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I'm so tired of stir fry, what else can I do with the same sets of ingredients?

I make stir fry like every week. Its getting really tiresome and uninspired.
depends what ingredients you normally use. stir fry can have basically anything in it, maybe be a little more specific.
>AI recipes
on that note, if OP is real, I would suggest just taking the ingredients you want to use, plug them into chatgpt and ask for a shortlist of recipe ideas. I wouldn't use a full AI recipe, but it's good at giving you ideas to get started
No, I'm just tired of stir fry and really have no clue what to make that also includes as many veggies other then a salad.
I mean just in general. For example what else can I make with a tofu, bell peppers, brocoli/cabbage/spinach. Basically what else can I make out of leftover veggies.

If not a side for meat or stir fry I really don't see many uses. Maybe a soup?
>If not a side for meat
I mean, you can just eat "sides" on their own. make roasted vegetables tossed in some oil & herbs, bulked up with some potatoes or hearty root veg. that's a solid meal.
or raw or sauteed veg with some hummus and pita.
veggie sandwich/wrap.
soups are great too. or a stew like a ratatouille.

just look up vegetarian recipes, there's a lot of people with veggie-centric diets, you can find all kinds of recipes.
Omelettes, quiche, stuffed peppers, Korean pancakes, bad tacos, bad burritos, pasta salad, decent quesadillas
oh yeah and also a lot of indian food is vegetarian. you could make curries and stuff. or mexican food, just sub meat for black beans.

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