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anyone able to replicate this shit at home? any time I make it smells and tastes funny. I want it mild as can be, contributing mostly that creamy texture and fat.
No desire. Mayo is just an ingredient for me
>smells and tastes funny
not using lemons?
nah but ill try that thanks.
American mayo is disgusting
Hellmans is way too tangy. Mayo should be rich with a slight acid aftertaste, not taste like its half vinegar
use white wine vinegar
Bitter thirdie detected
Fuck off hipster faggot. You contribute nothing to this thread.
White win vinegar + soy bean seed oils and instant egg.
Use a vegetable oil, not canola. Canola stinks. Literally. Egg yolk, white vinegar, salt, dijon, add a bit of water to make it more creamy.
Mayo is extremely easy to make if you have a food processor or high end blender
I find it tastes better but is always more liquidy than store bought because of whatever they put in there

Homeade is better for dip but sotre for spreading on sandwiches
>always more liquidy
I figured out, and this is extremely counterintuitive, that adding MORE oil as it mixes actually makes it turn out perfect. I would have thought less oil = thicker mayonnaise but no. Someone here told me that and they were right. So I'm passing on the information. Good luck, homemade-mayo-Anon
I use Iliada (greek) filtered olive oil. It's neutral in taste. I drop all ingredients into a large tumbler and hit this with a stick blender until it's clearly mayo. Works every time. Easy, healthier and tastes comparable with Hellmans but superior, richer and tangier.
>tastes just like Hellmans except not at all like Hellmans
kys mutt

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