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Avocado tastes like clean dick. Cheese tastes like unclean dick. What food tastes the most like pussy?
Salty milk with a side of coins
Beluga whale actually
Drink a shot of Bourbon out of a dirty ashtray.
pussy doesn't have a taste. it basically just tastes like spit i.e. whatever their mouth tastes like
I hate bitches who dont brush & floss their cunt
im interested in this thread but OP, how are you so knowledgable on how dick tastes?
Flexible men under 6 feet tall can taste the tip.

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Maybe if you put salt on the avocado first. Clean dick tastes like skin. source = dick connoisseur
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This. Had a few dozen in my time and quickly learned that clean decent women's pussies don't even have a taste, and very rarely a smell. Once you graduate past easy mode dumpy sluts, the world makes a lot more sense.
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OP is a penis expert
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I can tell you how it smells.
It probably tastes like you, OP.
>What food tastes the most like pussy?
depends on the girl and what said girl has been doing, stuff like perfume and body wash can change the flavors
Blue cheese olive brine mixed with passion fruit puree.
I should call her
>Once you graduate past easy mode dumpy sluts, the world makes a lot more sense.
how so?
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Hidden skunk
you will never find out lmao
I'm a dick expert and i never had a dick that tasted like avocado, you're sick op,what kind of dicks you've been sucking? Check yourself
>Avocado tastes like clean dick. Cheese tastes like unclean dick.
My guess is that your source is yourself?
good pussy tastes a little sour and a little earthy. so idk, mushrooms sauteed in heavy cream and vinegar?
You're never gonna have a food that actually tastes like pussy
canned tuna

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