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What is your favorite sweet treat?
some anon suggested nerd ropes on here like 15 months back and I got one and it was pretty good
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Cumming in your sister's pussy
I eat pieces of shit like you fou're breakfast.
belgian pralines
wtf are you trying to say?
You're a self admitted shit eater
>Cummy Glusters
>sweet & cummy
Of all the things to shop.
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those are really good but this is my favorite
I like shopping for them in my neighborhood market. What is wrong with shopping for them?
grandma chocolate chunk cookies as a kid. I got it recently as an adult and I thought it tasted like shit lol. now I upgraded to grocery store bakery brownies.
if he ain't got two fingers in your crack while licking nerds gummy glusters off your back, he ain't the one.
cum after my power bottom BF has eaten alot of pineapple
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I love these

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