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For me, its a Matjes and a Stremellachs
what’s the suicide rate in whatever country this is from
Youre brown I suppose
I just noticed matjessalat is on there twice

for me it's the bismarck
I love the fact that as a swede who's never been to the netherlands, I know what all these are and how they taste. The west-european meta culture is precious and beautiful!
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rollmops ty
Well its all German thoughbeit
dunno, probably give matjes a crack
I know what rollmops are like, same with the hot and cold smoked salmon
brathering sounds good as does the pepper mackerel

i laughed
for me it's makrele
All missing some remoulade and lettuce.
>all missing the two most worthless culinary things ever
Yeah nah bro
i want olga's big warm stinky bratroller in my mouth NOW
viking sushi is weird
Its German
i always wanted to fvck olga pataki as a kid but now i wanna fvck miriam
I'll have, uuhhhhhhhhh...
So what's the deal, are these served cold? The Bismarck looks a lot like the pickled herring with onion I eat, which is cold. Although 'Matjes' means herring, right?
What the point of posting the same thread for years
The humble Bismarck

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