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File: freezer bag.jpg (393 KB, 2000x2000)
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How do they work? Is a freezer bag just a thicker version of a regular plastic bag, or is it a slightly different material that is less permeable? In a pinch can you just use two regular bags?
They're just thicker.

Now please remove your thread, we need more fast food and sloppa threads.
>In a pinch can you just use two regular bags?
and double your waste? meh. 9 times out of 10 you are going to be fine just using one regular bag. don't sweat it.
For what's in that bag pictured I'd have gotten bigger ones so they're easier to seal.
OP, just stop and think for a second. Imagine one of those super thin, small baggies they put chex mix in and give out to toddlers or retardeds; the baggie usually has like a cheap looking decoration running along the width, the ziplock is green.
Imagine freezing something in that. It would be freezer burned after day two. So it has something to do with the thickness of the bag.
>It would be freezer burned after day two.
It'd be cool to see an actual test of this. Somehow I don't think much moisture would pass through the polyethylene in two days.
I feel like regular ziploc brand is a good middleground between the cheapo knockoff sandwich bags like that, and the actual freezer bags. I freeze stuff in regular ziplocs and never had a problem.
idk, maybe the freezer ones are good if you're freezing a lot of stuff for a long time. but for me, regular ones that are a little cheaper, and I can use to occasionally freeze something for a couple weeks, works just fine.
I didn't bother with those. Due to how stiff they are, I can never get as much air out of them as I'd like. I prefer using "bakery bags" or whatever you call them. Or fold-over type sandwich bags.
> Or fold-over type sandwich bags
you’re a monster
I use this when freezing steaks, but I also roll the steaks in cling/ Saran wrap before putting them in the bags

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