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What are you getting out of the dairy case?
Sour cream.
yodare-infused milk
sour cream
cream cheese
Yeah, just lemme get some 2%
Greek yogurt. More flavour and protein than sour cream and cottage cheese.
Best dip out there.
This plus eggs
We're good on dairy right now. We've got normal milk, lactose free milk, various cheeses, yoghurt, eggs and butter. Even have canned milk in case of emergency
french onion dip
cottage cheese snack
sour cream
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Post your in store prices
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Chocolate milk but don't spill it you spastic bitch!
$6 a dozen
Insead of being a survey faggot why not post your own prices and location before asking for others?
30 eggs for $2.89 in my area
Please tell me that is a typo
I know my image is sideways, but please don't be a retard
Can you see the eggs in the tray? I stopped buying Walmart box eggs because you can't check them yourself and the price wasn't much better.
Why have Americans forced Japanese to consume dairy?
eggs don't come from cows
Nope it's not. Big Y in Massachusetts. I'd get a picture but I'm at work
>Can you see the eggs in the tray?
It's a simple cardboard tray with clear wrap on it to (futilely) keep them in place with a upc sticker on one of the four sides. So yes. Yes you can.
Egg prices fluctuate wildly at this store. They were $7 last week.
I got eggs from them once and they were the blandest, palest yellow eggs I've ever eaten. I decided to never buy them there again.
I miss my blue eggs guy. Haven't seen him in a while and I didn't remember where he lives to but them directly. He sets up a little stand near my doctor's office and sells eggs of various sizes and types but I guess it's too hot for him to be out there so he just sells them from home now. Just can't remember where in the shit he lives
What's you cheapest protein up there? Your deer freezer? Lol
Ah, at food lion there is a 30 count that is all plastic and flimsy as fuck.
Home grown eggs are always the best. Had chickens once and they were the best eggs I ever had. The chickens were fluffy too. I taught them to fly on my arms as if I was a falconer.
Only recently have I see street vendors pop up. It is only one Mexican family with large red and white strawberries. Those fuckers block the line of sight in and out of the parking lot, otherwise I would try them.
1 gallon of grass fed whole milk, marinated in her feet, and piped down my anus with a funnel.
I see you there aldi bro
Eggnog. Because only fags and women care about things being healthy.
I'll be a fag then, see if I care.
Nothing. I buy at the farmer at half the price.
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vilken sort?
She's really eyeing up that probiotic thing. Do you suppose she has digestive problems?
>not making your own so it's available year-round
I dont buy very much dairy. I like raw kefir but its too expensive.
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Mozarella, greek yoghurt and milk
Multer takk

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