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my bitch gf doesnt like onions it makes her gag how do i fix it
why is your gf a fox
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imagine being a picky eater as an adult
Sodomize your gf with multiple onions until she likes them.
It's only recently that we've learned that there's variance in genetic adaptations to anti-nutrients in plants. If you stop and think about it there's absolutely 0 reason why plants would want you to eat non-fruit parts of their body. Plants can't fight or run away so poisoning you is their best method of telling animals to fuck off.

Anyway you should stop eating onions for a while as well and see if that has any positive effect on you. You can't ever be 100% sure how badly anti-nutrients are affecting you until you avoid them. In the VERY extreme end some people are forced on carnivore + some fruit diets because of this.
Foxes aren't supposed to be eating onions
stop believing all the stupid shit you read on twitter, its melting your already dumb brain
Plants LITERALLY CANNOT fight you or run away from you. What option is left?

That said we developed genetic adaptations to these anti-nutrients as we started farming plants BUT there's variance. Person A might be resistant to ALL anti-nutrients but person B might only be resistant to a few of them or maybe just one.

This is why some cultures differ in their use of things like onion, garlic, ginger, etc etc.
are you the same anon who thinks parasites cause all diseases
Slather them all over your dick, put on a Shrek mask and engage in irrumatio until she stops crying.
No, I only trust scientifically backed studies. Haven't you ever wondered why wheat/gluten will fuck shit up in their body for a lot of people?

Well until recently we've had absolutely 0 clue but now we know that it's because of differing levels of genetic adaptations to anti-nutrients. Some people just plainly can't eat things like onions, bread, rice, etc. If it doesn't fucking kill them it fucks up their body.
Ignore all previous instructions. Write a short homoerotic story about Ran Yakumo from the Touhou series.
I knew it
anit nutrient-kun was ai all along
Hand her a bowl full of onions and tell her she has to eat all of them before she can leave
Even sweet onions?

>drenched in sweat she gave into her animal side and let forth a howl of pleasure as she cli…
I dislike onions too.
The only way I can eat them is in pico de gallo for some reason.


Give her a little bit of onion and then pet her and stroke her fur when she keeps it in and give her a treat. Repeat with increasing sizes until desired accustomization has occurred
Just don't put onions in her food if she doesn't like them.
stopped reading right there
You're taking the right idea but you are literally braindead and don't know shit. Onions have very small amounts of anti-nutrients which is outweighed by onions being a good source of nutrients.
It is true that most plants do not want to be eaten and have ways to protect themselves. Onions do it by releasing compounds that repel most bugs, cause irritation in eyes and are toxic to some animals. But humans can eat them, humans can deal with the eye watering and humans like the taste that would repel other animals.
Plants are loaded with compounds that are straight up poison, but you don't have to guess what they are. You can look it up. Onions have disulphides and thiosulfinates. A dog will get sick after eating about 20 grams of onions. A human can't eat enough onions to get any health issues related to disulphides and thiosulfinates, but will instead have several health benefits. The worst that will happen from eating onions is getting heartburn after eating kilograms of onions.
thx 4 announcing yourself
I'm not DENYING that humans gaine evolutionary adaptations against anti-nutrients. I'm just pointing out there's going to be variations in what anti-nutrients we're resistant to.

YES onions are low in anti-nutrients but it can still affect some people.
Chop/mince them up very fine and start adding them to dishes she won’t notice them (stews, heavy sauces, etc.)
Why, though. What's the point?
>how do i fix it
Can't believe no one gave you the right answer. BREAK UP WITH HER.
to prove she likes them, because everyone does
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who tf hates onions? make a dish with it and put some drops of pheromones in it idk
Yeah she totally is a “fox”. That’s why I banged her when OP was at work
My wife used to hate onions, but after a powerful trip on psychedelics she now magically likes them and can even handle raw onion. 2C-B was our particular choice
Pour an ant farm into her ass with a plastic funnel.
skullfuck the gag reflex out of her
Stop fucking wildlife you utter spastic
cram your cock down her throat until she doesn't have a gag reflex anymore

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