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I started getting these recently and I fucking love them, eat a tin daily at least. I've mostly just been throwing them on rice or spaghetti though. What are some interesting things to do with them?
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>What are some interesting things to do with them?
I don't buy them
Dump 4 tins into a bowl. Add some dashes of your favorite condiment. Eat quickly with a fork, chasing with black iced coffee.
Return to work.
that's not interesting
Toast some rye bread and spread some deli mustard on it, add sardines. Ideal sandwich
>that's not interesting
sardines aren't interesting

and this anon posted this unironically. Because sardines aren't interesting
mix them in with a couple of beaten eggs and microwave for a minute or two
The only thing less interesting than a daily sardines thread would be a daily canned tuna thread.
You're so interesting
Sounds pretty good actually
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I'm not. And I just really dislike sardines
nobody cares
Everyone who posts here is weird and weird is a kind of interesting, Anon
At least tuna tastes alright
What about daily canned salmon threads?
you're going to get cadmium poisoning just like that retard roe jogana
my usual routine deen based brunch thing is
>cook 2 hashbrown patties
>spread on your choice of sauce, mayo or cheese
>layer each patty with a single row of deens
>fry 2 eggs in the remaining deen juice/oil(add small tab of butter if insufficient)
>flip eggs, burner off and generously shake smoked paprika and vinegar forward hot sauce
>top each patty with egg and eat like a trifle
large bites so you can get a bit of everything. I average 3-4 bites per patty. I like the simplicity, but occasionally I will just scramble the eggs, dump in the full container of deens and patties, mix and cook until basically a pan frittata then hit it heavy with some pesto or tzatziki. a nice smoke afterwards is always a treat.
these tiny sardines always taste amazing, i just eat them on their own.
Big Deenz is paying OP
My friend took a tin of them in hotsauce
>mashed it up
>added marinara sauce
>baked for 5 minutes
Good dip with crackers. I've been hooked on mackerel
I like to add with ramen noodles, or roasted potato's. Sometimes make a sammich but not usually
Some in my family like to make a salad with it but to me canned fish and salad don't go together, guess that's just my subjective tastes

Oh and its great on a bed of quinoa, or quinoa mixed in rice.
Nobody wants your garbage fish you retard.
You're the retard. Mackerel is great, how can you like sardines but not mackerel
>Mackerel is great
Only when fresh. It's a garbage fish otherwise. I see you doing this in every deenz thread. This, and saying they'll give you mercury poisoning.
nta, but canned mackerel is tougher than sprats. reminds me of Solmex Sardines. not bad, but not my favorite for eating whole. mashed is fine.
They seem nasty, but I vaguely remember being obsessed with them when I was very young.
Think you've mistaken me for someone else. I'd never say deenz nor mackerel will give you merc poisoning. I can eat up to 2 cans per day and wouldn't be at risk of merc toxicity.
>canned mackerel is tougher than sprats
I agree but this isn't a dealbreaker to me. I like the taste of KO mackerel and like that its fattier. Its just another good canned small fish to have. Kippers are tougher too but I love them equally
I just bought a tin of sardines in oil. Haven't had them since I was a kid and don't remember what they look like or how to eat them. Am I just supposed to eat the fishes whole without any further prep? Don't remove the skin or bones or anything?
skin and bones shouldn't be a problem if they aren't too cheap.
I usually squirt some lemon or lime before eating them. Or if I don't have those, then a splash of ACV
Then you could put it on crackers, bread, rice, noodles, whatever you want. Or just eat straight out the can with nothing
>in (((oil)))
i just take out of the can and mix with dijon mustard in a small ball
Does the small ball come apart so you can pack the sardines and mustard in there?
Dis nigga eatin deenz yo.
I love how chuds read last decade women health magazines buzz word articles and said "that is so me but let's pick some other food"
there’s no reason to use rape seed oils
i make creole lard rice, mix in spinach right after the rice is done so it wilts up, then dump a can or two of deenz in and mix thoroughly. heavenly.
ITT: gross single men
Its true tho. Only cooking oil you should use is olive or coconut butter or animal fat. Oils high in omega 6 should be discarded
will be trying this for lunch tomorrow anon, thank you
Don't do it. Cooking deenz rapidly degrades the omega 3s , you can pair them with hot food. But ignore any recipes where you actually cook the deenz
I really want to like these. In fact I do like them. Simple high quality versatile cheap protein.

But every time I eat them I burp disgusting sardine fishy flavour for HOURS. I don't know why. But it makes me fucking sick.
I have no idea how "cheap" they are relative to other ones. The store had the same brand in water, oil, or hot sauce, and nothing else. Is there a good chance that a tin from a common American grocery store has unpleasant bones and skin to deal with, or is that pretty rare?
Cool, thanks. I think I'm just going to try them plain out of the tin at first, but I'll try them with lime after that. Good to know that it's normal to just eat them without doing anything to them.
Yeah I'm not a big slop oil guy usually, but it's just one tin. I'll probably get future deenz in tomato sauce or something if I like them, and I don't think one can with oil is really going to hurt me.
>if i were a french soldier on the coast
are you a big oil shill?
i had a liberal nutbag attack me over canola oil, they've convinced npcs to shill for them
yes, I am being paid to reply to your posts anon, it's all a big conspiracy
Try it with roasted potatoes. Potato n canned fish usually gives ppl no fishy burps
if you feed that shit to rats they plump up with tumors and die
Get sourdough bread, slice it open, put sardines, thin sliced sweet onion and sliced pickles then dig in and enjoy.

Sounds good, I never thought of using mustard with sardines.

Here they come in olive oil which makes them even tastier.
China = cheap/low grade

they dont cook much if at all in the scramble and only get warm in the trifle thing
>Here they come in olive oil which makes them even tastier.
Everywhere they are sold they come in both olive oil and some kind of vegetable or seed oil. Olive oil ones are always marginally more expensive.
mustard is good with deens, but dont get deens in mustard.

the Chicken of the Sea ones in olive oil/lemon and olive oil are the same price as the sneed oil ones, just under $2 a can.
>China = cheap/low grade
Okay well I'm not in China
the deens being a product if China, that is.
I eat a can as a meal sometimes, p yummy
How do people eat this shit? It stings my tongue and it’s full of bones
It's obvious you never even tried it, these are pressure canned and every bone is soft and edible.
I get boneless skinless canned sardines in olive oil from costco. i follow Alton Brown's recipe for avocado toast with sardines and it's really good-- you brine the fish in the oil it comes in mixed with some red wine/sherry vinegar, lemon zest, chopped parsley or cilantro, salt/pepper, etc, whatever else you want; then put it on avocado toast. could also add some arugula or something to the toast
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>the summoning
i don't know why but i hate this guy so fucking much
maybe it's the stupid music
I like sardines, but only by themselves with olive oil and salt.

They are too fishy to add to things, it makes the dish taste and smell like old fish.
Don't like asian fish sauce for the same reason.

Good canned tuna is less fishy and still too fishy for cooked dishes.

Plain sardines or smoked are good. Savory, plenty of umami. Not everything needs to be complicated.
Think I will go have some now.
Try with either roasted potatoes, ramen, quinoa or plain pasta in olive oil. Its still simple but just a good basic pairing. I also like to eat canned fish by itself as a snack but its nice to make a simple meal out of it too
kipper snacks are REALLY smoky and fatty. opening a can is like strong like bacon. tuna is pet food tier.
Mashed up some deenz today in some yakisoba with extra Worcestershire sauce for some extra tanginess to balance out the fishy deenz flavor. Was absolutely delicious.
I agree heating sardines makes them way too fishy so I use sardines only in room temperature recipes like sandwiches, hoagies and salads, they go great with bread because it will absorb excess olive oil without drying them and also pair well with acidic or bitter stuff like pickled greens, onion, garlic etc.
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How are these? They look good in the pictures but ivent tried yet. Worse, as good or better than KO or crown prince's kippers?
you aren't interesting
crown prince are the only ones I've tried. KO seems to be overhyped and overpriced. I'd give the Rügen a shot.
>maby add some garlic and/or pickled onios
They’re kino to bring when going innawoods. Incredibly satiating after hiking
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i want cheap and tasty deenz but they don't exist
Sure they do. Get a net and head out into the ocean, or buy a few live ones and dig a saltwater pond in your backyard to breed them in.
Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast.
They are nice in toast. Not that great on their own, worth just getting once maybe. Rugen in general are pretty mediocre, as they are usually dry and the flavors disappointing (e.g. the spicy ones have 0 heat, the horseradish having 0 horseradish taste etc).
KO kippers only cost 50¢ more than crown prince in my mart and the quality of the fish seems to be better than crown prince. But I will say I enjoy the flavor of the crown prince ones more, I still like to alternate between the two when I start to get bored of one or the other

Also KO kippers nutrition label claims to have more vitamin D, which might come in handy during the colder months when you're not able to make vit D from the sun
So would you put it in 3rd place over KO and crown prince? Are they better than polar brand kippers at least? I've yet to try polar brand since its not locally available and I'd have to order online
Would you ever use reheated oil?

That's what most vegetable oils are.
What the fuck is wrong with mackerel, spazoid?
it's not yet marketable to foids and soybois
it's the moustache and glasses
Hello oil shill bot. Beep boop. Fuck you and your masters.
this is the way
>ctrl f seen
>18 results

Are you guys just looking for an excuse to call them deenz heaps of times?
>So would you put it in 3rd place over KO and crown prince
I don't know sorry as I only have the tinned rugen kippers and not the other 2. They are just so expensive for the volume of food. They cost me 8 Aussie dollars (for 100g), while their other makeral costs $7 (200g) or $10 (500g)
For me, it's sprats
I like making fish in a hill with sardines!
Idk how much Aussie dollars equates to USD. But I can order them online for about $2.33/100g can.
>destroying those vital omega 3s by frying deenz
sardinetards are so fucking stupid. just look at this weirdo. "durr guys what do i do with food" how about google it faggot. what makes retards attracted to sardines anyway? every time someone posts about sardines they proudly post photos of themselves slapping them on slices of american shelf-stable bread or some equally nauseating garbage. or crackers. like, is it supposed to be impressive or interesting that you opened a can and put the thing on a cracker? get a fucking life.
My Deen Dinner for One

half can of chickpeas, one whole onion, sliced, some minced garlic, and chopped carrots.

toss with olive oil and salt, put in oven to roast at like idk 350-400 for however long.

when roast is nearing completion, warm a can of sardines in water on the stove.

pull out when it looks good and things are all roasted, throw in a bowl.

open can of sardines, put them into the bowl. add to bowl one spoonful of tahini. drizzle with good balsamic vinegar

bone appetite!
Post tits or gtfo
I like them on toasted sourdough with cottage cheese and hot sauce
what a delightfully autistic post. you sound like a frumpy little shit
You eat sardines daily??? Omg so healthy!!! Lil Timmy gunna gwow up big n stwong
Wow you're so strong and perspicacious can I have your children uWu?
It was a light broil thank you, much less heat than the canning process it went through previously
>complains about people posting food on the food board
You remind me of the schizos who go to /an/ to complain about cats and go to /k/ to complain about guns.
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toast is the best carb to pair with deenz really. also needs a fatty condiment, and something sour to balance it. you can change those around, rye, italian, whole wheat for bread. mayo, cream cheese, plain yogurt for the sauce. and for the sourness I like grilled green olives, pickled onions, sliced cherry tomatoes, or just parsley and lemon juice. but deenz are constant.
I like chicken of the sea brand and they're usually around $1
they range from $1.29-$1.89 in my area.
Just had a deen and tomato sauce (not ketchup) sandwich, with thick cut onion on wholegrain bread. Pretty simple but pretty good. I'd recomend.
>ketchup, fish and raw onion sandwich
Sounds disgusting desu
what does (not ketchup) mean to a playa like you?
I think it is I don't buy them either. you deenz fags are worse than the "dude bacon dude hot sauce fags"
Gallon of deenz a day
It'd be better if you threw those 'mato deenz in some pasta noodles with olive oil/butter, but a sandwich with just onion as the 2nd main ingredient is very odd taste
My brother works on oil rigs. His old rig was full of dudes who loved to fish in the off hours, but they didn't want mackerel.
So he took them. They had freezers on the rig to accommodate the fishers.
He'd come home with a SACK of MACK and we'd eat like kings.
Sadly, he eventually transferred to a more boring rig.

You are a fool.
I need it
Man that sounds awesome. Oil riggin and fishin
You're paying the meme tax for sardines specifically, just get some different canned fish and go. Mackerel is based, eel is based. Asian grocers have a grip of canned fish of all kinds and they're all good shit.
Don't know why nobody brings this up, but sardines are one of the easiest items to shoplift. They're practically the perfect shape, and size to hide in the palm of your hand/slide into a pocket.
>eel is based
What's the best canned eel? I had one of the Asian brands a few months ago and it was too sweet for me. I also had one of the Asian ones a few years ago that wasn't too sweet so I know good ones are out there.
>he can't handle the deenz

he also can't handle the deenz

>OMG not the seed oil
lmao, get a load of this soccer mom
>Would you ever use reheated oil?
Yeah. Every restaurant with a deep fryer does too.
if your hand is big enough you can just slide it into your sleeve as you "put it back", but I'm white so I shan't be practicing this.
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My hero.
this has aroused my autism, that recipes jabe ypu made with it?
What's the advantage of this over lemon juice?
It doesn't expire
It contains delicious maltodextrin and black fungus-derived citric acid
>over lemon juice?
I should have mentioned this before, but that bottled lemon juice is disgusting.
enjoy being gay and having aids faggot
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You don't waste nearly an entire lemon on a single can
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>It contains delicious maltodextrin and black fungus-derived citric acid
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I do not eat
>seed oils
>processed gums
>factory-farmed meat, fish or eggs
>frankenstein chemicals
How about alcohol
nah no alcohol either. I use pomegranate juice instead of red wine in cooking.
Soy isn't word filtered here, tourist
well excuse me princess
Its not the oil themselves that are bad per se.
Its highly subsidized dubious quality oils that are bought up by comoanies for almost nothing and put into everything. Soybean oil being the #1 offender right now.
Good qaulity soybean oil (if such a thing exists at market) is completely fine.
Seaweed paper snacks as a wrap with a sardine + a slice of avocado thats salt peppered and limed is a good low carb snack.
No alcohol, corn, dairy, yeast? You wouldn't last a day in Wisconsin
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For me, it's Old Fisherman.
>Its not the oil themselves that are bad per se.
I'd disagree. There's a litany of reasons seed oils are terrible for you. The main reason I hate seed oils is because they're high in omega 6. Americans on average have an omega 6 to omega 3 ratio of 10:1 to 20:1. The ideal ratio is somewhere between 4:1 and 2:1. Too much omega 6 causes oxidative stress which contributes to disease

Only cooking oils I use are low in omega 6; olive oil, coconut oil and butter.
>I get my nutrition information from Youtube manfluencers
Dude who grew up in a fatherless home detected
Is teenage adhominem your only retort?
You obese big oil shills should provide an actual counter argument if you want anyone to listen to you
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Fisherman's eggs. Add a chopped jalapeno or something if you want a little more kick. Also. Bread or crackers of choice, cream cheese, thinly sliced onion, sardines. Maybe add some tomato.
dunno where else to ask but anyone had these? are they good? cheap and got very good reviews and seem to actually contain sardines instead of sprats like most of the ones from the stores do here
I need to make these. I love eggs and deenz so it might be the perfect food.
>Dude you gotta watch this 30 minute youtube video by some guy shilling his diet seminars who also makes videos simping for Jordan Peterson, and seething about feminism
How old are you? 13?
I wish deens didn't have all their guts and bones in them
They’re usually eviscerated. You’ll just have to deal with the bones though
Fisherman's eggs
>Add a can of Deenz to an oven proof bowl
>Flake it with a fork
>Add a thicc slice of butter, quarter of a diced onion, a crushed clove of garlic, chopped parsley, salt, pepper and a squeeze of lemon
>Bake for 5 minutes
>Stir and crack over 3 or 4 eggs and bake until eggs are set
Baked eggs aren't everyone's cup of tea so you could beat them with a little water and cover in cheese or something of that nature.
If they're small deenz you can eat all of it. Some fishes, deenz included, void their bowels when they die so there's no poop in them.
I have a chest freezer full of whole raw sardines that I need to do something with.
I used to hack a few of them into chunks and feed them to my cat but she's gone now and the new one I got is a diva who doesn't want to eat fish.
Maybe I'll make one of those stargazy pies.
First, I shared that video with a different anon, so I wasn't telling you to watch anything. Second, in that same post I provided why I don't like seed oils which is what I'm asking if you have an argument against. Since I see you're clearly highly emotional about my post and you are PMSing I don't expect an actual argument against that though. Hope your cramps subside and that you feel better sis, try a bubble bath
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Both of you are taking the internet seriously and it is a miserable experience to watch
I disagree, they are cooked tiny whole headless fish that come seasoned and preparedfrom a can, that is interesting.
Make mini stargazy pies in a muffin pan
He started it!...
today I did rye toasted in the pan with some butter and deen oil. cholula chipotle on the left and Louisiana cajun heat on the right.
Delicious looking deenz
How do peple deal with it?
they make sardines in olive oil too, goof
Yeah but when a can of deez says "in oil" its usually never olive oil. If it is olive oil, then it usually explicitly states it on the can. Example: look at chicken of the seas sardines in oil, and you'll see in the ingredients its soybean oil
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Deenz in olive oil

drain olive oil into a frypan
heat and add chopped onions garlic and hot chilli of choice
add saardines and slow fry until they are c'crispy' not mushy - once in pan leave them alone turning only once or twice max to get even golden crispiness on both sides.
Make some rice.
Make some greens eg bok choi
rice on plate
deenz on rice
flash fry greens in pan with the oil/onions etc
add lemon juice and soy sauce and stir in
add to rice and deenz
fry an egg if you like
delicious and nutritious
why an image for ants?
that's with tuna, not sardines. sardines are lower in the food chain so they don't bioaccumulate nearly as much.
canned fish is cooked inside the can and all the scales and bones have had all their calcium leached and are mostly soft and chewy.
I just whisked together a cheap can of Chicken of the Sea deenz with an egg, three tablespoons of cornstarch (as I did not have flour or breadcrumbs), some lemon pepper, some salt and a splash of lemon juice, poured it into a small nonstick pan with no oil and made a pan-fried, nicely browned deenz pancake, then topped it with sriracha.
It was good.
I like the coat them in black pepper and eat with a warm bowl of tomato soup. They pair nicely.
Have you tried iwashi no dai gyakusatsu, it is a tomato soup with sardines that mimics the bloodbath of the battle of Sekigahara, with sardines drowning in their own "blood" and ending up in hell (your bowels) until reincarnation.
I have not but I will look into this thanks.

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