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i finally got a job. at starbucks. how do i mitigate the day to day wagie misery at a food service job? fortunately my commute isn't stressful so it's unlikely i will begin work in a bad mood
Just make sure there’s at least one cute coworker, and then try to figure out when she goes to the bathroom to have a shit and before you know it you have a nice daily ritual to get you through the day
>cartoon fag as an adult
you need bigger help than just getting motivated for work
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i have pictures of candy too. complete your picture?
Work as slow as possible. When confronted about this just claim neurodivergence. Think about how things can be done better and tell your colleagues how to do their job properly, as they’ll appreciate a fresh face setting them straight. Don’t forget to always take your lawfully mandated break on the hour, no matter how busy it is or what’s going on. Remember, 11 o clock means 11 o clock and the LAW says so. Follow this advice and you’ll find yourself in a management position within a few short weeks. Good luck anon.
Get good at your job and be kind and everyone will love you. I did that job for a few years and it was fun. Unless you get bad coworkers, then no job is fun.
i worked at a coldstone for a few years in college. it really isn't too bad, i'm assuming it will get pretty busy but just be chill and get through it. worst part is probably going to be cleaning up at the end of the day. be nice to your coworkers and they'll probably be chill with you, having coworkers you are on good terms with makes that sort of work 10000% times better. also don't be that person that's constantly trying to call out of work and begging people to cover
Find one thing you’re good at and do it better than everyone else and then do every other task really poorly so you only have to do one thing for the most part.
>T. Worked at Jimmy John’s for a year and almost exclusively took drive thru orders.
what location? I want to come smear shit on your bathroom mirrors and watch you clean it
I might just make you pour my coffee, then dump it on the counter
I don't have any advice to make it more tolerable, but I remember how shitty it was to get my first food service job. All you can do is tough it out while spending every ounce of spare effort you have on making your situation better, so you can eventually get a job you don't absolutely hate doing. It'll be a faint memory some day.
Unless you work with women.
Women love to start drama, especially if other people like you. Avoid them in the workplace whenever possible.
No, that's not true. You seem to hate the ladies for other reasons. Your personal experience with annoying women isn't the world's reality. To add, the best worker at my store was a black lady.
shut upbwagie simp. your virtue signals have no power here.
You're the one virtue signaling right now, not me.
>No, that's not true.
You clearly don't talk to women.
They thrive on drama. Anyone who deals with them will tell you this.
This is a played out take dude. I've met countless people who acted like gossipping sissies, women and men. I'd respect you more for saying you hate women.
I hate women and he's right. One of the best workers I knew was also a black lady. We call this an exception, not a rule. You got it backwards.
>I'd respect you more for saying you hate women.
I don't hate women, I hate working with women.
You're creating drama where there doesn't need to be any. Imagine my shock.

around how old are you, if you don't mind us asking
what's the wrong answer
pussy faggot retard doublenigger kys
Everyone always feels better having a gum or mint friend around, you could even have a cute name like Mark the Mint Man
You’ll probably be fairly busy through the day so there won’t be a lot of clock watching time, but good banter with your coworkers will definitely help.

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