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So I wanted some extra protein with my meal and a cheesesteak wasnt enough. I think I invented a new food. While I was grilling the shaved steak I thought wait, what if.. so I cracked a raw egg directly over it.
and mixed it with the cheedesteak. Fast it started sizzing like oill. I kept it runny and fast scooped it all into a hoagie. Added chees whiz. It was incredible. A cheesesteak sub with runny eggs.
Guys ditch the egg whites. Just use the yolk and dont let it fully cook. keep it runny. Youve never had anything like this.
We call that a Snapping Eugene where I'm from.
That's just carbonara
We call it a hot carl where i come from. Also for me its the mcchicken.
We call that a hot dripping shit in these parts and the mctourists pay a pretty penny for it.
Massive slop'o'shit
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Dude I genuinely laughed out loud
It does sound bretty good.
>I wanted some extra protein with my meal
>a cheesesteak wasnt enough
post wrist, fatty
I know that.
>It's another "I invented an Iowa style cheesesteak" thread
Lurk moar

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