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Whats the best way tò brew It? I got gifted 100g of Mehmet efendi by a Turkish tourist with his family from edirne. they were heading from Florence to Pisa and stopped at a gas station south of Empoli, I tried It the First time but fucked up because It boiled right after the foam, then the second time I half-fucked up and got a semi crema in Pic rel buy not in other two cups.
How do you do it? And what coffee Is your favorite?
Im not a turkish coffee expert. Ive bought preground beans like mehmet efendi and al ameed and enjoyed them, but to save money ive been trying to find some good whole beans to grind myself. You need a grinder that can do consistent, espresso-level fineness. Anyways, my usual method has been to stir the ground coffee into the water and then let it heat, but this morning i forgot to stir. When it foamed up it had had the most crema ive ever gotten. So theres one tip, just dump the powder in and dont stir.
And yeah, if the coffee full-on boils its pretty much ruined, that brings out the harshness/acidity.

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