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Are there some alternatives?
What's the point? If it's vegan then it's substituted with even worse shit
This. I have nothing against vegans, but if you're vegan you really don't need a Frankenstein cheese substitute. Just eat good vegan food of veggies, whole grains, nuts etc. If you're vegan for ethical reasons you're already fucked if you're eating stuff like tofu and if you're vegan for health reasons then fake vegan cheese is at least as bad or worse than dairy.
adequate substitutes exist for every other animal product except for cheese, nothing really even gets close to good enough
just eat real cheese you fudge packing queer
>I need vegan cheese
No you don't
Your alternative is to stop being vegan
I can make vegan cheese if I stop showering for 4 days.
Safeway keeps giving me digital coupons for free VioLife vegan cheese-alike. They say it melts but it doesn't really. The smoked provolone actually does taste like real cheese but the American and cheddar are both too fucking salty.
t. not vegan guy who's about to cook cheeseburgers for the famalam
>I really don't know why Safeway keeps giving me free vegan shit; we buy tofu because it tastes good but that's the extent of it and we seldom to never eat it in anything vegan
>every other animal product
Not hard boiled eggs.
>just support the heinous treatment of animals
I'd give YOU a heinous treatment, you queen.
Just make your cheese from the breast milk of a consenting human woman. No veganism issues there.
>Literally writes a book called "How To Die"
he seems so trustworthy guys
hardboiled eggs aren't essential for nearly as many dishes as cheese is, and aren't that great anyway
steak can't be substituted either, but steak is not that difficult to go without
>aren't that great anyway
Bullshit. I fucking love hard-boiled eggs.
Cheese tastes like foot fungus, why would you want to replicate that taste? I guess blended up mushrooms mixed with nutritional yeast and a lot of salt?
Cheese is made from milk, you can't make cheese without milk. It's impossible to make vegan cheese.
Thats not vegan, thats an animal based product.
this nigga never had dick cheese
this cracka never had penis milk
>I need vegan cheese.
Vegan WHAT?
>Are there some alternatives?
Real ones, or some unholy creation faintly resembling actual cheese made with some plant byproduct?
Sounds like lactose intolerant cope
That's not what veganism means.
Why do jews look so evil and demonic.
>Jews hate this one weird trick!
Maybe dick cheese, try it out
Because they are?
>t. supports the heinous treatment of humans that disagree with him politically
People who think eating meat is "manly" are the most insecure in the closet fagets ever, I bet you are a balding manlet
All the serious vegan doctors (actual doctors and heart surgeons like Caldwell Esselstyn or Campbell, not Greiger who was never a doctor and he's basically just a quack) are all well and alive in their 90s following a plant based diet, meanwhile quacks advocating keto bs all get heart attacks in their 50s and 60s
evil and demonic characters in fiction have likely been, at least in part, antisemetic caricatures for a very long time
such character designs are still influential today

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