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Post cakes you've made
Cake thread for cake posting and cake makers
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Personally, I prefer savory pies like chicken pot, but I can dabble in abble once in a while
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did you really make that?
Yeah, but my mom taught me how
(Honestly I still prefer the apple pies from costco to our own homemade ones. Theyre just so crunchy and flakey and good)
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hmph. that's not a very good testament to your skill but hey who cares
I fried a batch donut once when I was 16yo
my dad thought I'm going to came out gay and did that "as a hint"

click -here- to unsubscribe to my blogpost
looks good. post recipe?
I dont want to unsubscribe
I want to hear more about your relationship with your dad
It's called dobos torte if you wanna look it up
You can also scroll my thread that got nuked yesterday
fine, we just didn't talk much since he always work late
I bet he still think I'm gay since I haven't had any gf lol
Are you gay, anon?
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Does cheesecake count?
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Shieeeeet does for me, that looks scrumptious my nigga
W8 why did you get nuked
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Whole board got nuked anon
Like 20 boards got nuked
Don't really believe you
Fuck yeah yhey do bro that looks great
You got a cross section or a slice?
Here's my recent cheesecake
are these keto btw?
I'm watching my carb intake
Why are you a woman?
Based cooking thread OP, sad you effortposted and the thread got shoa'd with the board.
Would eat.
What kind of cake is this?
See >>20783258
>It's called dobos torte if you wanna look it up
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my first cake
i fucked up the butter cream but everybody said it was great..which is super annoying and feels like everyone is just placating the retard making cakes for some fucking reason.
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hello, female
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>dobos torte
Hungarian. never heard of it. Is it good?
This looks store bought meaning that if you actually did make it yourself then good work anon
Looks tasty though, if you want to try it next time I find it easier to do a chocolate whipped filling and coating with a ganache top coat (with or without whipped piping on top)
Romanian actually like everything good in the balkans Hungarians steal it and try to make it their own (sarmale, cârnați, dobos,etc)
nothing good comes from Hungary I spit on Hungary *PTUAH*
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>romanian complaining about people stealing
Any Austrian and by extent Belgian and Hungarian patisserie is top tier.
It were the Austrians who "lent" the recipes from elsewhere, not the Hungarians. They then started calling those recipes Austrian, then Viennese, then emperor this or empress that. The Wiener Schnizel is a great example, so is modern day fusion cuisine ("invented" by Austrian chef Wolfgang Puck).

Romanian cuisine is terribly underrated, I'll give you that.
Looks very DARK
I'd eat
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It is what it is
Oh well
It's pretty much just chocolate cake with some extra steps
Yeah, it's good
What'd you fuck up about it.
I made. Butter cream recently, too butteryfor me but others liked it
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Next time you should add a third type of chocolate, like maybe chocolate chips, even, on top and make it a tripple chocolate cake
Tripple chocolate ALWAYS sounds and tastes better than double chocolate. Infact, it's not even worth calling a double chocolate cake "double chocolate". It's more apt to just say it's a chocolate cake. BUT, if you add a third type of chocolate, it instantly elevates it to "tripple" status
>chocolate cake sponge
>chocolate buttercream
>chocolate chips/dark chocolate chunks (potential QUADchoc cake?? Do we even dare??)
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stop looking at cakes and eat your stick of butter
Muffins are, indeed, minicakes desu wa
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Here's the muffin cross section then.
Good texture
Looks nice and airy
Personally not a fan of blueberries, so I'll ask that you make me some with chocolate
How do you get them to rise and have a top? I've only tried to make muffins once and they ended up like cupcakes
>that hairstyle
Post more cakes
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can't...well i don't feel like rebooting and speed running my D drive before it shits out again, i get about 22seconds before it disappears
I once made a simple chocolate cake, it came out fucking perfect. I never could make a cake as good again. The end.
You have to try anon
You should try another one and make an OC thread about it
I did, many times. Never as good.
Then my brother took the mixer and lost it and i got tired of inferior cakes and frustrated.
I might try one more time since it's my birthday this sunday and nobody will fucking give a single fuck
Happy birthday anon
Do brownies count as cake or are they just...brownies?
Sure if you post them
I just had some awful cupcakes
Why are storebought "cakes" the most disgusting thing in the world bros?
I once made a carrot cake by sort of combining 2 recipes I found and winging it.

It was the best carrot cake I've ever had and I've never been able to replicate it or remember what I did exactly.
>cutting the pie early
Happy Birthday for this coming Sunday anon.

Try the cake one more time, and even if it doesn't work out have some nice snacks and beers on hand and enjoy yourself.
>carrot cake
Can i feasibly do it without the electric mixer?
I have seen recipes for cakes made in blenders but i never trusted them, if i recall they all had vegetable oil instead of butter, and lots of it, to make the thing blendable, maybe mixing by hand is better.
>they all had vegetable oil instead of butter
Especially since i'm chasing a really good cake, a mediocre cake i can make
Very nice
gorgeous cake right there
Missing something to make it truly good. Either play with the top more or smooth out the sides and start dripping chocolate
I made this cake twice recently, and both times it came out very dense. The first time I was trying to make a half batch, the second time I made a full batch and it came out slightly better but it had the density of a loaf. I tried not to overmix but I have a 7qt kitchenaid so it can be difficult to get smaller amounts mixed without overmixing. Any tips?
Omg that looks fucking unreal
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yea just slapped this badboy together on a whim
How did you get it to come out so pixelated??
>confectioners sugar
i'm gonna bet straight with you... i didn't know what that that coarse bakers sugar that comes on good blueberry muffins was called
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I only make coffee cakes because I have no real ambition. I just want to avoid buying sweets from the grocery store and use up my pantry ingredients and sour cream.
looks appealing but i hate berries
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i made this >>20797179
making me hungry anon
looks delicious
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Looks plain, tasted good.
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Now why would you go and ruin a perfectly good cheesecake like that? It's not even cheesecake anymore it's strawberry Jell-O with cream cheese crust.
edge looks like that thing when you boil meat and it gathers on top of the pot, my mom always throws it in the sink i didn't know they put it in bisquits
>strawberry Jell-O with cream cheese crust.
you say that like its a bad thing
It was for an order. I have cakes where I was more elaborate with the sides/top, and cakes with drip. This was just supposed to be simple and straightforward.
whats this called
A cake. I never gave it a name. Should we call it Bob?
are you roma?
I'm not a gypsy, no
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that's exactly what a gypsy would say
I'm Romanian
I hate gypsies
I would string them up from the lampposts by the neck until dead if it was legal
>I'm Romanian
>I hate gypsies
>I would string them up from the lampposts by the neck until dead if it was legal
Curious Amerishart here, I want to learn more about this cultural differentiation. What's the differance?
Good, delicious looking cake.
Romanians are from Romania. An area comprising of transylvania, wallachia, and moldova. Basically the area surrounding the carpathian mountains. In "Roman times" they were dacian and thracian barbarians in the northeast of rome
Gypsies, which is a derogatory term for "roma" are a nomadic people that originated as outcasts from rome itself in roman times. While there is a large population of gypos in romania, they're not native inhabitants. They're all over europe, too. In italy, france, germany, etc. Imagine if jews were stupid instead of conniving. That's gypsies.
No Romanian likes to be mistaken for a gypsie. And there are no people on earth that hate gypsies more than romanians
Yeah it's possible that Gypsies are a "lost" caste of Indians that were cast out and erased from history probably by the Mughals or possibly the Delhi Sultanate
I have a stand mixer but for cakes I go by hand or use a handheld electric egg beater. Glen & Friends Cooking put out a test video for reverse creaming vs regular creaming and came out in favour of reverse. I'm curious if combining chemical and mechanical leavening will also improve a cake.
Hey anon I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday before sunday ends for me.
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Why would a gypsy post on 4chan?
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I only know how to bake canele and opera cake.
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gf made bienenstich for my bday yesterday
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Last years birfday cake
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care to share your canele recipe?
Expertly crafted
Do you cool the non-colored custard first in the fridge or something to make this part easier?
I use the chef steps recipe.
Damn, thanks, anon.
I should've made that cake instead of buying a pizza. Good pizza tho
It looks harder than it is, going in with a chopstick to pull the lines will correct a lot of issues.
I would not cool the batter, you want the sauce and the batter to be similar thickness because if the sauce is much runnier than the battter it will pool/spread on top instead of making a pattern.
Any time you are making designs with sauce you should squeeeze the squeeze bottle halfway before turning it upside down. That way you can slow or stop the flow by releasing pressure when needed.
c'est bon
Looks like a chocolate booty hole
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These look so cute and tasty. Can any of you chef anons teach me an easy recipe to get started making nice cakes like these?
what's that symbol?
id shove my fingers all in that and rub it on my face
Cakes are pretty easy to get into
Quick tutorial for a simple single layer choco cake
>separate egg whites and yolks
>beat whites until fluffy, add sugar to it
>add a pinch of salt to the yolks, which I can mix around. If you want to can add a little bit of avocado oil or something to them to make the sponge a little bit oily
>mix in the egg yolks to the beaten whites alongside flour slowly
This is a basic cake batter. You can add cocoa powder to this to make it chocolate, or branch off into other things
I left no amounts because that's dependant on the size you want, look up a recipe for a size pan you have. Also baking time depends on how thick it is and stuff, so you have to figure this out yourself
Then make a chocolate buttercream
>beat butter until it lightens and doubles in volume
>add powdered sugar
>add cocoa powder (make it as dark or light as you want)
>beat whipped cream until it's even MORE whipped
>gently incorporate the whipped whipped cream into the chocolate buttercream. You have to do this slowly so you dont ruin it
Now you have chocolate buttercream and a sponge
You can figure the rest out fren
Also the thread I made about the cake in the OP is right here so you can get a visual
I wouldn't recommend starting with a five layer cake, but the general process is the same
Have fun and post your results here!
Thanks! Will try tomorrow and post results here if the thread is still up. End goal is making something as good as what you did in the OP one day
Have fun!
damn nice
I'm out of some ingredients so it'll wait until tomorrow but I already got this recipe picked out
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my personal opinion is that the layers are too thick
in a bite you won't get a harmony of flavors but just one layer at a time
if you're aiming for that, then it's great, but if you want a blend, then thinner layers
Excited to see it anonkun
Always happy to see someones first cake!
Do you mean thinner of chocolate or sponge or both?
Fygg these look so good
What is that coating it's got?
Your other two look great, too, excellent presentation
cake status: crammed
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>The Cross of Saint James, also known as the Santiago cross, cruz espada, or Saint James' Cross, is a cruciform (cross-shaped) heraldic badge. The cross, shaped as a cross fitchy, combines with either a cross fleury or a cross moline. Its most common version is a red cross resembling a sword, with the hilt and the arm in the shape of a fleur-de-lis.

>The cross gets its name from James the Greater and the account of his appearance at the Battle of Clavijo in the Spanish victory over the Moors. It is used throughout Spain and Portugal.
i feel like shit after eating goyslop
So don't eat goyslop
fuck off with your rational thinking
I don't believe it to be a woman. I think it's a gay man.
this fucking cake guy is talented. do you have your own shop or take orders out of your house? because i sure hope you're getting paid for this
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Please don't laugh, it's my first time
The whole milk in the fridge was expired so I used 2% chocolate milk. Mixed all by hand
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Tastes better than it looks really
Looks passable, but a bit questionable lol
Uhhhhhhhhhhhh as long as it tastes alright anon :)
I'm gonna mess around with the recipe more. I think the fact that it uses baking soda instead of yeast gives me way more freedom with the ingredients, case in point I got away with using 2% chocolate milk instead of whole milk
>no rotating gif and cocoa dusting
stop being modest
Is guiness cake good? it souns great in theory but...
Anon, most cakes do not use yeast at all. Also, it doesn't look like you "got away with it".
OP, your cakes look amazing. I wish I could be anywhere near as good as you.
Insane look. Recipe?
This looks really fucking good anon.
Thank you thank you
Practice makes perfect!
Nice. Bavarois ?
I want to answer you seriously but that image doesn't deserve it
Can store bought cake mix make a good cake?
this looks good, reminds me of the chocolate cake my mom would make me for birthdays when I was a kid
what's in the terrarium?
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This is a pie thread now faggots.
I'm not a homosexual. Take it back.
It's a fish tank with a betta fish and a big snail, however my wife and I have been in the hospital for a few days now due to her giving birth and I don't know if the people watching our pets are feeding the fish.
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No, just make your own, it takes like 15 minutes to make a decent cake batter.
Cream half a cup butter with 1 cup sugar, add 2 eggs, mix each time you add one, add in some vanilla + a pinch of salt, sift a cup and a half of flour into the batter, add 2 teaspoons of baking powder, mix and add in half a cup of milk. That's a very basic batter. And it's all stuff that you should have in your kitchen anyway.
lol my bad I can see the fish in the tank now, good luck with your child!
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i made this a few weeks ago
would, love me some biscoff
I was unimpressed with those cookies but that looks great.
this looks so gooddddddddddd ugh well done x
i like that you made it with chocolate milk and hand mixed - bet it worked well and tasted great
Very nice
Would eat

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