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How hard do these fast food corporations need to fuck you before you learn to cook, anons?

>It turns out that Chipotle customers were right in their complaints about skimpy portion sizes at some locations. On Wednesday, CEO Brian Niccol disclosed that a company investigation found that 1 in 10 of its restaurants were too meager with their servings.

>Chipotle looked into the issue after rumors of shrunken portions circulated on social media, including from influential food reviewers on TikTok who shared images of small helpings. Some customers claimed they got bigger meals when they filmed workers putting their orders together.

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sigh. i miss the old days
back in 2007 minimum wage was like $5 an hour that shit was insanely expensive
Anon, that was almost 20 years ago... it's like when your parents reminisced about the 70s when you were young
never been there never will
i have some news for you about the federal min wage
I find it amazing that I WASN"T encountering this in Cali. Portions are the same as they ever were, where I'm at.
Isn't the real question is why would anyone in their right mind go to chipotle in the first place?
I went there once, it sucked. Tried a second time, that also sucked. Never again and that was like 15 years ago.
It's like no thanks chippotle you can fuck off and die.
If I want shit and know that I'm gonna get shit then I'll just go to McD or worse BK. At least I wont have to deal with pretence and bullshit like the fucks from chipotle and starbucks and their ilk.
lil bro really eating chipotle in cali
I never got a pretentious vibe from Chipotle. it's barely a step up from fast food joints.
Starbucks is pretentious for no reason though. It's funny when Euro tourists go and lose their minds because it's a status symbol in whatever stupid country they're from.
getting something similar at the restaurants around here would cost twice as much, and take 10-15 minutes for them to make. No taco trucks in this podunk town, either.
I always did right from the start, it starts at making people stand in bizzaro cattle car lanes. If you didn't see then then maybe you're used to it.
~ t. NY
I didn't really notice smaller portion sizes as much as I noticed most of the employees seeming to not give a fuck and have some attitude most of the time. I'm not paying a premium to get sass
yeah the lanes are dehumanizing. for some reason I only have gotten chipotle at bizarre hours so it's rarely been a problem. I haven't really gone since they rolled out the app orders. online orders get more priority than the people actually in the store, fuck that.
If it's off hours then what's the purpose of "priority?" It's like disney with the + shit, it's pay more for priority when there's no line in the first place. I hope chipole crashes and burns and the investors lose their shirts and panties.
Making my own carnitas right now. I'll be eating burritos for the next week, I guess.
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they are doing amazingly well right now unfortunately.
For some reason college kids seem to love chipotle and raising canes. I don't understand why because they're overpriced as fuck and not even very good. Then again they opened up a location for this company called Swig and all they do is sell soda or energy drinks with some flavoring added to it and that drive through is wrapped around the building almost every single time i drive past there. People just have shit taste.
They're likely not paying for it, remember the biden / kamela debt begone stuff so why should they care?
It seems like another scheme to get people engrained to the democrat party, forgive debts, let in as many illegals as possible, of course the democrats will get more voters.
Almost no states use the federal minimum, can't even think of one but i'm sure there's some new mexico ass shithole still paying seben fitty
I work at chipotle and since this trend started I've been putting prolly about 2/3rds MORE shit in peoples orders then usual and I've been making some crazy tips from it, earlier this week a dad slipped me a $20 after I made all his kids food I never felt so appreciated in society before. And it's not just me, some of my co-workers are doing so as well and our manager thinks it's great cuz our reviews went from 3.5 to 4 stars since may which shes been wanting us to do for like a year now, plus we've been getting a lot more repeat customers to the point I've memorized some of their orders. I am getting a raise to $17 an hour next month and I think it might be because I spearheaded doing this.
So the stories seeming to differ tremendously from location to location certainly checks out. I live in one of the whitest places in the country BTW
>i have some news for you about the federal min wage
If you do not receive the federal min wage, you are receiving money without tax you are getting money "under the table". Otherwise it is USSC violation and you can be making millions. Unless you are aren't in the US legally and therefore violate all the protection at the state and national level.

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