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>I put two very large onions in every meal i make
no apologies, its an onions world.
Like..... 2 whole ass onions?
>she eats Cap'n Crunch with two whole-ass onions
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fuck yes two whole ass onions, always
Very based. I have yet to find a single meal that does not benefit from adding onion. Even if it's a sweet food you just cook the onion until it is also sweet.
Not a big fan of onions but I will say that raw onions are better than cooked
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: haha its the fruit from shrek i get it
most ratchet post on seekay atm
Even onions have gotten expensive. It is insane.
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i swear, every fucking meal i eat has fried onions and bell pepper in it. everyone around me thinks i'm autistic because of it and always asks me why? why? because it's delicious and it makes me very happy when i crunching into it with my teeth. i also like to add paprika and onion powder.
I like raw onion but it's good when cooked until soft and sweet too. I don't like onions when they're cooked less than that.
>the ol' caramel onion mixed with the caramel apples trick

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