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comfy fish and chips thread
That looks like a battered sausage though mate
Looks like shit. You have to go to a fishing port (especially a Scottish one) for real fish & chips. Otherwise you're better off just ordering the chink/turkslop instead.
How much sugar tax did you pay on that Coca Cola?
>engl*sh food
>sugar tax
Is this some Amerimutt cope over literally not being allowed sugar in his coke?
>thirdie trying to stir the pot between americans and brits
If you weren't a thirdie you'd know this
>In the 2016 United Kingdom budget, the UK Government announced the introduction of a sugar tax, officially named the "Soft Drinks Industry Levy". The tax came into effect on 6 April 2018.[116] Beverage manufacturers are taxed according to the volume of sugar-sweetened beverages they produce or import. The tax is imposed at the point of production or importation, in two bands. Drinks with total sugar content above 5g per 100 millilitres are taxed at 18p per litre and drinks above 8g per 100 millilitres at 24p per litre. The measure was estimated to generate an additional £1 billion a year in tax revenue which would be spent on funding for sport in UK schools.[117][118] The tax raised £336m in 2019-2020.[119] Despite not being part of the United Kingdom the British Soft Drinks Industry Levy came into force on the Isle of Man on 1 April 2019 because of the Common Purse Agreement.[120] It was proposed that pure fruit juices, milk-based drinks and the smallest producers would not be taxed.[121] For other beverages there was an expectation that some manufacturers would reduce sugar content in order to avoid the taxation.[121]
Your blind hatred towards a country is preventing you from eating good food anon.
Fish and chips is literally just battered fish and fried potato.
>pic not related

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