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File: nnnn.jpg (723 KB, 1200x1200)
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Has snacking finally gone too far?
>it's real
hope is lost
afraid so.
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I believe that this frozen concoction may be an actual man-made horror, but not entirely beyond our comprehension. Chocolate covered potato chips exist. Pic very related.
damn, I would probably like that
They're actually really good and I bet the OP is too.
File: Frisky_Feast.jpg (21 KB, 300x262)
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Sure, niggas be eatin frisky feast
i like chocolate covered pretzels, so whats stopping me from enjoying these!?
>limited edition
I couldn't find them online...
Once you start eating Goodpoop like in OP's pic and eating lead paint chips then the snacking has gone too far but then after all that the eater likely wouldn't know.
these are good, its deep fried starch covered in chocolate, cmon
dairy free is where i draw the line. this shit is for hedonistic cult fucks. enjoy your koolaid.
Once I like eating my deep fried clam strips dipped in molten chocolate then am I going down the wrong route?

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