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You will eat ze bugs, one way or another.
you got this from reddit.
No shit. They actually talk about good there unlike your dumb ass.
>talk about good
Yet another confused esl. Sad
Stay in school, lad.
Only returns are confused by typos. Even worse if you take pride in it.
I don't even think this sounded like a decent comeback in your head
If I wanted my come back I would tell your Mom to spit.
That is a "play on words". Understanding jokes like that will help you become less confused.
You're trying way too hard, it's embarrassing
What other English phrases have you learned? I have heard that one too many times.
Yummy Yummy for your tummy!
meagan good or good charlotte?
thats a peppercorn
The fuck are you talking about?
No, why would there be a singular peppercorn embedded that deep into the muscle of a pig? Same goes for an insect. It's most likely some sort of cyst.
its a cigarette burn from the guy at the deli
and yet you are here and not there
>be wrong
>>hey you're wrong
Your classes met in those trailers at the back of the school, huh?
this type of “ham” is a processed sausage, it’s nearly baloney at this point. look at OP’s ham, it’s full of air-bubbles too
You have to go back
>be right

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