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>this is peak Australian cuisine

Looks like prison food tbqh.
that snag needs some onion and mustard
>sausages in bread $2
You do know how many dolleridoos other things cost? That's so cheap, it shouldn't look any better than that
good looking sausage though
Have actually wanted to try these for years.

It is also super cheap, a slice of white bread and a sausage.

Once slice of white bread, one cold hot dog from the fridge, ranch dressing:

I call it "cold dog on a misty morning" and it takes about 30 sec to make.
The dog is cooked my man.
You can tell from the sauce application that the person is a beta personality.
An alpha would have gone back over where the bottle has clogged and there is very little application.
If you look closely, none of the bottles are clogged, Karen. I'm sure your husband would've drowned the sausage, maybe some of us don't like that way. You hysterical, middle aged bible bashing old woman.
You can just get a piece of bread and put a sausage in it, not that hard.
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>Looks like prison food tbqh.
This is Australian prison food.
>>this is peak Australian cuisine
If it were free, I'd still pass right on by. I can't believe you paid anyone for such awful fair food.
Sure you would, fatty fat fat
>I can't believe you paid anyone for such awful fair food.
They raise money for charity.
where's the onion?
onyon nuts, son
the sausage sizzle is a loss leader and always should be
>the saucecuck reveals himself
What's the proper way to make one of these? I understand all beef sausages are a must, not American style hot dogs?
>Looks like prison food
What do you think Australia is?
After taking a 90% administration and labor cut, maybe
The real Aussie Alpha Chad does a quick swastika in sauce over the bread slice and doesn't focus only on the sausage. When you fold the bread over the sausage you have perfect coverage. You can also do half of the swastika in sauce and half in mustard. It really is the most efficient technique. Try it out, it is a sausage sizzle game changer.
Aussies are alright sometimes, Snag's look like good eatin'
>Ugh YUCK, you guys eat MEAT AND BREAD?
>no onions
might as well be
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needs shit on it
looks good but would be better
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>Looks like prison food
LOL Welcome to Straya, dickhead - pic very related
You guys don't know us very well, do you?
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I think that was the joke
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Why is this "fairy bread" considered a delicacy in Australia? It's literally just margarine and sprinkles.

You don't even use real butter
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Jaffle is better
thier anglo heritage is really showing.
I can't believe it took this long for this comment. The pottery is delightful.
Prison colony makes prison food lol.
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Doesn't beat mine
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Here's it from the other side
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Aw fuck, look what happened when I tried to wrap the bread around it
Where do you think you are? Some sort of food preparation forum?
Shit, now it's just a sausage sandwich. Bin it and try again.
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is that an apple turnover with hashbrowns
stale bread
What is Thai that?
If that's australia that is not even a hotdog but a breakfast sausage masquerading as one.
do you guys do this as a bit? or do you sincerely think chuck j hotdog jr iii invented the sausage or some shit?
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agnon hotdogs are not really eaten here. that is a the ubiquitous beef snag which is the dimensions of an American hot dog but it is made with ground beef. They also taste nothing like American breakfast sausage, which is another thing that doesn't exist here sadly.
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It looks like a spag jaffle. It is a sandwich toasted in a sandwich press with tinned spaghetti. Delicious. Unfortunately it doesn't look there is any cheese added, which is ridiculous and wrong. The jaffle is such an Australian staple that we bring cast iron ones to use over campfires when we go bush. Fark, now I want a jaffle. I will have one tonight with cheese and a homemade ragu. I will probably have a VB as well.
wtf I eat like that on the daily
>toast with sprinkles
>hotdog with slice of bread instead of hotdog bun
>land full of deadly poisonous and venomous animals
Australia is a weird place.
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You think that's weird - one of the very few places you can get an hot dog does serve it on a proper bun, but they also serve it with mashy peas and chilli sauce
>1.5 health star rating
id eat snags all day every day if it werent for this
why is it so low? ive never looked into it
i mean its just beef right? what else is in there thats making the rating so low?
probably just nitrates or similar if it's calculated objectively according to preset criteria, high fat content might also cause the score to automatically be low if they haven't updated it in a couple decades
where the fuck's that? never seen it
those particular snags are the cheapest of the cheap meat, so probably 30-40% fat. this is why the BBQ will erupt into a plume of greasy black smoke at any moment.

also yeah lots of different salts and preservatives added to cheap sausage
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Harry's Cafe de Wheels. They're around NSW/Sydney mostly. If you live elsewhere
thanks niggas
gonna have some on the weekend
tomato sauce
bbq sauce
saute them onions in some lager and you've got yourself a nice day
Whilst the shop in your pic is still there it's not a Harry's anymore, just a generic pie shop
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The Harry's at Wooloomoloo is still an Harry's, I always assume that's where this was taken.

The one on Harris Street sadly is no longer an Harry's and nor is the one at Capitol Square. Harris St. and Capitol Sq were my favourites :<

Also pic is lunch today I just finished. Deee-licious!
This is $2.99 by my house
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The plain sausage with just onions and sauce is the most basic way of eating it, mostly it's just for children. If you go to an authentic Australian diner you can order a bunch of different sausage combos. One of the most popular is the Aussie Dog with The Lot: grilled hotdogs with cheese, fried egg, tomato, pineapple and beetroot. Served on a ciabatta roll. It's a mighty hefty meal mates, by crikey.
well yeah supermarket food counters are always cheep. looks delicious as well
For me it's Nathan's at the original location off the boardwalk
makes sense that it would come from harry's, haven't got around to going when I'm in syd but won't be ordering a hotdog

wendy's seem a bit less regionally specific though
the standard fisho hotdog too seems to be sauce and onion bacon cheese as extras
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yeah their pies are the main event but since hot dogs are so hard to come by I do enjoy them from time to time
I hope you do a cookalong thread, anon.
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>peak Australian cuisine
That would be the chicken parmi
although I agree a pub parmy is peak (PPP) a snag in a slice of bread is unequivocally Australian. a picture of a parmy could conceivably has originated in a dozen or more countries
Looking everywhere 'cause I had to find you
This is not the way that I remember it here
Anyone will tell you it's a prisoner island
Nice trips
What a cute puppy
ill never eat pubslop ever in my life. imagine being served your 'salad' and chips in metal cups. retarded
to be fair usually the salad and chips and served under your food
It's $1.33 american, sign me the fuck up boy.
>salad' and chips in metal cups. retarded
Drunkards can't be trusted with nice tableware
they really should be serving us with individual toughs amirite
only morons get drunk at a pub
it's FUN
it's not. it's just cheap shit to make for a kids party or a meme throwback for adults
>t. victorian
many such cases
If I had some 100s and 1000s and I wasn't trying to lose weight, I'd eat a whole loaf of bread worth of fairy bread right now. I haven't had that shit in over 20 years fuck ya
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$2 is a little extreme for a lackluster hotdog
but if it was 50 cents i would literally buy 2 or 3
>$1.33 american
that's a a scam
One of my recurring childhood traumas was getting a hot dog on a piece of bread and my mom telling me it was the same thing as a bun.
your pain is valid however as far as childhood trauma is concerned things could potentially have been worse
oh poor you, having a mother and food must have given you proper PTSD
yeah i want my salad to get as hot as possible. retarded practice
it is a redarted practise but they do it all the time because they're sick of doing dishes
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Meanwhile in Eastern Bloc...

Kielbasa cooked over campfire, between two slices of excellent bread, it's to die for.
Yeah but is it really that funny of a joke if it's true? It's like laughing at Americans being fatass half-breeds or Bulgarians being snobby rapists - there's not really any novelty there once you get used to it, you know what I mean?
"Hot dog on bread" is a standard memory implanted by ET grays after abduction, processing, and reset. He has been conditioned to feel pain if he tries to inspect the memory more deeply, and this pain gets transferred to the concept itself. 61% of abductees are unable to eat hot dogs at all, even on proper buns.
>"Hot dog on bread" is a standard memory implanted by ET grays after abduction
but for what purpose
Let's be fucking honest, who wants salad with a meal? It's the most unpleasant thing to eat with your steak or chicken, I hate how every pub does this. If they ran a poll that said "do you want some leaves and whole cherry tomatoes" most people would say no, give me cooked veggies instead. Carrot and broccoli, peas are fucking shit tasting and I hate places that serve a full serving of peas. Fuck off
you can get mash and veg at most pubs
chips and veg or chips and mash even many times
the salad is basically just a plate garnish. it's barely edible because it's never made of any substantial lettuce, just shreds of dandelion leaves and lillypads, one ice cold chunk of cucumber and yes a couple of whole tomatoes that are 60% likely to end up on the floor.
If you know how many red apples were on the ground outside grandpa's barn, you know.
>steak grilled with canola oil
>chips fried in canola oil
>gravy made with 64% vegetable oil 12% soy 3% emulsifier
you couldnt pay me to eat it
you can just ask for veg and mash or even veg and chips
Okay, Large pocket or diagonal crimp?
It was just a randomly sourced google image anon.
I genuinely do. I like steak, but a meal of just steak is boring to me. I would far, far rather have a nice salad on the side than something like french fries.
sorry for samefagging, reply didn't appear on the stupid phone app i was using
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>served under your food
They call that Australian “down unda” style
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I just eat dimmies
star ratings compare the product to other products in the same category, which in this case is anything that isn't a drink, dairy or oils/spreads, then an amount of points are given for the calories/energy, saturated fat, sodium and sugars per 100g of product, put that into a calculator and it spits out a rating that corresponds to that category and that score is where you get 0.5, 1, 1.5 etc to 5 stars.
It already costs about 75 cents per sausage + piece of bread. They'd lose money on that.
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steamed or fried?
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>peak Australian cuisine
I thought it was shrimp on the barbie
Steamed on their own, fried if the fryer is already on.
ok, $1 then. $2 is outrageous, that's bidenomics manifest
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You've heard of food served on metal trays, but now it's time for food in metal bowls
I backpacked Australia for 2 months. A ton of hostels hand these out, so did some missionaries in a park. I also bought a package for my trip across the backpacker murders zone. They were all identical breakfast sausage which is sweetly spiced and not like hotdogs.
no bread?
I never understood relish, why would you ever keep relish in your house instead of a jar of pickles?
Australians don't call them shrimp.
The server got hungry, sorry mate
>backpacker murders zone

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It's empty desert with a mining colony and natives with IQ capacity limiting communication to 'you got smokes?'.
We camped as a group for safety but the natives felt us out to determine if we were worth targetting before nightfall.
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>Australians don't call them shrimp.
I distinctly hear the Crocodile Aussie man call them "shrimp"
There's some context missing here for non-americans. We have an event here called a sausage sizzle. Basically a barbecue setup where you can line up and buy a sausage. They're either a school thing, where you set one up outside the gymnasium or on school camp, or a sporting event thing. Businesses sometimes do them too, where you'll see large stores with big carpark blocks set one up outside the entrance.

The idea is that you can feed a bunch of people for a low price and/or by buying only 3 items - pack of snags, loaf of white bread, and tomato sauce.
1.00 Australian Dollar =
0.66597839 US Dollars
Their entire economy is cheap meat and mining. Good deal but evident of their economy.
thats a prawn
also its sad how australia isnt anything like this anymore
this photo would be taken with all asian and arab women now, no men
>man isn't it sad how this continent we filled with British prisoners eventually had people from closer on the planet also move there? what a sad day for something or other.
i just wish we knew the real reason why they were brought here
For a dollar and two bits I can get a proper bun at the costco
ah yes, the two sausages, breakfast and hotdog
fuck you guys are retarded
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Now we eat dog and cat on the barbie!
It makes me sad seeing Chinese people in cities living better than me. They live in the best apartments with the best views, eat at the best restaurants, train at the best gyms, and here is me, living in my old dirty room in the suburbs 50 minutes away.
Ever been up inside Century Tower in Sydney? It’s like a thurd world country with trash in the hallways, noxious kitchen smoke leaking out of every apartment and between 8 and 12 of them living in each 2br unit. All it’s missing are fires in the waste bins and chickens wandering around freely, although I suspect both are seen.
It is a chicken parma you degenerate banana benders. Parmy and parmi are terms mostly used by the rainbow community. I do like a tasty parma though, one of the best counter meals.
Tell me about the deranged gunmen?
Ivan Millat apparently knew his way around a BBQ and cooked up a mean snag and mash.
fuck off cockroach
>Bible thumping
Ftfy. You're welcome
You only became a prison colony 12 years after the revolutionary war ended and England couldn't use America as a penal colony anymore
Weird flex, you're all a bunch of trash. At least we don't glamorize, romanticize, and brag about it here
a free sausage is a free sausage, ignore the bread / treat the bread as a wrapper for holding the sausage, don't think of it as a hot dog.
they are called "sprinkles"
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These are sprinkles.
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it's an interesting part of our history and there's no shame in some ancestor being transported for stealing bread or whatever just like every man jack of you are Irish that escaped the famine and being put in the workhouse
anyone would think you're deeply insecure on a cultural level
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>it's an interesting part of our history and there's no shame in some ancestor being transported for stealing bread or whatever just like every man jack of you are Irish that escaped the famine and being put in the workhouse
Ned Kelly is that you?
99.9% chance OP is Australian himself. You sound like a misfit in your community.
I think it's a thing like pajeets being proud of their history of shitting on the street and not trying to overcome amd distance themselves from it. Cancall it insecurity if you want. Can call it bettering ourselves, too. Peeing into our own mouths and drinking it never became a popular gad here, for example
Fences everywhere and the destruction of common farmlands and anti loitering of new vagrants from Francis bacon is where most of ours came from. Hobos.
The bread absorbs the grease and makes it easy to hold whilst minimising the amount of bread you eat
I prefer it this way
The toppings that Americans seem to like on their hot dogs probably won't work with this setup though
Here you have fried onions and some sauce
go throw a parmy on the barbie you silly muppet
>be there 2 o'clock by the fountain down the road
Wait a sec... Is that a spag' 'Wich?
Shut up racist
Nope. 100s and 1000s you gay cunt
Crocodile Dundee was written for Americans. We call them prawns. Always have, always will.
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I wish I could afford one :(
This shit is actually fucking good.
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We call them prawns. Also we call clams "clamies" and oysters "oysties" we love love to put them both on the barbie.
What pieces of shit. Bet it was organised by some 35 year old faggot who thinks he's an instagram influencer. "Let's just rip them off haha, we'll make more money"
Scum. I would've keyed his jeep.
In Victoria we call then "prawnies". I am going to cook some garlic prawnies tonight for dinner. Delicious.
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>buy something at a music event
>be a surprised they price gouge you
>no butter
I spit. Why is there so many cunts who think this is acceptable?
retarded motherfucker
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Vivid is a free light installation festival Sydney does every winter and this is a big food truck bbq firepit area they've been doing the last couple years. It's mostly primo street food and BBQ chefs price gouging people, but obviously even the standard snag sizzle is overpriced to allhell. I enjoy Vivid overall but I don't do any of the things that cost monies. It's a special occasion night out for people in the dark cold of winter, it's a nice event overall.
That's cool, thanks anon. Anyone who pays 8.50 for a snag is just as bad as the people who are charging for it imo.
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Australian good is the best in the world

Traditional British cooking, itallian cooking, Asian western fusion. No other country has so much range in flavors.

I just ate this
Australian prisons

You leave overweight because the food is so good, you haven't been raped because only Americans and the Israeli military do prison rape, and you have a qualification to get a better job than when you went in
Acceptable sausages
1. Plain Beef
2. Kangaroo and bush tomato
3. Spicy beef
4. Skinless beef

1. Plain white bread, thin. Possibly lightly buttered

1. Tomato sauce
2. BBQ sauce

1. No onions
2. Cooked onions

1. Pretending you went to winnings to buy something and not for a sausage

Not optional
1. Voting before eating your democracy sausage (sausages are served every election)
>British cooking, itallian cooking, Asian
Is there any Aborigine influence?
As someone who did a 2 year 7 month stint this is complete bullshit, with exception to the rape part.
Jesus, it's a shame that the Yanks in these types of thread are so boring. Low IQ, no personality. Arrogant, obnoxious, smug as well as exceptionally naive. Subhumans
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It's a shame but this is kind of the same as buying food at the fair or carnival or something. In any case, if you're at Vivid you're just whandering around the city anyway so just go to 7-11 or get a normal dinner at the pub.
Some ingredients such as bush tomato or gummy shark
Americans confuse ignorance and arrogance for humor and wit.
fuck you for that. sick fuck
if there's one thing cold hot dogs and fruity pebbles have in common it's that they both deposit a greazy film on the roof of your mouth
>when the guy who pees into his own mouth for fun says your boring, Low IQ, no personality, Arrogant, obnoxious, smug as well as exceptionally naive and subhuman
Australian bread is shit
Australian sausages are shit
Freedom snags are overpriced even if they're free
the fuck do you mean by freedom snags
This looks like a Lamb Shank, bit too much gravy, not enough mash but I would eat this, I love a slow cooked Lamb shank.

Aussies eat pretty much the same us Brits.
I'm not racist, I'm classist. Real British people are awesome.
>OP validated
In Britain, we like our hotdogs to be simple . .. . sausage. onions and a bit of sauce ketchup/brown/ mustard.

We normally have it in a bread roll and I suppose $8.4 AUS or £4.33 GBP is a bit steep, it's kind of the rip-off payment you would expect at a festival. Although I thought your white sliced bread was supposed to keep it cheap.
I would probably grumble a bit . . .but eat it anyway.
>bit steep
Don't go to a theme park then. Cost about a 10er
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He's not a deranged gunman anon, he's an assassin
>food on prison island looks like prison food
No shit.
They were locking the cucks up in covid camps until recently.
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I'm not a skinflint but I would rather go home emaciated than pay a tenner for that.

But as an aside. . . . Do you guys eat beef sausages more than pork?
diagonal crimp ofcourse
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this is one of em, a fella by the name of Ivan, used to murder backpacking couples, would usually stick em with a knife in the spine to paralyze them first and then taunt them and torture them for hours before killing them
what the fuck is this garbage? and why the fuck does every fast food chain think sticking beetroot in something suddenly makes it Australian? only time I ever see anyone eat beetroot is on Christmas
I'm British, me old fruit. I went to Drayton Manor and I was bloody starving. The kid wanted doughnuts and I caved in. So it was a pork hotdog, to answer your question not directed at me
because this was an ad targeted towards Americans so it used American words, they are prawns and from my experience most people boil them not put them on a BBQ
>I'm British,
Me too.. . .I thought it was an Aussie post. We normally have Pork sausages , I was just asking if Aussies had beef.
I think any non-Jewish hot dog eating country use pork.
no, abos have no cooking traditions, they just put shit on a fire till it was charred black and then ate it
we eat both beef and pork but beef sausages are more common, and at a sausage sizzle it will almost always be beef sausages cause you can buy them really cheap in bulk
is Drayton Manor still shit? Not been there in yonks
Cheers Bruce.
Uhh, the answer is yes, but not to a 5 year old. The water rides are always good. She loved Thomas world as well, plus the zoo and a couple of the smaller roller-coasters. It's quite near to where I live and it was 100 quid with parking.
I hope Melbourne brings back white night again, that was cool
how did you know my name was Bruce?
Jesus christ.
>Country founded by convicts treats convicts better than normal people
yeah he was a fucked cunt, the cops also think he had an accomplice but he refused to tell them anything so they could never figure out if there was who it was, many people have speculated it was one of his brothers. officially killed 7 people but the cops think he killed alot more cause wherever he went in Australia there was an increase in missing persons, he was the inspiration for that wolf creek movie
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>they just put shit on a fire till it was charred black
I wonder what aborigines think about steak tartare? “Whipeepo ain’t cook dey foodt”
they probably wouldn't have an opinion on it, they only cook their meat cause kangaroo and emu are very tough meats especially raw
What's that radioactive isotope drink on the right?
It's what Australians eat to celebrate the Fourth of July
what did you expect, you might as well complain about airline prices for grand final weekend
>prison food
It doesnt look that bad. It is about par for the course for what they serve in the Salvation Army's sweatshops.
That there’s an Mountain Dew. The Dew is normal Dew colour it’s just the bottle that’s hyper phosphorescent
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To all you non-aussies, let’s be friends! I put a sausage on the barbie for you. Here you go mate! Everyone is welcome! Except abos!
You won't do shit faggot
I couldn't help but notice you didn't actually address my point. History has shown I'm usually right when that happens.
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Looks half-way decent to me
the only food i refused from a friend was a hotdog on a white bread slice. felt terrible, it's been well over 10 years, but the idea just disgusted me even though i eat both separately, which is what i did.
australian friends mom did this with chocolate jimmies (sprinkles)
Can't turn down a sausage'izzle
i believe good ole ivan still protests that he's innocent as well
From the grave?
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Sometimes I have pickerel, but I find it's better to have pickles and mustard separate, and I like relish it's not the same as chopped pickles
>You leave overweight because the food is so good
That is absolutely not true.

>Country founded by convicts treats convicts better than normal people
Do you think that the Australian government prepares all the food that it's citizens eat?
>Do you think that the Australian government prepares all the food that it's citizens eat?
No, only the white aboriginals in covid concentration camps. The new Australians, the Australo-Chinese settlers, are free to prepare their own food from the land's bounty of massive insects.
he never confessed
Isn’t all Australian food prison food?
>peak Australian cuisine
>invented in America
This joke does get old, you know. The only descendants of criminals are the white aboriginals, who make up an increasingly insignificant portion of the population since Australia was colonized by proper Chinese settlers. Although we sympathize with the plight of the bleached abos, the nation's shameful early history will be nearly forgotten after a few more generations, as the vanilla savages have proven nearly impossible to reform or civilise, roaming the outback like animals with their bush tucker (goon bags and fairy bread).
Because you didn't have one. You misread the room and let the stick up your arse do the talking.
I bet you thought that that sounded funny in your head

Gentleman, we can argue about parma vs parmi all we want, when the true menace is WA calling it a "parmo"
EIGHT FUCKING DOLLARS and FIFTY CENTS for a snag in bread? Insane, utterly ludicrous
sick of these uppity New South Welshman and Queersland bogans calling them potato scallops
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>bunnings snag in a hotdog roll
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Parma Guard bout to go to war with Parmy Army
Anybody referring to it as a "Parmo" goes feet first into the wood chipper. Disgusting. I don't mind if you use ham (obviously) , bacon, kaiserfleisch or whatever, some latitude is fine. Parmo, however, is beyond the pale. Disgusting.
So much infighting in this thread. No more brother wars. Nobody would actually turn down an Aussie sausage. I want to eat about 10 right now lads. I think the only two legitimate concerns are:
>bread integrity
A slice of loaf bread is never going to fold around the meat-dong as well as a sliced roll. It seems susceptible to breaking and unable to support a load of toppings, which is the second point:
Where are the fried or raw onions? I get it, it's not a Chicago dog or an American chili-cheese dog, but onions dude, come on... mustard and onions... you should really consider adopting American Hot Dog Bun technology, perhaps under some kind of a Lend-Lease agreement. There is a whole world of condiments out there, it's just your sandwich-sliced white bread can't even support a dollop of pickle relish.

But no offense intended. We Yanks view you (outside of Melbourne) as a nation of Floridamen and our alliance could be unstoppable if we could just get over all this petty bullshit. On this date in particular, we don't even care that Aussies did 9/11 any more, that's in the past now, nature is healing. Let us envelop you in our warm imperial embrace like a slice of wonderbread around a shitty sausage, our ketchup filling your sunburnt crevices. Please, just become an American state. (To keep it an even 50, We can get rid of one of the 2 Dakotas, easy.) Search your bogan heart, you know this is the way. Just imagine all the guns you'll have. Guns, and proper hot dog buns.
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Fried onions are ubiquitous at a sausage sizzle. Your choices are tomato sauce (basically ketchup), mustard and onions, that is it (no cheese or relish etc) . You have to stop thinking about the bread like a roll and think about it like an edible napkin that keeps grease off of your fingers. Also, you guys are more than welcome to join Australia. We would love to add Ameribros to our expanding empire. You would love it in our desolate wasteland.
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Parmo is what they call it in the UK
Why does AU and NZ use dollars? I would think it'd be some derivative of the pound sterling. Americans only use dollars due to historical proximity to Spanish colonies in the Caribbean where the Spanish Dollar was ubiquitous.
I think It was to make it different to the non decimal Pound rather than going to decimal Pounds.
they do fucking WHAT?
I dunno but it's pretty common throughout SEA also from what I've seen. My grandma grew up in the Netherlands and she's had choco sprinkles on margarine white bread for breakfast every single day for 60 years now.
My French great-grandma had something identical to a jaffle iron in her things when she died. Is it an Australian invention or something we don't use over here anymore that stayed popular in Aus? I kept it because I found the cheeses sandwiches are better when sealed haha.
>This is Australian prison food.
so you mean it's just Australian food?
the entire country is a piece of shit prison
don't be glib anon. that's very glib what you said.
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>peak australian cuisine
sauce, brother?
just chili and garlic sauce on mine mate, with chicken salt on the chips if you've got it
That looks like something poor rich people pay a monthly fee to have delivered to their house every week
>Binnas are better than Wonkas!

Call that Dingo Dynamics, folks.
We used to use Australian pounds (kiwis used British pounds) up until the 60s, but we started aligning more with the US for things like trade and military alliances, so it made more sense to switch to our own dollar
That's also when we switched to metric, so most people 40 and older still talk in miles, pounds, feet and inches about shit
Looks like someone ate that already then shit where the food used to be

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