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That's it! I'm done! I'm done pretending to hate this place just to fit in with you autistic retards. I prefer this place over every mom and pop Italian place I've ever had and I live in the north east.

>God tier value
>God tier Salad
>God tier breadsticks
>God tier soups
>God tier pasta
>Chefs trained in Italy
>Chefs trained in Italy
>Line cooks from Mexico
The ma and pop places are only worse because they sell reheated Sysco slop. Cooking your own food will always be superior.
Though if my uncle called me and wanted to take me out to Olive Garden I wouldn't hesitate to say yes.
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They were so much better back in the day. We have to go back.
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That's the only restaurant I'll eat at, but there are flaws, a lot of them

How long you gonna keep this up
This is the first mention of Olive Garden I've seen here in months.
the restaurants you're referring to get their ingredients from sysco so they will more or less taste the same
quality italian restaurants make better food with better ingredients
Bury this fucking hot head. Up to his neck in his mothers grave!
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I ate there 4 times in 1997 and once in 2004 and I always enjoyed it.

If I go will it be familiar or has it completely changed?
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I fucking love their lasagna. Such a satisfying plate of slop. The salad and bread sticks are fantastic. Honestly, the coffee is really good too. It's just a shame huge black families take over their dining rooms.
Looks like some proppa buffet lasagna sloppa
Eh maybe if I could make their sauces at home.
I hope that you're being facetious. Why would you want to make copycat sysco / olive garden shit sauce at home?
>huge black families
They're called Sicilians, you racist.
>It's just a shame huge black families take over their dining rooms.
Should be a sign innit.
Maybe like a dark portent of evil, bet they don't tip
go to reddit and make a tier list if you like it so much

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