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How do you make yours? I typically prefer sliced ham, but sometimes it's nice to switch things up and use a sausage patty instead.
>lightly buttered and toasted whole wheat English muffin
>pork breakfast sausage patty
>fried egg
>cheddar cheese
>a few drops of habanero hot sauce
Doesn't get much better than that.
I usually have oatmeal or a banana
OK, have you never made a breakfast sandwich?
there is no reason to be humble
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Depends on the mood, but usually it's just your average english muffin
>mozz slice
>whatever coldcuts I've got on hand at the time, be it canadian bacon, ham, salami, etc. Sometimes I'll have 3 or 4 different kinds of coldcuts and I'll make a supreme with a couple slices of each
Ham, sharp cheddar, scrambled egg cooked with green onions in an egg ring on an english muffin or plain bagel, well toasted with plenty of butter.
Toasted english muffin or bagel
Sausage or bacon, if all I have is ham then that after being heated in a pan
Fried egg
Pepper jack or american cheese
english muffin toasted with light mayo and cheese
ham steak or bacon
fried egg
that's all

if I have avocado, I'll sub it for the cheese sometimes
made one like this the other day it was really good
hard roll
sharp cheddar
scrambled egg
mayo, franks redhot, ketchup mixed
>English muffin or bagel
>crisp bacon
>over medium egg
>pepper jelly
>white cheddar
>spinach or arugula
I have a soft spot for those bougie breakfast sandwiches. This is one with sausage, egg, cheese, and spicy kewpie mayo on brioche from a local coffee shop. $8. Overpriced but it is honestly executed well and I like it.
always liked it the way mom made them, english muffin/butter/fried and folded egg with american cheese/slightly overcooked bacon/a thick tomato slice with pepper and salt.
Tomato slice is an intriguing addition to a breakfast sandwich, although it would make sense. Like adding an egg to a BLT.
i like to scramble the eggs with some water and cook them in a cake pan (covered with foil). that way, i can cut out an egg patty that is the exact size of the bread or biscuit i am using.
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Most times I just make a classic sausage egg muffin. I use a ring to get that McDs egg style and a little msg. And deli merican cheese instead of shit kraft singles
A nice crust on the sausage patty from smashing it on the griddle
Also butter the muffin and toast it face down instead of the toaster
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But sometimes I get fancy with a folded egg
I had to use bacon this day cause I was out of sausage but I'd normally never do that. Sausage is practically mandatory for a breakfast sandwich
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Texture on the folded egg is amazing if done right, folded in while the egg is still slightly wet so it finishes from its own heat
The whole point of breakfast sandwiches is to grab a cheap compact breakfast experience at a fast food drive thru.
If you're breaking out pans and separately frying eggs and bacon, toasting muffins (etc) then you might as well make a proper home breakfast.

This is like making shitty fast food burgers at home - retarded. These products exist as a compromise between hunger and cheapness/convenience. It only works when scaled up to mass production. If you're spending time and effort making just one (1) of them at home, you lost.
>can't toast a bun while cooking an egg and sausage on the griddle at once
Retard, takes less than 5 minutes to put together a sandwich unless you're a brainlet
that looks great op im going to buy some english muffins
Anyone can do it, no one is impressed with a fried egg. Yet you're dirtying 3 pans and wasting time to make a mockery of a mass produced sandwich when a real breakfast can be cooked in one pan in 3 minutes. Once you move out from your mum's house, you might get it.
>Yet you're dirtying 3 pans and wasting time
No I'm dirtying 1 pan or 1 burner on the griddle and wasting less than 5 minutes of my time you angry sperg
You're too dumb and fat to understand how easy it is, nobody cares that you'd rather eat mass produced fast food poison you talentless loser
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>I'm frying eggs, bacon, and toasting a muffin on one pan in 5 minutes
No you're not, it's obvious by the photos. You can't accept that you're retarded, and that's fine. You've been told
Are the 3 pans in the room with you right now anon?
If you can't cook a sausage patty and eggs less than 5 minutes then you might be the retard buddy
>3 pans
what in the absolute fuck are you talking about dude? you clearly have no idea how to cook. other anon is right, this is a 1 pan dish.
>12in cast iron to cook a bunch of sausage patties
>8in cast iron to cook the eggs
The 12in might need a little scrubbing since breakfast sausage usually has some sugar and other stuff that sticks, but the egg skillet basically just needs a blast of hot water, then wipe with a paper towel. If you have a toaster you can toast the English muffin in there, or one of the skillets.
kek raging virgin samefag.
You're wrong, I win. Simple as
Yeah you win biggest retard, congrats fatass
we know. lmfao
Please, I made this thread to discuss breakfast sandwiches, not to LARP as a child witnessing their parents divorce.
you're actually braindead if you cant cook one of these in a single pan. keep coping, you outed yourself as a cooklet.
Lose weight
Sorry bud board has gone to shit just like every other board lately
lmao samefag
I already won. Relax. you'll live longer.
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i was thinking about making some breakfast sandwiches with Hawaiian rolls
Seethe more
I got a whole pack of Hawaiian rolls, might have to make that. Looks great
Chill with the dumping butter and honey shit all over them but yeah that looks bussing
Fucking newfag.
>English muffin
Didn't you'll fight a whole war to get rid of those guys? Now you're just eating their muffins?
They don't even know what English muffins are, I think they call them scones or some shit, It's hilarious. We just call them that to make fun of them.
I get it, you put the oatmeal between two banana slices, and it's like a little tea sandwich!
I just fry up an egg, put a slice of American, and eat it on toast. I'm a simple man of simple pleasures.

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