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I dislike Bacon.
but you find camels sexually attractive
haha dude that's so edgy
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Did big religion pay you to post that "opinion"?
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Shalom as fuck, Herschel. I expect that you have a bag of baby's foreskins in your cupboard however
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Did someone say "bacon"?
No, you don't. You're just saying that because you've learned that being contrarian online will get you the attention you couldn't eran IRL. Consider killing yourself. It's not going to get better for you.
i don't dislike it, but i think it's overhyped. reddit kinda thing
i like thicker cuts better, forgot the name
ok but where do you get the fat to fry your eggs? and don't say "butter", give me a REAL answer.

>i like thicker cuts better
So just cut your bacon thicker then, retard. No one is stopping you.
pork belly != bacon, retard
Ok mohammed.
Never claimed it was, retard.
bacon is CURED, THIN slices of pork belly, retard
What are you rambling about, retard?
i lay this argument to rest now
have a good rest of your day, seriously
You’re just as bad as my roommate
The millennials would like to know your location
Haha, more for me than!
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Same, but only crispy bacon. Floppy bacon is decent for breakfast.
I like bacon but like cheese I don't like it on anything because all i can ever taste is the cheese or bacon
Crispy bacon sucks ass. i dont want to eat shards of glass for breakfast i want nice meaty porky bites
>shards of glass
Crispy bacon is only brittle when its overcooked.
When cooked properly (and given a few seconds to set after removed from heat) it won't sag when held aloft, but it will have chew instead of being brittle. And using thick cut gives you a meatier bite.
And you also have the option of getting it cut even thicker.
i've had terrible bacon and terrific bacon
usually its mid, which tracks
chewy boys rise up

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