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>this meal only costs $1.40 per serving!!!!
>oh btw you have to spend $55 on getting all the ingredients lol hehe
$55 for 39 servings of food sounds good to me.
it's a good thing the rest of the ingredients don't just magically disappear and you can use them to make more things.
>this cut of meat is incredibly cheap per pound compared to other cuts due to its tough nature that you can only make palatable with a gorillion hours dry brining and slow cooking!
>mininum 12 pounds
What kind of basement-dwelling incel are you that you don't already have flour, cheese, pepperoni, and bell pepper laying about?
>bulk, difficult ingredients cost less than efficient, easy ingredients
>wooowww wtf
is this your first fucking day on earth? jesus christ
I don't believe for a second that you somehow didn't understand the point. It does no good to sell me on the practicality of a cheap cut of meat if I have to buy an impractical amount of it.
Yes, tell me more how it is more expensive to be poor

I see it a lot at the supermarket when I deliberately try to buy smaller amounts of things I use rarely: they always cost more per unit volume/weight
What's impractical about 12lbs of meat? Are you so stricken with poverty that you lack a freezer? I guess Obamaphones have Internet access. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to post your special (emphasis on special, tard-o) brand of stupid here, poverty-kun
More like
>btw the "serving" is sized for a starving 3 foot 2 african child
nobody said they were selling you on practicality. that's the point. you can make that meat go farther for less money, but you have to put in more time and effort to prepare and store it. or, you pay more money for efficient & practical ingredients. at the end of the day, the question is do you value your time, or your money? that's capitalism 101. if somebody could offer a cheap AND practical product, they would dominate the market.
and furthermore, the reason they can afford to sell you "impractical" cuts of meat at lower cost, is because they don't have to spend as much money processing it; the labor is left to the customer, who picks up the cost by processing the product themselves.
don't act so arrogant when you don't even understand basic bitch economics. cunt.
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Who do ethiopian kids have such big bellies and such thin arms? Too much food, too little work!
>nobody said they were selling you on practicality
>this cut of meat is incredibly cheap per pound
Now why would I give a shit about cost if I wasn't concerned with practicality? Do you have autism or is English not your first language?
>can't budget $55 in advance
>oh you need more than 12 calories a day?
>lool fattie xDDDDDD
Back to the Ganges with you
I love that the pic is the pizza from back to the future 2
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if you have one of these in your home, theres a compartment called "the freezer" that can be used for storing excess prepared meals, among other things.
Also noticed...that scene was cool as a kid
Following the standard American serving size and food pyramid WILL make you obese. If that's still not enough then you're going full Brendan Frasier mode.
I'm scared to use it because he keeps trying to kill Goku.
Good morning sir
But the food pyramid hasn't been the standard in the US since 2011 and getting sufficient protein, then fat, then filling the rest of your calorie allowance at or 10-25% above or below your maintenance level depending on goals with complex carbs and the occasional simple carb as a treat or before exercise is the gold standard for 95+% of people.

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