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File: gouda-extra-vieux.jpg (131 KB, 800x800)
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131 KB JPG
Imagine chedder mixed with parmegiano.

Do you know those hard bits of cheese crystalline in parmegiano? It has those.
Its dryish, brittle, the sour part of cheddar is way toned down, its pure of flavour.
that looks good
It's pronunced HOW-DA, by the way....
G not h and ou not o
I ll let the t slide
That image makes me crave an apple slice.
Like from a Granny Smith.
stupid, dumb, Fleming scum
Comparing the best of cheeses isn't easy because very few people have actually had the best of lots of types.
So stop worrying about "best" and instead go with "is very good".
>G - like you're gorgling spit
>AU - Like you're stumping your toe
>DA - Like russians say yes
> cheese crystalline
Thats MSG you fucking retard

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