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I'll start.
Hematogen, a candy bar made with cow blood.
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Despite the size of the US, it's pretty hard to come up with something that everyone doesn't already know about.

I guess I might say the Boston cooler. It's just Vernors and vanilla ice cream blended together. Pretty well known in Michigan despite not being very good. More popular with older people.
cheesy gordita crunch
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Mr inbetween fans will know it
these slavic monkeys will eat anything
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This fruit native to South America, in the legume family, has a hardy shell and soft fluffy pulp surrounding large black seeds. Tastes like vanilla and cream, with a bit of banana and almond.
Quenepas fuzzy lychee nut esque balls with a sweet/sour limeish taste
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>"Post not well known food"
>retard here doesn't say what his is, just have to "know" it
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Conch fritters, I used to eat these a couple times a week when I first moved here
Who would even eat chocolate made by "mypóo"
alright fine, they are fried dimsims
Denver chili
Some people call it green chili but it's not green it's pink and it's not chili it's gravy
that's clearly orange
Camera adds 20 orange
wat dat mouf do
>a candy bar made with cow blood.
do Ukrainians really
It says "turbo". The full writing on the wrapper is "turbo hematogen for children".

Ukraine is a post-soviet state, so I assume they have it as well.
we have it too in lithuania. it tastes okay.
Any cool shit from Lithuania I can buy on the internet to try? Think I'm gonna buy some of the cow blood stuff as well.
somewhere in the caribbean?
Italians make it with pig's blood. Pretty good. Belgians make it with sweetbreads, even better.
What does any of that even mean? No way I'm eating this shit.
Sorry, I don't read the threads, I just 1pbtid and leave.
You mean pidors leeching off of the EU passports?
港式咸檸七 - popular summer drink in Hong Kong, salt preserved lime with 7up or sprite. Salt preserved lime drank hot for sore throats, they also sometimes use salted limes as a seasoning for fish.
I'll grab a Chiko Roll. Delicious.
Damn, that sounds really good.
Learn to read, gumnuts
A lot of people in the old world used cooked blood in cooking. It's actually healthy for you. The candy bar in question actually helps promote blood health and it's not like they just dumped raw cows blood into the mix and called it a day, it's defibrinated cows blood.
please be bait
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chicken cream
i honestly only see people that live on the northeastern parts of brazil making this

">1kg cooked shredded chicken breast with no bones
>2 tbsp butter
>1tbsp olive oil
>3 tbsp of seasoning (honestly I just go ham on this)
>3 diced tomatoes
>2 chicken bouillons
>4 cups of water
>2 tbsp corn starch
>1 can of sweet corn
>200ml of coconut milk
>200g of table/sour cream"
this goes really well with rice and some shoestring potatoes.
Shut up gumnuts, you have dicks for brains? It's called reading the alfabeta you monkey-man.
Heart attack pie
Is/was sold in a Scottish hospital in Dundee
i say tomato you say TEMATOTEH
Everyone knows about maple syrup but I never hear about all the other maple products we make
maple butter
maple sugar
maple taffy on snow ( classic for kids)
those little maple cones filled with taffy and sealed with sugar
grand-pères au sirop (basically balls of cake dough boiled in syrup)
>those little maple cones filled with taffy and sealed with sugar
Damn ain't seen those in years
I bet this is good, I drink my coke with lime wedges, and when it's rum and coke I use crushed ice and salt it a little.

My submission is ohio valley pizza, i think this meme might have done the rounds already but I'm still reeling. I'm 29 years old and i only heard about it a month or so ago, US citizen my whole life
the coconut milk throws me a bit but it sounds really good otherwise, what spices go into it?
I know, I used to reside in Taiwan, congealed pig's blood and duck's blood were an ingredient there.
>Murbo Gematogen bemskii
my barely cyrillic knowing ass take. it's hematogen.
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Spoon sweets made out of onion with mint.
It's an extreme niche with 90% of the population saying this is bullshit and 10% claiming they love it.
I love this stuff, tastes like a tumour
best post I've seen in a while lmao
Buffalo chicken dip. Pretty well known in the American midwest, but I don't think foreigners know about it.
At the core, it's cream cheese, shredded chicken, and a cayenne/vinegar based hot sauce. Sometimes other types of cheeses are added.
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saw one of those at the local Eastern European store
bought it out of curiosity and just as I imagined it tasted like ass
probably what kids thought when they're well meaning parents fed them those to make sure they're getting enough iron. kek
that actually sounds pretty fkn good. I like dips that have substance to them rather than just smooth paste.
>scrambled AI generated letters
>people ITT responding to this shit
Dead internet theory proving true once again.
Anon, look up the Russian alphabet.
Which country is this from?
Its cyrillic and its a bulgarian invention.

these are called Hush Puppies. I don't know what's in them but they're served with fish.
It's very good, I miss it, I think it dos a good job of replacing lost Electrolytes

I've eaten 'sashimi pizza', the crust is rice-something, there is cool sashimii on top, at one of those Chinese run Japanese sushi restaurants.
Tell it to the Serbs.
The slavs that famously dont use cyrillic?
What? They're the only ones that do.
Translators Note: in Russia, they don't use the letter H, they use G instead.
So in Russia, Harry Potter is named Garry Potter
That's poles, dipshit
Serbs use cyrillic because they're larpers
Mmmmm Germione's got gairy assgole.
Lol they're kings of shlokavica
Yes, but Russian is the biggest language that used the Cyrillic.
What? You having a stroke?
Apparently, shlokavica (шльoкaвицa) when you while a Slavic language with Latin instead of Cyrillic.
bad post anon, for shame
Isn't that like half the slavs?
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I found small dried and salted fish from Lithuania. Get those, they were great.
Wouldn't this just be a rootbeer float?
Salmon candy, also called squaw candy. It's what it sounds like, candied hot smoked salmon
Eaten about where you'd expect, Alaska down to Oregon.
it's blended together. it's like a shake. it's also a distinct brand of ginger ale that's relatively potent.
Looks good.
Any sweets with Waldmeister/woodruff flavor are severely underrated.
I don't have one I go to, but it's a pretty simple dish with certain expectations. Recipes for it are mostly all the same. I know that adding ranch is a bit debated, but it honestly probably doesn't matter that much. I'd recommend using blue cheese if you like it though.
Although if you're not American I guess you probably don't have ranch available anyway.
Im not even Mexican but lived in California and Texas for some time so basically.
Elote is delish
Yeah what seasonings sopa anon? Sounds almost like chicken tikka masala.
Russia. Other post-soviet countries might also have it
I believe Chef John has a video
I haven't had that in such a long time, I had it in Ukraine but I don't think they have it here in America. It was pretty good too, but my parents never told me it was made from cows blood.
>the r looking character is repeated twice but equates to both an H and G
is this a translation oddity? help me understand, slav bros
See >>20838138
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Tenerumi are the leaves of those long zucchini. people in Italy throw them away but they are a summer delicacy in Palermo, Sicily. you make soup with garlic and tomato and can eat them cold or hot, with soup or without. they have a rough texture when cooked and they are super healthy. now some asian farmer in northern Italy are starting to grow it and to sell it on street markets to sicilian immigrants, but you would never found them in Rome or anywhere outside Palermo/western Sicily
this is how they look when they are cooked. notice that spaghetti are broken in smaller pieces, something very common in actual traditional poor people cuisine, disproving all the reddit tier memes about italian mad at food.
delicious summer dish, very hard to find even in restaurants, mostly a family/nonna dish
>a summer delicacy in Palermo, Sicily.
Yeah where food is so scarce they will eat any grass or cats or anything lmfao they have the worst fucking food.
There's only G in Russian. Ukrainians can say the letter H however.
the russians say "h" as "g" for some reason. these sound the same to them. I've heard a russian say "geil Gitler" once
People don't know about wing dip?
No, ginger ale is not root beer.
>ginger is a root
>ale is a synonym for beer
Ginger ale is a root beer.
Disorienting to contemplate that mentality that cannot truly hear the letter "H". They hear it as a mispronounced letter "G", but nothing they can get to grips with or repeat. What a mindset.
it's the same thing as the Japanese being unable to dictinguish between "r" and "l"
>noooo you don't understand, we use a slightly different soda and we stir it up, it's COMPLETELY different and unique to our regional culture!
Watching Americans try to cope with their utter lack of culture is embarrassing enough as it is but "people" from flyover land really take it to an entirely different level. You ask these people about their food culture and they present these horrible concoctions that are just various blends of ultra processed slop they bought at Wal-Mart; it's unbelievably grim.
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Basically every food item in the US is already known throughout the entire continent and most of the western world. That's why I had to choose some random blended ice cream drink that even other Americans haven't heard of.
Or certain south americans being unable to distinguish B and V, except with tremendous effort
to be fair no American can distinguish between i, o, and ы even with explanation
idk if soviet era nutrition bars made of cow blood and salted limes really exceed the catagory, most of these peculiarities are regional for a reason

that said I kinda want to order some hematogen
Do other countries make elderflower squash or is it just sweden?
lol retard everyone makes it go suck Ahmed's cock
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Conguitos, peanuts covered in dark chocolate.
Nå aj dånt tink så
Translate, not say. We do have a letter that makes a sound very similar to "h" - "х", which is usually translated as "kh" to English.
oh yeah, it's true that anglophones can't differentiate "ы" or the Polish "y" from an "i"
Eat cornstarch, demand handouts, “rap” about the amount of criminal penis her grotesque cunt has serviced
A soft H sound exists in Russian. The H-G in some foreign words is a matter of transliteration tradition that goes back hundreds of years. Some foreign names have lost the hard "G" sound since then, some haven't.
For example and archaic pronounciation of "Hispania" in Russia would have been something like Ghishpania or Ghispania, say, 300 years ago. Now the "H-G" is silent.

Returning to the OP. Pic is pastila.
Pressed and baked fruitpaste. Usually made of apples.
A traditional Russian sweet, probably among the oldest that are still produced. By the way perfectly makeable at home and should be familiar enough tasting for a Westerner.
Why are posts like this always worded so psychopathically
I think you'd have to have something pretty wrong with you to get that upset about some soda and ice cream.
Listening to Europoors whinge about America's cultural dominance never gets old. I am Australian and food trends here are driven by the States. We want to eat a delicious smoked brisket, not some fermented shark or greasy pork knuckle. McDonald's is in your country, you are not exporting your dried fish shacks anywhere. Cope and seethe.
Vernor's is fucking good and from Michigan. Nobody wants your fermented fish and dried blood poverty food.
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Is michigan the only place that sells that brand of ginger ale. I once met a guy raised in Detroit who had to order his Vernors online because he hated competitors' ginger ale
I haven't seen it a single time since I left Michigan. It's a solid soda but I understand why it isn't widespread. People don't like strong ginger ale. Vernors is what I would call a "moderate" ginger ale that sits between light and dark. It has decent throat burn and as I a kid I found that offputting. It also has a solid taste of ginger and isn't just a suggestion of ginger like light ginger ales.

I think it's worth trying if you ever came across it. I miss Faygo Rock n' Rye and Redpop too. A Redpop float with vanilla ice cream is pretty good and unique.

It's weird. Looking at the can online makes me a little thirsty because it reminds me of hot summer days as a child. Picking up cans on the side of the road for the 10 cent deposit to go buy myself a can of pop.
For some reason, chow mein sandwiches are a big thing in Fall River, MA, hometown of Emeril Legasse, Sam Hyde, and more than a few female serial killers. Every Portugese restaurant and diner seems to serve them.

they sell that at every gas station in Georgia for the past few years now and it sucks. I just dont like soda generally though. the red pop one tastes like bad cream soda with red food dye. our safety lady at work buys cases of faygo for meetings because its cheap.
The state, right?
I haven't had Faygo in 20 years but it used to taste like carbonated strawberry candy. Maybe they changed it.
MA has a number of things like this. My favorite is undoubtedly grumblewunches, from Stoughton.

There is some local controversy over the varieties. In East Stoughton (east of Washington Street), grumblewunches (or "grumblers") are exclusively served "greasy" style. On the West side, grumblers are eaten "colonial" or "MacAdams style". Both sides claim their own variety is more authentic, but it's not usually a problem except on Washington Street itself, where competing grumbler carts will often set up directly across from each other. Since crowds form around the carts around luncheon hour during the workday, sometimes they begin hurling insults at each other.
>Filthy greaser!
>Dirty colonist!
>Why don't you stick that grumbler up your Eastern greasehole?
>Why don't you make me, Western MacAdams faggot?
(You have to imagine this exchange happening with thick Massachusetts accents.)
Usually it's merely friendly banter, but sometimes people start throwing rocks... and the Stoughton constable's office has only 5 full-time police officers with limited riot gear, so it can take a couple hours to get things under control. It might sound crazy, but in our defense there have been no felony-level injuries or property damage since 1992, during the '92 Grumbler Dispute. But let's not talk about that.

t. East-side greaser 4 lyfe
cream cheese
buffalo sauce
chicken (seasoned and cooked with garlic salt and pepper)
cheese (both in the sauce and on top)
blue cheese crumbles (on top)
I'd bet this would be a good hangover drink
same people, really
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I drank vernors as a kid in CA and drink it for a lark sometimes now. It's nice, but I'm way too far gone at this point. I prefer stronger stuff like reed's and cock and bull.
I forget the name of it, but I remember some ginger-apple juice cocktail I drank for a long time but it's disappeared from the market.
You could feel the strongest variety in your veins, fantastic.
>People don't like strong ginger ale. Vernors is what I would call a "moderate" ginger ale
I mean, I enjoyed the one I tasted but I found it insane that the guy from detroit had to order it online. He couldn't find it in our state nor the state he first went to when leaving Michigan.
I'm iron deficient so I really want to try Hematogen, though the sugar content might cancel out the health benefits of the blood and chocolate...maybe I'll sprinkle some cacao powder on beef liver instead...
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Thanks for pointing it out. There's a blind spot on here sometimes where people seem to miss when a post crosses the threshold past discussable but rude, straight through asshole, and finally landing in the category of "I think there's actually something deeply wrong with this person and they need professional help" (and not in an insult way, the genuine "I hope they get treatment and get better" way)
That's actually also a Japanese thing, it's just a lot less well known. L and R and B and V.
I will be attempting to make this. The documentation/history behind its rise and fall is fairly interesting to read. Thank you, Anon.
my italian ex told me about these the lil nigga on them is so funny man
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Holly crap anon ur right, thanks pretty impressive
Most of 4chan's boards are actually nicer than Reddit, because we are focused on the topic rather than reputation management, but there is sometimes that One Asshole who is just here to fight people.
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I think posts like that are just performance art - playing the role of the unhinged internet maniac in a new and fresh way. Also attempts to start a new copypasta.
Root beer is made with the root bark of the sassafras tree. Stop being obtuse.
>buffalo sauce
It's frank's. Or any other suitable cayenne pepper.
Sassafras oil, root etc is banned for consumption in Australia. I think that it 'causes cancer'. The government also doesn't like it because it can be used as a precursor to MDMA. Everything is banned here.
From when Britain was still under rationing, children hat to eat carrots on a stick instead of ice cream:
Brits getting the carrot AND the stick lmao
Ever since I heard about Woodruff flavour I want to try it, but I can't find it, in Toronto, I wonder if Kitchener would have as there is supposed to be a Germanic popuplation there?
How terrible.
Safrole metabolizes into some compounds that can give rats cancer and permanent liver damage. (We've known this since the 1965).
The sassafras tree extract has to be safrole free in...everywhere, actually. US, EU, etc. Unless you were alive and drinking root beer in US before 65, you've never had any commercially available root beer with sassafras derivatives that include safrole.
When I was a boy scout in the 80's we dug up sassafras root and made iced tea with it. It remains the best iced tea I have ever had. I don't know if this is true, but I have heard the amount of safrole they were giving to the rats would be an insane amount that a human would never be able to consume.
But dude that’s a popular dish at a big time restaurant! That’s not what was asked but you sure got a chuckle out of me!! Lmao!
Aliados. Cow feet, sugar and powder.
>Safrole metabolizes into some compounds that can give rats cancer and permanent liver damage.
So just like real beer!
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We do our burgers with chicken! I don't think that's very common though?
Chicken *sandwiches* are eaten all the world 'round, Anon
This would make my sanguophage rimworld playthrough a lot easier.
Oh hey I remember my grandma getting this in WanChai on Sunday mornings, I'd only get the normal kiddy milk tea though.
>churger bait
Honestly brits need to give up
>Hush Puppies
I've always wanted to try this since I saw them in some blues movie, do they taste like fried cornbread?
That's clearly a burger anon. I'm well aware of the existence of chicken sambos like pic rel tho!
eh kids will like anything if you just treat it like it's special. My mom put salad and broccoli on the end of every meal and hyped it up like it was a dessert until my brother and I started going to school, we were convinced salad was the best thing ever. It helped that we were an almost 0 sugar household though, so it's not like we were missing something sweet.
how is a sando different from an ordinary sandwich? Is it that really thick white bread you get in Japanese bakeries?
just a random image I picked when googling for chicken sandwiches lol
You guys should really try it in a burger bun though, it rules
Yet the chicken isn't ground
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Hey anon, not sure what you mean? As you know clearly the bun is the most important structural element in a burger lol
Oh okay I just wonder about this every time I walk past this chicken sando place near my apartment.

Fried chicken in a burger is delicious though, I ate that almost exclusively during the first month of covid.
Hamburger means meat in the Hamburg style, which is ground
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yeah oath mate, it's so underrated
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sorry I don't eat hamburgers mate, I eat cheeseburgers and chicken burgers
Hamburger is inherently beef. It started in the 1800s when restaurants copied Germans grinding beef into a steak and frying it. Then approaching the mid 1900's, people started to make sandwiches with it. Now recently people's brains have finally fallen out their ear and it means anything between buns.
No it's not, people from Hamburg ate all kinds of ground meat
Just accept the fact that you call it "-burger" because you have such a large pajeet population that can't pronounce the word "sandvitch" without giving away how Foreign they are
Chicken burger=you live with dirty browns
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Ahh yes, the massive Indian flood in America, influencing food we've had here for well over a century. Would you happen to be a Leaf or Brit projecting?
I really liked these cakes when I was in Hong Kong, they're apparently called paper wrapped cakes on wikipedia but the bakery I liked (King's Bakery in Happy Valley) just called them sponge cake. If you eat them fast they take up all the space in your throat and it kinda feels like choking haha.

That and pineapple buns were my go-to, oh and those nice sausage rolls. I miss food in HKG so much... the dim sums, the 7/11 chilli shiu mai and curry fishballs, those weird egg-waffles hawkers would sell on the street in brown paper bags before they cracked down on them in my neighbourhood back in the 90s, seafood in Cheung Chau, taufu fa on Lantau, spicy Thai pork neck in that one place I liked on Lockhart road, the bbq pork buns you'd get for free in cybercafes every 2 hours, the huge breakfast menus at the Flying Dutchman, eating congee when you're sick, hitting up the Shangri La brunch buffet with the boys on Sunday... Ugh it makes me sad that I'll probably never set foot there again.
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Denver green chili smothered burritos are the shit.
>legs smaller than the cats head
What the fuck
You're fucking retarded it was a German influx
Please learn to read
the <pinkening>
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Sorry friend, I'm not what indians or german towns in the 1800s have to do with anything
> because you have such a large pajeet population that can't pronounce the word "sandvitch"
As of 2020 east asian Indians made up less than 1.5% of the population. Stick with your argument, structure it better, stop lying, and fuck off.
You aren't Americans
Trying to divert from the fact that you don't even have a green card? Someone run this fucker straight into the Pacific, not across the border, I mean right into the ocean.
Why would I have a green card? I'm an American
>4channel.org is my 1:1 IRC chat
at what point in my near constant posting of Australian fast food advertising material in this thread did I claim to be a seppo lol
You're part of the Commonwealth where a large enough portion of the population can't pronounce the word "sandwich" so your marketing firms calls non-burgers "burgers" because of the crazy number of Indians and other Asians
And just so the other guy who keeps replying to me, Indian here doesn't mean what Indian to you means
Mine live on the rezes and serve up powwows.
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Other guy here. Bad news for you. I rarely visit reservations but...
Nah we call em burgers because they're served on burger buns
Happy to have cleared that up for you mate!
Burger buns post-date the hamburger by about 80 years
Again, I don't eat hamburgers so I'm not sure what the relevance is.
So you agree with me
>thick white bread you get in Japanese bakeries
uh, Texas toast?
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she's very fluffy and I'm 5'8 and 130 pounds
>Texas toast
>crediting a yellabelly state with the invention of "slicing bread slightly thicker"
>grinding beef into steak
Surely you must mean the opposite, right?

Wait, is salzbury steak a steak?
Burger refers to ground meat. Hence "Hamburger steak", which...isnt served in a bun. Or with bread at all.
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That's a damn fine kitty right there.
Goetta and scrapple are similar but different answers to "how can I make porridge taste like ... not porridge". Scrapple is Pennsylvania dutch (not dutch) and much better known, Goetta is Ohio river valley. Both are the result of german-ish immigrants, but I don't think meat substitute was popular where they came from. Modern germans tend to disavow this depravity. The even less well known retarded cousin is the slug burger from Mississippi. It's a hamburger made with a little bit of hamburger, beef broth and bread crumbs or soy grits. Also from German immigrants.
Japanese bakery, that's prolly milk bread. it's a pain to.make, but is super fluffy.
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I go hunting a lot, and I have a friend who butchers and packages game for most of the people in town.
Whenever he grinds up some of the tougher cuts and packages it, the meat is called "burger" regardless of origin.
Venison burger can be used to make chili or meatballs. Burger just refers to ground meat in general.
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>sorry I don't have a brain and default to fast food slop as an authority figure
Rhode Island---Del's Lemonade. If you know, you know.
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Sometimes people from outside my country (or even inside it) seem surprised when I show them my favorite food.
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apparently pb&j qualifies. from what i've heard, even most eurofags don't know what the fuck it is
That's insane, just how retarded are Europeans? Never thought of putting fruit and nuts together, even though that is surely one of the most ancient food combos known to man?
Moxie cola is the state beverage of Maine. It tastes like a mix of sweet motor oil, and liquorice. Truly a ghoulish beverage, also the first mass produced soda pop. Some stuff that should die never will.
I love these lil niggas like you wouldnt believe
You do but you're ignorant enough not to know
If you are in Canada, you can find most of these stuff at T&T Supermarket, especially the big ones in Markham, or Kin-Kin-Bakery -- these vary greatly, some have dumpings. There's a lot of Hong Kong ex-pats and some have opened bakeries. The one I miss are egg waffle or egg pockets, I guess because eggs have gotten so expensive it's not feasible as a cheap streetfood anymore.
>peanut butter (mostly vegetable oil)
>jam (corn syrup)
can't imagine why
Fuck off I love Moxie.

It tastes like if a soda was made from angostura bitters.

If you hate Moxie, definitely never try pic related.
oh almost forgot
>wonderbread (corn syrup)
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For me, it's my beloved Nehi soda created in my beloved US home state of Georgia.
No unfortunately I'm in France where the only place I've found any of these is Paris (big Cantonese community so bakeries, dim sum places etc), so I'll just make do with my yearly trip up there. I've heard from people passing through that in the USA they have most of this stuff in major city Chinatowns also, that must be nice D: I'll keep it in mind if I ever go to Canada.

I'm totally with you on the egg waffles, some of my favourite childhood memories are walking down to the old man selling those right down the street from where I lived in Happy Valley. I've seen the special pan for it on ebay once, when I have more money I'll definitely get one of those and try to learn to make it.
Wow I was just checking out the Kin Kin Bakery website and you weren't kidding, some of the stuff is like a fancier version of what I ate but the sausage roll is the exact same.
When I was a kid visiting family in Indonesia, this one maid who worked at the big house made a version of krupuk (I think I saw these called shrimp crackers in the USA) that'd she put outside and let mayflies land on. Then she'd fry it all up so you'd have flies on your krupuk. Apparently I loved it as a kid (makes sense, a 5 yo boy prolly loved the idea of eating bugs like in the Lion King) but everyone else thought it was some country backwards thing, come to think of it it probably started as a desperation recipe to try and get any semblance of free food.
fuck you now i crave one
>thinks the j is for jam
It's for jelly, eurocunt
>jam (corn syrup)
Jelly is made with strained fruit juice. Jam is made with mashed fruit. Preserves have whole fruit or large pieces of fruit.
None of these have corn syrup, you moron; the sweetness comes from the actual fruit.
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I could drive to my nearest amish settlement and find real jams, jellys, and preserves without corn syrup, you loser. Your "proof" is a no-name brand I've never even heard of, much less bought.
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>no-name brand I've never even heard of
you some kind of stinky non-American who doesn't know Smuckers? we don't all live in a rural shithole with dark ages people around btw.
I already posted a picture of how you were wrong. Take the L gracefully, you absolute retard.
I accept your concession.
Damn, being a retard is your full-time job, isn't it. Your statement that all jelly is corn syrup was proven wrong, and you just can't let it go.
Mingling with backwoods folk who have at best a middle school education must've influenced your reading ability too, my condolences.
>Mingling with backwoods folk who have at best a middle school education must've influenced your reading ability too
Stop projecting your own faults and read the ingredients list in >>20850778 you subhuman ape. You drive down the IQ in your entire state.
I'm a Russian and I've heard of PB&J from American cartoons. A few years ago, I finally started seeing peanut butter in grocery stores, so I tried it and it was alright.
If you didn't enjoy it as a kid then you won't love it as an adult. The same goes for many simple meals such as: mac and cheese, buttered noodles, plain pasta and olive oil (italian delicacy), ham and cheese sandwiches, meat pies, corn dogs, etc.

Out of the list above, I only love mac and cheese, all the other ones are fine, but I could live without them. I'm sure your country has some examples as well—things your people love and have been eating your whole life but foreigners think are just fine or decent.
I forgot one, the British love beans on toast. Us Americans don't get it.
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Ropa vieja
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Countryside southeastern Brazil (General Mines)
Translates to "Milk sweets", its basically the solid fudge-like version of its paste form (Its heated up sweetened milk). Its very tasty and people eat it with their afternoon lunch. Shitgentinians claim they invented it or make it better but their word is as good as their economy.
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Actually I do have a brain lol
Still nope!
i made that once. it was fucking awesome.
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Central France
Aligot, it's basically a potato purée with a very specific kind of cheese that makes it very elastic. One of my favorite things.
whiny faggot sperg
delicious. I would eat "aguacate relleno con ropa vieja" when I was younger.

The Americans grab their favorite soda and ice cream to make a float, and the people obsessed with hating the US say, "That's just slop, you're making slop."

The Germans make Schneemaß which is just kornbrand, beer/lemonade, and ice cream. You morons go, "Wow, so much culture, you guys have amazing dishes."
wait, you guys didn't have peanut butter, I thought it was universal, okay, I have it in Canada, had it in Hong Kong, and i know the Brits have it they talked about it in Daily Mail. What about South America and the Nordics? I just realise the E Wedel Polish chocolates I've been buying doesn't seem to have a peanut option even though they have coconuts.
Maybe Moscow had it longer, but my city, Volzhskiy, didn't have peanut butter in stores until like 6 years ago (estimate, I didn't count. It was definitely some time before the pandemic, but not early into my teens). Even now, only supermarkets have it, you won't find peanut butter in small grocery stores which litter the city.
I can't imagine a world without peanut butter, it's everywhere, even for the poor because it's cheap shelf-stable protein that's vegan too, though some people are deadly allergic, but schools are bringing it back because people with minor allergies can get over it with exposure, and it's a cheap protein, many can't afford other lunches, and it's delicious, so you don't you have Reese chocolate peanut butter cups over there? We got reese ice cream too, and reesse milkshake. You should try panfrying bananas in peanut butter to make sandwiches, it's even tastier (but more fattening) if you use waffles or pancakes instead of bread. The Elvis sandwich is peanut butter, bananas, AND bacon...I haven't tried that one yet, I suppose if I use peanuts instead of peanut butter...one fat is enough...peanut butter is naturally oil so you shouldn't add any oil when frying it with bananas.

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Used to like having Jamaican patties for lunch with a cool Grace's Peanut Punch
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read and weep flyover-kun :)
Peanuts aren't nuts and are native to South America.
I don't care about this thread but how is this shit almost purely sugar
Almost everything American made has corn in it, because of Big Corn giving kickbacks to American politicians. Almost everything Canadian made now has canola oil in it, because up here we have the Canola Council. There is canola oil in most mayonnaise and peanut butter. Farm Boy was selling salad olives that are soaked in canola oil. Many cheese products have canola oil, e.g. Cheese breadsticks and cheese buns. Pretty much all of Longo's bread have canola oil, which sucks because I liked the potato bun.
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The Peach Nehi is an incomplete snack without its obligatory accompanying Moon Pie
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Moxie elixir!
Good for you. Hope you survive.
Here is one of like 3 brands you can find. I like it smooth and sugarless since I use it for my protein shakes. Once you can get anything meaningful out with a spoon, I like to clean it out with my fingers before throwing the spotless jar away.
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>goverment decides to people need more iodine in their diet
>close market from the west
>order state owned food plant to invent an affordable fish food
>guys comes up with a mixture of cooked cod, mayo and marinated vegetables

Also check out our bagguetes.
I get the peanut butter jar clean using oat flakes, works better than bread.
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Grim, no wonder the eastern block collapsed.
had taco bell for the first time today, it was shit. will never, ever eat taco bell again.
Parents saying we shouldn't drink so much caffeine it'll make us short, but we are served milk tea anyways, we get headaches as kids if we don't get our tea..

Well there are recipes online, the paper wrapped cake is just sponge cake with a higher than normal number of eggs to make it soft and moist. A lot of Hong Kong food uses a lot of eggs, as eggs were cheap for us, It could be sold fresh at wet markets with no fridges after all.
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White asparagus with salmon, egg, parsley and potatoes in melted butter
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Kama, a combination of kefir, a grain mix aswell as a sweetener.

You can make it smooth like a drink or solid so you have to eat it with a spoon, depending on how much of the grain mix you add.

I can't stand kefir but this shit slaps. It's also very filling, good for weight gain.
I love some moxie.
I have to say my biggest regret with my week in Hong Kong was not eating more food
I've rarely, if ever, come across Aniseed flavoured sweets outside the UK
It's not even that popular in the UK so sometimes it can be hard to find
Luckily the Spar near me has been carrying these for the last 25 years
>not well known
this is the only Australian food anyone knows about except for fairy bread and election sausages
I actually got a pack of 30 from russia recently. If i had to choose 1 sweet to eat for the rest of my life it would be this
Years and years of failing to get their own screenshot comp has driven the anon to insanity.
Either that or they're actually british.
>his government doesn't tell him about the HFCS in his food
lol, yuros are so cute when they think they're superior
>I'm a Russian
ooooooooo rapey retard oooooooooo oof unf oof unf oof unf mmmmmmm i make you rape now you are rape mmmmm ooooooo raped on you get retard raped by me oof unf oof unf oof unf oof unf you are rape now :)
>Pretty much all of Longo's bread have canola oil, which sucks because I liked the potato bun.
So eat it. Canola oil isn't worse for you than any other plant based oil.
heh heh gagrid
there's nothing unusual about a soft shell crab sandwich. we eat these things in Maryland.
No, he is still Hagrid in Russian.
Tripe soup
Westoids should get over themselves and try it. They don't know what they're missing
I ate it once and just found it very bland. it was almost more disappointing than if it had tasted bad.
Vernors might be the worst pop I've ever had. Idk why you folks like it so much
old people liked it, always had it around, old people let their grandchildren have some, the cycle repeats itself.

I wouldn't be surprised if they went bankrupt soon when the generation supporting their sales disappears
That seems to be what happened to h2oh!
Arguably the worst sparkling water I've ever had only bought by old people. Now it's completely gone since they're floating to the great beyond quicker and quicker
onde está o macaco?
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good thread.
everyone knows about fermented herring and pickled herring exists here and there.
this is breaded and pan-seared herring, which is then pickled. traditionally with rye-flour too. Can be eaten with most traditional things; on its own, with potatoes or on hard rye bread.
looks like escabeche/nanbanzuke
Hell yeah! Lemonade and ice cream are probably my favourite.
>fairy bread and election sausages
I know what these are, but they still sound like randomly generated combinations of words, don't they?
Only the election sausages, which I can't conceptualize. "Fairy bread" doesn't sound too weird.
holy shit that cone looks good. just wait until the indians hear about that one
I've only had Moxie once or twice; it tastes like the offspring of Coke that was raped by Tiger Balm, but in a good way. It's an acquired taste, apparently; I didn't mind it too much. If I could get it, I'd drink it a bit more often.
Because they're written by women
Grand Cayman? One of my favorite haunts serves it.
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>this is how seppos react when you tell them you put chicken on your burgers
absolutely wilding out
Heh heh heh
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For me, it's the grape nehi
God I really want to try Moxie, from what I heard it sounds like my kind of drink.
But since it's so regional I don't think you can get it outside of New England or maybe eastern Canada. It's getting hard to even find imported root beer in my country.
>so desperate for attention he replies to absolute gibberish
give me another (You) now
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Sure thing!
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maybe this one is not well known
>fish fermented in its own gut bacteria
absolut bayrisch
i do prefer your potato salat to the north german ones though
based AF. don't know why i stopped drinking it when i became a teenager
restarted some years ago, but those lost years pain me
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nigger babies
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Yorkshire is well-known for its Yorkshire pudding but its lesser down dish is a dessert called Parkin, its like a really dense spiced gingerbread but crossed with a cake it's normally made around November alongside Bonfire toffee.
yes you like rapeing? Rapey to rapist is gonna gapey to your hate hahahaha yes youvlove my rape in your face yes hehehehe more rape when you reply to me poopy lolololol my poopy goes into your rape and then you love the poopy rapey mmmmmmmmmmmm death by doody rape for you!
urbanites are subhuman, go back to your hive
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did it work? are you healthy now? do you have good eating habits?
what? I tried peanut buter at like 27 and loved it
It's "turbo" and "detskii". The first and last words are in cursive, pretty common for Russian to use cursive characters
I think he specifically meant PB&J.
Bahamas here this shit the goat and quenepas.
I'd like to add guava to the list. People know of it but guava desserts are God tier
red rooster is the blandest shit ever
true, i was a fussy eater until my 20s because my mum never encouraged me to eat anything healthy. i spent most of my life being afraid of vegetables as a consequence. it was so bad that if a food i liked had so much as touched a piece of broccoli, i wouldnt eat it. now i love vegetables and cant help but wonder if some of my health problems were caused by me not having eaten them until my early 20s.
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here's your (you)!

nah it's good now. Way better than KFC
>better than kfc
really? to be fair, i only had red rooster once, it was a chicken, lettuce and mayo roll, and it was the blandest shit ive ever had in my life. imagine a zinger burger but with no zing or any flavour. im not exaggerating, it really was tasteless. perhaps ill have to try it again, that burger looks decent
>red rooster is the blandest shit ever
Is it more bland than taco bell? If you don't add the sauce packets to your taco bell meal it literally tastes like nothing.
Ha, I was a picky eater too, different foods couldn't touch and all my meat had to be very well-done. Never had a problem with anything but seafood though, just needed a big plate so I could separate stuff lol. Grew out of it as soon as I lived on my own though and quickly learned to eat anything I could.

Well I guess you could say it worked, in the sense that I've always liked veg as much as meat or dessert (if cooked properly). We didn't have much in the way of sugar or soft drinks in the house either, so I never got addicted to any of that (we'd have like a choco bar for each child once a week after we went shopping iirc).

But I don't have healthy eating habits, I just eat whatever i feel like, which most of the time is a sandwich, a salad and some kind of fruit or yoghurt. I don't exercise either so I have that typical skinnyfat body. No excuse, both my parents ran marathons, did aerobics etc.
>Why are posts like this always worded so psychopathically
Cause it's always someone trying to bait for (You)s, so they lay it on extra thick to really get people annoyed.
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Thanks for the post, I'm definitely trying this next time I go to the Asian market

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