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is there anything better than the humble ham & cheese baguette?
That has salami. French people do ham and butter on a baguette instead of cheese, which is funny since they're known for eating a lot of cheese. Never tried it.
falling down the stairs
maybe a manicure
Fry the ham and cheese, and also add chorizo. Also an egg if you’re into that.
the oreo cheeseburger
Brie is commonly inserted into jambon-beurre sandwiches
France has a lot of salamis, too, my favorite is Jesus Christ de Basque
the peak of french cuisine
>Chef, we need another oreo burger on table 5...
>That's great, it's my favourite food to make!
my ex-wife tried to poison me by making me a ham and cheese baguette with ham she had left out in the sun for the entire day
it was my favourite drunken food and she made it for me assuming i wouldnt notice, but fortunately my trained palate let me notice the slight rancid taste
never been able to eat ham & cheese since then though, so I guess any food would be better for me
how did it only have a slight rancid taste if it was in the sun all day?
Men aren't supposed to get manicures. Manicures are for people who never work with their hands, which naturally pushes back your cuticles. The most you need to do is cut your nails because getting dirt under them hurts.
Motive, means, and opportunity. What would be your ex's?
i dont live in a very sunny country
i was cheating on her
a sandwich
she often made me sandwiches
>has salami and capicola on it
that's not a ham and cheese
and that's not a baguette
you sir are a liar
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alright well that all checks out
The ol' poison sandwich trick, she'd never get away with it.
damn anon, i had the same thing happen to me with empanadas
why is it when your old lady tries to poison you it's gotta be with your favourite food!?
It's kind of spooky that we both did this at the same time

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