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Hello /ck/, I am baking pies this week. To get a flaky crust I will be baking them in a metal pie pan (not disposable). However, it will be displayed, so I am planning on transferring them to a ceramic dish (that looks similar to pic related).

What should I do to best ensure the pie fits into the ceramic dish after being baked?
Post pies
the way i pronounce pies sounds like "piss"
This is not a Cram pie.
How will you transfer the pie? In terms of sizing you could just freeze a thin layer of water in the metal one and see if the ice fits the ceramic (might have to let the ice block rest at room temp to remove though)
I was going to remove it using an offset icing spatula and then plop it into the ceramic dish.

It seems the only thing to "prevent" it from reaching the bottom of the ceramic dish is the crust. You think tucking the crust inside the metal pie pan is a good idea?

Like instead of making the crust on the side, just inside only like pic related
>first bite of pecan pie
this is the best thing i ate in weeks
>fourth bite of pecan pie
this shit fucking sucks i need an ambulance
Transfer it to a flat dish like one would serve cake on.
Ceramic pie pans suck, don't encourage them.
My crusts turn out just fine with glass, but maybe that's because I have an electric oven and the bottom element can radiate through glass as well.
My pies do best in metal; the glass I have does not heat up enough in the center. I am using the ceramic for display, not baking.
I don't own flat dishes, I have no use for them.
Maybe I will just cook them in the Ceramic and call it a day. Ceramic spreads heat evenly, but slowly...I will just have to add onto cooking time and put it over a baking sheet.
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DAE hate the thing restaurants do where they call it a meat pie or a pot pie, but then it comes out and it’s just a bowl of stew with a piece of vol-au-vent on top lazy fucking bitches
dom't be greedy with the vol-au-vents

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