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File: Dwb9ksx.jpg (192 KB, 995x1362)
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Kimchi ramen? I dunno. Would you?
I would but it depends on the price.
$13 for instant noodles is way too much
datt-aru is why-aru I said-aru iie
for 13 bucks probably not
unless i knew it was some legit broth, but judging by the advertisement it's just some powder
>literal instant ramen with "homemade" additives
What sort of scummy place is this, this isn't common is it?
I make ramen like this typically all the time and don't eat out usually, have never been near anywhere fancy besides a steakhouse.
ffs I ate buldaks with cabbage and chicken thrown in two days ago
Commonish for Korean shops
>here's your sour rancid cabbage, bro
No ish about it. Every Korean cafe ever does that shit. After three different places pulled that shit on me, I put off every ordering ramyeon from Korean cafes. idgaf if there's banchan included. Wow. Boiled potatoes, rolled omelette and marinated fernbrake (also the kimchi in the soup). Totally worth paying $13 for instant fucking noodles. Fuck that.
Fuck would I. DESU I wouldn't even eat ramen. Because I associate it with estrogen filled manchildren weebs
koreans have it rough

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