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Is Chicken at 165 Overcooked?
yeah, inner temperature of 165 celsius is fucking overcooked, mate
I go to 155 for breast. I think 150 is supposed to be fine too.
Yeah that FDA shit is for pussies. Eat your chicken medium rare like a real man
165f is the instantaneous safe temp

But if you hold the internal temp at say 145f for 10 minutes, it's perfectly safe to eat.

At 150f it's only 3 minutes. At 155f it's only about 50 seconds.

So if you're going low and slow, and temp your chicken at 140f then 10 minutes later it's at 150f, you're done. No need to keep going up to 165f.
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I only eat chicken tartare. just like a true adult
I thought chicken breast sucked until I had it cooked just to 150
Still not better than thighs but at least now when I cook a whole chicken and enjoy every bit of it
Fry it until its brown on high heat, then put it in the oven at 100°C for 10 minutes
>over double
Surprised it’s not cremated, cooklet.
>I can't understand units
Oof, sucks to be so retarded you can't even infer basic contextual information.

You're SO retarded your simple mind didn't even take the fact it's "over double" and think for half a moment "hmm, maybe it's a bigger because it's a different unit if measurement"

I hope you never breed.

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