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What are some cheap and easy things to cook for a date? I had been thinking if making a 6 layer nacho dip but maybe I should do something else since she's making a peach cobbler after?
Just grill a couple bacon cheeseburgers.
anything with roofies in it
Blackened chicken Alfredo with angel hair pasta and a salad if she’s worth spending a few extra minutes on spicing up chicken.

Fried chicken and cornbread with green beans/okra if she’s got a big brapper so you can fill her up of elegant aroma.

Pasta salad, and split a huge grilled steak and a cold beer if she’s simple and easy to please.

German beer cheese dip and pretzel sticks as a warm up, with a schnitzel and jaeger sauce on top of mashed potatoes if she believes in the unification of the white race with an amberbock or Hefeweizen beer,

Take out if you just wanna bang.
Ravioli with pesto, some bread, and some moscato to go with the cobbler.
>cheap and easy

is that all she or he is worth? shame on you op.
Dick in a bread bowl
Careful on the soup choice though
Cook what you would want to eat. You want to find out if this is someone you could eat with every day; not trick them into using their holes.
Pro tip with women bro. Don’t do anything for her. Last time I had a girl come over I made ramen noodles and pork chops, it was what I was gonna eat anyway. She thought I was creative for using ramen noodles as a side dish lol. I fucked her. But more importantly, I know in the future if she becomes my gf, she knows how I actually live and I won’t feel like I have to pretend to love eating shitty girl food. It’s also just alpha to not do shit for her, guys with options don’t have to do all that beta wooing shit
>ramen noodles and pork chops
Do you even marinade?
Nope if it’s dry I just dip it in the ramen broth
I haven't been working much lately but spend hundreds on the last few dates. I think I already spent more on here than she's used to from most guys.

To a degree you're right, ive always been a selfish guy. But I like spending time with this girl and I've got to eat so it's only half about her. I'm cooking to save money. She gives me pussy so I'm not trying to impress too much.

This is what I was thinking. Don't want to set the bar too high when I dont usually make fancy dishes.

Some excellent ideas, thank you anon.

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