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Choose your Bussy Burger
Am I getting pranked?
Can I get the holocauster and fried lamps?
I choose to go to wendys
Am I meant to fuck the sandwich
You can do what ever you want with it
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drag queen sounds pretty nice in all honesty
No thanks, I think I'll go to Heterosexual Burger instead and get my usual PAWG Pounder with two half-pound patties.
the morning after burger sounds the best followed by the sloppy toppy and the bussy burner. I don't really like cream cheese on burgers though but jalapenos are always good.
>$20 for a burger
>doesn't even include fries or a drink
i fucking hate normies for propping up the ghost kitchen business. it's literally all the same generic sysco-slop with a gay hispter name and sold for a 200% markup. how tf are people this retarded?
i think its an online thing, burgers are probably much cheaper from the place if you go there in person.
lmao something that was made to be comedic and absurd has become reality.
>season three when
Morning After Burger
can someone gay and/or tranny explain what makes it a drag queen burger
i dont get it
it's a fucking mess
the plates are buttholes i guarantee it
>signature Bussy burger sauce
that sounds appetizing, doesn't it?
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I looked up the restaurant, it's a virtual brand (aka ghost kitchen). You can only order through Doordash and the menu items cost the same whether it's pickup or delivery (the delivery fee is tacked on at checkout). $18.97 for just a burger.

The whole virtual brand / ghost kitchen concept is just a scam to trick gullible zoomers and millennials into buying overpriced sysco-slop.

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