basic spaghetti sauce there is to "reverse engineer" the recipe so to speak, and understand what it fundamentally is and add to it from there. So in essence, spaghetti sauce are just mashed tomatoes with some salt, pepper and other spices, right?
are you actually autistic?
it's whatever you want it to be, man.
ok white boy
(italians aren’t White)
>the most basic spaghetti sauce
Aglio e olio
With that description you might accidentally make salsa
cook onion in olive oil, add garlic and let it cook for a minute, then add tomatoes
wa la
Look up "marcella hazan tomato sauce" and you'll find probably the simplest while being "Italian" spaghetti sauce. Also, spaghetti is just a type of noodle and any sauce put on the spaghetti is "spaghetti sauce". It sounds like you want the simplest "red sauce" or "tomato" sauce. I hope this helps, my autistic brother.
>add garlic
Most basic red sauce? Whole peeled tomatoes, cook down, mash, add pasta. From there you can add salt and pepper, then just get crushed to start with, then add flavor: basil, oregano, onion, garlic, fat, etc. Have a ball.
>(Extra Virgin) Olive oil
>Pepper and or chili pepper
>Add tomato sauce and or cherry tomatoes cut in half
>meanwhile cook pasta
>a couple of minute before it's "al dente" add it to the tomato sauce with some cooking water and some exrta olive oli.
>cook it for another couple of minutes and it's ready
Don't just cook plain pasta and then add the sauce on top of it, that's completely tasteless.

t. ItaliAnon
Then just throw tomatoes on there you fucking retard. Holy shit this place these days
Most fundamentally, tomato sauce is literally just cooked down tomato pulp.
Try this, OP. Get a jar of passata, which is just Italian tomatoes passed through a sieve to remove the seeds and skin.
Put it in a saucepan and reduce it by half, then add a pinch salt. That should be 90% the way there towards a good tomato sauce. Try adding a sprig of fresh basil for the last 5 minutes of cooking, and a small clove of minced garlic at the very end.
The beauty of tomato sauce lies in its elegant simplicity. Tomatoes are already delicious and don't need much help becoming more fragrant or complex.
I'm not a pastanig but i'm surprised this isn't brought up more often. Always let the pasta simmer with the sauce for a while as a finishing touch so it actually absorbs the flavor
“Finishing in the sauce" has been the standard way to make pasta since forever. The "sauce on naked pasta" preparation is only done by people who are supremely lazy or never learned how to cook.
The most basic spaghetti sauce is tomato sauce, salt and water.

Then you start adding stuff like:
>ground meat
>worcestershire sauce
>fish sauce
>red pepper flakes
>shredded parmeson or other cheese
>heavy cream

The choice of cooking oil makes difference too. Olive oil is the most traditional but you can make a nice sauce with butter too if you want to try something different.
Here's my favorite marinara recipe:

1 pint of grape or cherry tomatoes chopped
1/4 c. chopped onion
1 celery stalk chopped
4 cloves of garlic
Sprinkle of Italian seasoning
1/2 t. salt

Place all ingredients in a baking dish, mix to combine, and bake at 425F for about 40 minutes.
When it takes on some nice color, remove and place veggies in a blender with 1/2 c. white wine and 1/2 c. water (or stock for more flavor).
Blend until smooth. Put in a sauce pan with 1 can of tomato sauce and simmer until reduced by a third.
The cherry tomatoes are really sweet and make a great marinara.

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