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Gordon Ramsey steak for £38 plus service charge
is that liquid on the bottom mash?
I'd expect it to be more expensive, there's only one Gordon Ramsey after all.
>no smashed taters
cmon cunty old man
It helps when he has like 20 restaurants, from burger joints to multi-course tasting menus. He gets money from poors trying to impress, poors trying "fancy" burgers in Vegas, and then the middle class and upper class peons can eat at his steak houses and fine dining establishments. He is an equal opportunity money maker.
>ok the price is 30 dollars
>but actually it isn't cuz there's a random "service change" that we refuse to outright build into the menu price and this is different than a tip
Gordon, Grilled. Fucking. Cheese. Grilled cheese. Why is this so hard for you?
Yeah I know, it's crazy isn't it? But he's worth over 50 million dollars and gained 20+ Michelin stars. What about you? I reckon miles under one million dollars and no Michelin stars, but you make a mean grilled cheese? Well done you. You're winning
Seethe all you want, Gordon. It will not make the cheese melt any faster.
I'm not seething, but it seems that I've made you piss in your panties ma'am
Cheese still un-melted and bread burnt
>hurrr let gwilled cheese
Oh nooooo. The shame of it! You can probably make a very nice grilled cheese. Therefore you're a better cook than him and, by rights, he should be handing over his wealth to you. Well done wee man. Pat yourself on the back.
Has anyone actually been to one of his restaurants?

There's a burger place of his in my area and thinking of trying it out. There will also be a steak restaurant of his opening later. Would probably just be a one time thing.
Also that's not 30 dollars, it's 38 pounds which equals about 49 US dollars.
>pricing is dishonest
>quality is subpar
>keep eating at these places
they wouldnt do it if you didnt let them
>Therefore you're a better cook than him
almost any of the home cooks on /ck/ are better cooks than him.
He's just a better TV personality. that's where his money came from.
Yes of course. He worked under Marco Pierre White, Albert Roux, Guy Savoy, Joel Robuchon. Anybody can work for them. They take people off the street. They didn't identify any skill in him. Just blithely took him on. And also, Michelin stars are memes and corrupt and don't mean anything. So it doesn't matter how many he earned. I'm not a fan of his, but people like you are so simplistic that your IQs cannot be over 80. You're literal mongoloids who can't consider anything past your noses.
He worked under them but he sure doesn't cook like it. He got all his money from TV, anon. This is an objective fact.
Not him, but even ignoring his awful grilled cheese, the eggplant vegan steak thing he made was such a monstrosity that to this day I can't figure out whether I think he's doing this stuff to troll because he thinks it's funny on some level or if he really is just a horrible cook who got lucky with fame.

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