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Thread for discussing coffee and coffee related topics.

Latte edition

If you're new and confused start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

If you're old and confused have you dialed in your espresso?
Give it to me straight…
Is decaf cringe?
Damn anon, you quick. But not quick enough to remember the last thread: >>20822086
Her smile is unsettling.
Got some new yellow bourbon beans, gonna try them tomorrow. Whatcha havin' /ctg/?
They say decaf no longer tastes like shit. Maybe it's a ploy by big decaf, maybe it's true. I'd give it a try if you just want to have coffee late at night or can't handle caffeine.
worrying about if decaf is cringe is cringe
for me?
for you?
'presso babby here

I just got specialty beans for the first time. Unsure if I like them or not honestly, and not sure if I'm brewing it right. It seems more floral than what I had before (Lavazza espresso medium roast, which I quite liked), and the liquid is a lot clearer. It seems pretty acid to me, with a slight bitterness, but I have pleb tastebuds so I can't be sure.

Any espresso babby guides?
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How securely does a Hario Switch sit on a Fellow Mighty Small carafe?
I get migraines when I go crazy or cold turkey on the weekends. And that's the only reason I'm not grinding some beans at 7pm.
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>coffee thread
>milk edition
This cannot be!
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>Whatcha havin' /ctg/?
Cheeky night timee coffee liqueur making and sipping.
About as securely as it would sit on a standard mug, I presume.
I’ve had 12 shots of espresso today. I’m fuckin tweakin hard.
>I’m fuckin tweakin hard
That's an understatement. 18g basket i suppose.
Mighty top lip is about 76mm. Bottom part of the switch base is 60mm. It'll be fine.
15g. My heart is thumping and I keep having to remind myself to not clench my teeth.
Just don't drink too much or else you won't sleep. Like this >>20834358 anon, he's not gonna sleep for at least 2 days. Why would you do this to yourself? Espresso is tasty but damn, anon.
FDA says you should limit to 400mg of caffeine per day
18 [double] shots of espresso is approximately 1350mg
fellow coffee liqueur enjoyer, how are you making it?
ive got some in the fridge extracting rn, gonna filter it tomorrow with cheesecloth
Is coffee a vegetable broth? This Space Orc seems to think so:
Because she's AI.
Probably sacrilege for coffee enjoyers but I need Keurig recommendations.

My new office has
>2 old coffee pots that are used to brew communal plain black coffee
>1 keurig machine (bring your own pods)

I've never been much of a coffee drinker so I don't own one or even know what flavors I'd like.
I plan to buy a keurig and a variety of pods, set it up in my kitchen and just spend an afternoon brewing and comparing until I've narrowed it down to a selection of pods to buy more of and bring in to work.
If I don't like it enough, I plan to return the keurig machine, but if it turns out I like it enough to want to keep it, I'd want the keurig machine to actually be a nice-ish one.
I prefer it not hog counter space so I was thinking of the express, slim, or compact, or maybe let it have a bit more space for the brew+chill or the cafe barista bar one that comes with a separate frother if those are significant improvements.
I'm still watching through a bunch of videos and reading reviews trying to pick one.
Enjoy your microplastics lol.
It's too late for me, I used a bottle years beyond when it started to flavor the liquids put into it.
All the Keurig machines are consoomer grade shit so it doesn't matter what you buy.
is that Jenkem?
coffee beans are actually the seed of a cherry
which is a fruit not a vegetable.
its a fruit seed tea
All fruits are vegetables.
>All fruits are vegetables.
Only if they get face-fucked so much they get brain damage but I accept your premise.
yeh nah
technically ya mums ya dad.
go to a proper cafe and order speciality espresso see if you like it or not
Bros, I've checked the alignment on my burrs (SSP) on my Fellow Ode, but it seems I'm getting a lot of fines when grinding. Is this normal?
If not, what should I do?
Also, what is the best burr set for my grinder to get more clarity?
I wouldn't worry :)
ode 1 or ode 2?
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Made first real cappuccino at home this morning. Still working on getting better at steaming milk but I’ve got the grind and machine dialed in now. 15g in and 30g out in 32 seconds. Nice, balanced shots now that I got the acidity problem resolved.
is that picture before you added the milk?
Yes, y'all would tear me apart if what you saw my milk pour looked like at this point. I also need a smaller cup, this thing is latte sized.
Bought a basket from Normcore and I’ve struggled to get the correct dose the last two days lol. Pulled some nice espresso tho, my previous basket must have been a limiting factor in my espresso

Who makes the “best” 22g/triple baskets? Is it IMS?
But they only have 18-20 and 24-26
>Actual volume capacity will vary with grind size, roast level, humidity, etc
22g is going to require a slightly coarser grind than smaller basket.
Was asleep shortly after your post, alcohol really knocks me down.

Based coffee liqueur enjoyer.
Recipe is as follows:
>make syrup with 350g sugar and around 2dl water. once done let it reach room temp.
>poured 7dl 40% vodka in a container
>add room temp syrup, will more or less bring the final total to around 30%
>optional add personal secret flavourings such as cinnamon
>add around 105-110g freshly ground coffee of your choice decaf or not (i have no idea if light roasts are good for this)
>shake like a mofo
>leave 10-15 days at room temp shaking the jar daily
>when time elapsed filter the jar content thru coffee filter
>leave in bottle for at least three months
>ideally you re-filter the bottled coffee several times for peak purity
>best maturity is at around one year bottled resting
>put bottle in freezer 1h before serving
>serve super chilled little shots
>heaven on earth

How did you make yours?

>coffee liqueur making
Can't you read?
>Can't you read?
Burr talk.
Dennis looks autistic.
He's an og home-barista forum autist who got so deep in the rabbithole he started his own company.
Is a coffee machine really worth it? It always gave me the impression of being some hippy shit that only wants to look better than the "cheap shit" instant coffee. But I'm not very experienced in the coffee world.
The worst drip coffee machine makes marginally worse coffee than the best one. Chances are you’re just going to fill it with garbage pre ground coffee from the grocery store anyway. If you want to talk about espresso then that’s a whole other story.
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How well do the newer meme manual espresso machines work? e.g. the flair lever machines or the wacaco tenga-lookin' ones? Are I like espresso drinks and I've gone through phases where I drink them a lot, but it's never been a daily thing, so so something small I can stick into a drawer when I inevitably get bored of the hobby feels nicer than a countertop semi-auto, even if it's more effort. I currently use an aeropress, so I already have a meme grinder and kettle.
This is my speed. I'm tired of useless hoff style opinion pieces comparing junk.
I actually disassemble my Flair after every use and I use it daily, so keeping it stored wouldn't be an issue specially if you only use it sporadically. They're also kickstarting a camping version of the Flair and if you buy in now you can get it with a pressure kit for cheaper than you could buy a full size machine with no kit. That thing's case is tiny and would definitely fit in a drawer. As for the coffee they make, it's pretty damn good. A bit finnicky on grind size so make sure you have proper fine adjustment with your grinder. I started with a really cheap grinder and there was a 5 click range between completely choking it and zero resistance. As for things like the Wacaco, I have no idea. All the coffee tubers say it's good but it looks too plasticky to me.
Cool, thanks. The storage isn't actually that much of an issue; mostly wondering if the general class of these (relatively) cheap manual espresso machines is worth it vs an entry-level semi-auto, if I'm willing to put in all the autistic dialing in effort. Seems like they are.

>proper fine adjustment with your grinder
Hmm, I have the cheapest baratza encore, any idea if that's too chinky, or good enough?
I got the wacaco minipresso at a thrift store for 10 bucks. It's a fun toy and the espresso it makes is surprisingly good. I got one when I was curious about espresso, and it was a decent jumping-off point to more serious machines. A major limitation of my model was that the basket maxed out at 8g, so anything beyond a double shot (in this case, literally) was kind of a hassle. If you're sperg enough to want espresso while camping or something it's a pretty good tool given the price and size/weight. But if I wanted an actual cuppa coffee more often than not I'd just make french press instead. I sold mine after getting a proper espresso machine.
The only problem with manual machines is they can only pull as good an espresso shot as you can make. Everything and I mean everything is on you. If that’s something that appeals to you then you might like it. Personally I always felt that much work being involved would just put me off using it as much as I might want. I like waking up to a hot machine with a steam function and making a nice latte in a matter of minutes with virtually no work or thought needed. Fucking around with a lever machine first thing in the morning doesn’t sound like my idea of a good time. I might buy one some day just to have fun with but I’m not of the school of thought that making espresso needs to be some sort of art form. I want to prep a portafilter, push a button and have good espresso.
Makes sense. I know my own hobby lifecycle well enough now from other stuff (coffee roasting, bbq, tea, 3d printing, etc) that I am the type of autist that enjoys the learning process way more than the end result. So a couple weeks of playing with a new toy and getting some subpar espresso out of it sounds great. I'm sure I'll eventually get to the point where I just want decent easy espresso too, but until then, if I need the caffeine, I'll weigh out 80mg of the bag of pure caffeine powder I got a decade ago when it was still legal and I was into whole nootropics meme.
I was unable to make good coffee with the Encore/Flair combo. Maybe you could do it with a stepless mod and dark roast, but even with medium-dark beans my shots were painfully acrid.
>Hmm, I have the cheapest baratza encore
I mean, it SHOULD work well. The cheapo grinder I'm talking about was a C2. At 7 clicks it would choke any beans, at 8-9 it would choke light roasts and at 12 it wouldn't build any pressure. Is the Encore stepless? That would help quite a bit, I think. Anyway, this anon >>20837225 makes a good point in that all parameters are up to you. Personally I find it fun though it does mean I pull dogshit shots from time to time, or I pull godlike shots that I'm unable to replicate. I don't have a pressure kit though, that'd probably help with consistency.
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>boil water for pour over
>it boils
>step away for a couple minutes because of emergency(family stuff)
>come back to pour the water
>huh that looks different
>look at the kettle
>tfw i didnt reboil the kettle and now my brew is ruined
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Anyway to dress this up? More convenient just to make a quick cup of instant in the morning, but it either tastes burnt or watery.
Apart from dairy, sugar, and a pinch of salt, no.
They force out something like 40% – 50% of the beans by weight. At most, 30% of a roasted coffee bean is water soluble, so there's 10% – 20% extra "woody" cellulose in most mass market instant coffee.
How fucking hard is it to just make a real cup of coffee?
what grinder do you use? the stepless mod for the encore looks easy to do at least.
I add a little cream, the kind used for whipping and some normal milk. All of this is like 1/3 of the cup and the rest is water.

If I’m feeling fancy I add other stuff like cocoa powder, peanut butter, evaporated milk, etc.
The peanut butter doesn’t dissolve that well but it makes it taste great.
But you see anon, uses people who have no time need to drink instant in the morning because we have to wake up, take a shit, get dressed, drink coffee and go out to work all within 5 minutes.
Stepless is ok but the problem is that Encore lacks resolution. It's a pain in the ass to make minute adjustments between 1-4 clicks since anything coarser than ~5 is useless for espresso (in fact, I am legitimately curious why anyone would need to grind in settings 20-40 for *any* method).
Right now I use the DM47. It's nothing fancy but it works well enough for me. People love to call anything Turin dropshipped trash (not without reason, mind) but in my limited experience it's probably one of the best electric grinders on the market under $200.
>probably one of the best electric grinders on the market under $200
DM47 is based. Are you going to buy the kinu pourover burr at some point?
>DM47 is based
based on what?
the dm46, probably
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I started shaking my grinds for pour-over after watching Lance sensei, and I have to say: the coffee tastes significantly better. I'm not sure if it's doing something or if it's all placebo. I don't care either way as long as I'm having a better experience with my coffee.
I haven't tried shaking but a more aggressive WDT in the catch cup before dumping it into my brewer gave a noticeable difference. I've been doing for about 2 years now.
Shaking sounds easier. But I can't see how WDT would be any different if stirred well enough.
Opinions in the Brewista Artisan?
Looking for a reliable temperature controlled kettle and it's either this or the Hario BuonoN. Both are priced similarly
Maybe I don’t know how to distribute properly from my shaker but I always have to end up using WDT to distribute the grounds easily in the portafilter.
are you not?
When a bottomless portafilter spits a little bit at the beginning does that mean that my WDT isn't up to snuff or is that just part of the game with bottomless
you probably have bad puck prep. What machine are you on?
The regular encore is a pure filter grinder
Espresso can work in a pinch, but it's far from ideal. The ESP does make decent espresso though, even if the steps are a bit too far apart for my liking
In terms of reliability, they're both about the same. Go with whichever one looks better to you.
If you really can't decide, the Brewista has slightly bettter flowrate control, but in most cases the slight difference won't matter or even be noticeable.
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I went on a trip to Mexico, /ctg/!
Hoping to pick up Onyx's goff once I'm done with Moonwake's.
>apple pear fritter
lmao who even believes this shit
just say you have a child's palate and move on
Well I never said that, fren. I spent more on coffee equipment than a person will spend on coffee in their lifetime, of course I'm autistic.
>Opinions in the Brewista Artisan?
its fantastic
hey I got some snake oil to sell you, it's good on coffee
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is it blueberry bomb flavoured?
I tried shaking for my long five minute steep aeropress and it seemed to give it heavier body, reduced the acidity and sweetness and increased the bitterness. That was just one brew though and I need to compare it more to unshakened brews.
*clears throat significantly*
*checks watch*
Well? Aren't you gonna tell us the time?
8:00 am
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Hot day today.
Didn't have any cold-brew on hand.
So I broke out the instant slop and made some of that 'coffee foam'.
It's a'ight, though I still prefer cold-brew for iced coffee.
>How did you make yours?
pretty similar to yours, except i used a bit more water to counterbalance the higher proof liquor i used, and less coffee. i had a hard time finding a good recipe, so i figured id just futz around with the proportions. gonna use more coffee next time, though.
i know its better aged, but im sippin on some right now with some milk and it tastes great
DF54 just came back in stock. Someone stop me from ordering one.
Killing yourself stops you from ordering one.
huh? grinder? what are ya gay?
is the DF54 the new budget king?
At $230, yes.
>budget espresso
>not getting a hand grinder
what's the fucking point, you're buying a worse product for more money just because it has a motor
I have a hand grinder you dumb fuck. Maybe I just don't feel like turning a crank like a monkey everyday.
how is it worse?
buy a power drill then, faggot

If you spend $230 on a machine, only a fraction of that goes to the burrs, which are the most important part
if you spend $230 on a hand grinder, almost all of that goes to the burrs
what if they're good?
Then they can charge $460. :)
I'm surprised nobody has made some sort of universal motor attachment for hand grinders. Because sure, you can use a drill, but coffee nerds are willing to buy all sorts of useless gadgets.
So why haven't you made it?
so you dont own it?
I just made espresso for the first time ever.
What the fuck do I do with the coffee puck
Eat it as a bonus snack
throw it away
think of it like a used tea bag
throw it at passerbys
woe, puck be upon ye
What's stopping us from making coffee from fruits other than cherries? I was thinking Dates. It's just as versatile. Why wouldn't it work?
Throw it in the yard and just let it age into compost.
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Still working on getting the milk steaming down, ran a bit short on the foam for my cappuccino but tastes great nonetheless. Finally got my settings right with the 22g basket to get good tasting shots. Have to pull at 1:3 in 35 seconds and it comes out great.
cowfee :)
>Why wouldn't it work?
because the seed is different
>Why wouldn't it work?
It does, try it
DF54 is really good, idk how. It’s just a smaller, slower DF64 without burr upgrade options and the DF64 already beats the Niche Zero.
I wonder if they’re selling it at a loss…
New bigger basket; gotta grind coarser. Current grind was ~1:1.5 in 30s and had some bitterness
IMO a 22g triple basket is the ideal for cortados, etc.
They aren’t losing. The reality is there are huge markups on a lot of grinders. There is nothing inherently complex or expensive about a small electric motor spinning some metal plates.
>1:3 in 35 seconds
grind finer
I tried a couple times to grind finer for a 1:2 and it came out sour. Went one step finer still on my grinder, I don’t have stemless, and it almost plugged the machine until it found a channel and came flooding out. I went back to the 1:3 and it tastes great. I’ll keep playing with it though.
>Went one step finer still on my grinder, I don’t have stemless,
buy a better grinder
drinkin presso
it's sour
Guy doesn't know shit about manufacturing or metrology.
Hey thanks man, I never thought of that.
This comment is a really good example of the Dunning–Kruger effect
but anyway no they aren't losing money because the df grinders are dogshit. Like most chinese products they are an approximation of a thing but not the thing itself. If you want a really cheap grinder wait for the new mazzer to come out. The mazzer is actually aligned and can maintain alignment while grinding.
>the df grinders are dogshit.
Very contrarian opinion considering how most reviewers like/love them and how popular they are with consumers
if it's not expensive it's dogshit.
Well they aren't aligned well and they don't maintain alignment while grinding so they sometimes won't work with low fines burrs for espresso. My df grinder can't build pressure with mizzen burrs or mp burrs and is a piece of fucking shit. If you touch the grinder close to burr chirp you can get the burrs to start touching without adjusting the grind size.
Just say you don't know how to install burrs and move on.
I work for the Specialty Coffee Association. Ask me something if you want.
>they are an approximation of a thing
>really cheap grinder wait for the new mazzer
df64 is a doserless chinese mazzer superjolly knockoff from an industrial appliance company that had a stock of ac motors ready to go and took advantage of the pandemic coffee boom. SSP started out when the owner had a mazzer superjolly but wanted to try out 65mm mahlkoenig k30 and kenia burrs without buying a new grinder. So he cloned and shrunk them down to 64mm, cut them to spin clockwise, and drilled them for the 3 hole mazzer carriers. Those are the 64 HU/Brew(and later tweaked for MP) geometries. Its clones all the way down.
how good is coffee
Coffee is great; it's a rabbit hole.

The coffee community, for the most part, is very passionate, knowledgeable, and open.
do you like tea
Are you their maid or something?
yep. black tea with milk. I also like lemon ginger with honey if I'm sick.

No. I work with trade shows and activations.
>If you touch the grinder close to burr chirp you can get the burrs to start touching without adjusting the grind size.
Yes anon, this is how springs work. The adjustment collar compresses the springs as you go finer. Shoving on the adjustment collar will also slightly compress those springs. There needs to be a slight amount of backlash in the collar threads otherwise it would lock itself together from heat expansion. What version do you have? You'd think a random chinese company putting out a different revision every month would tip you off to what you're buying
>Provides tension to the grind adjustment collar as it raises and lowers during adjustments.
What's the best way to foam milk?
milk foamer
I know how to install burrs you idiot the issue is the entire grinder is a bad design. Higher end grinders are much better aligned and can actually maintain that alignment while grinding. Thats why they cost more money.

Yeah thats the entire fucking problem the flat spring doesn't work to maintain alignment while grinding. Look at the option o p64 and compare it to the retarded df grinders.
yeah pretty much
Is the grinder section in the OP still relevant or is there something newer-cheaper around?
KINGrinder P2 is the budget king now
2 years old and there's been tons of new grinders in the sub 1000 range. completely outdated
P2 is dogshit. P1 is the KING
>Higher end grinders
>option o p64 and compare
I can shove on my wug's upper carrier to make it chirp. The chirp point does not change. You can shove on an ek43 adjustment dial to do the same thing.
>the flat spring
The wave spring? Sorry didn't realize that had trickled down from the 83 into the gen2 and 54. Sounds like you need to bend it a bit, or buy a washer.
>mizzen burrs or mp burrs
Different burr thicknesses coming from different manufacturers? Some SSPs(brew I think) sit flush with the P100 carrier and don't work correctly without shimming higher.
option-O makes the P64? where are they manufactured and where is the company based?
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drinking some guatemalan gesha rn
Kingrinder P2 is a plastic shell, metal internal, $44 1zpresso Q2. Kingrinder P0 is a plastic shell, metal internal $22 Timemore C2. Kingrinder K6 is an all metal 1zpresso Kpro for $100.
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Designed in Australia, made in China. Its Helor after they stopped designing hand grinders after their chinese manufacturing partner was selling shit out the back door. There's a reason the kingrinder P series is virtually identical to the Helor 101.
>the DF64 already beats the Niche Zero
big if true
If you can afford to spend ~100 USD on a coffee grinder, buy the KINGrinder K6 whenever it's on discount. Anything cheaper isn't really worth it unless you really can't afford to spend 100 USD. The P2 is 'okay', but the plastic construction is delicate and way too susceptible to static. Also, not as ergonomic as the K6 and internal adjustment is less convenient and messier than external adjustment.

t. P2 and K6 owner

This is accurate, but a newbie isn't going to know what any of those comparisons mean.
I run a k6 with a drill. Works really well.
A newbie already referencing the pastebin should understand exactly whats being said.
>Is the grinder section in the OP still relevant or is there something newer-cheaper around?
A drill, or a driver? What brand and voltage?
18v ryobi drill
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Best time for a coffee is 6pm, give or take half an hour, and especially at the onset of dusk. discuss.
I made a 6pm espresso out of Starbucks Pike Place because I ran out of good beans and all I had left was that snicklefritz I keep in the house for the normies that come over. I feel dirty.
i drink too much coffee in the morning to drink any that late in the day
but thats what decaf is for of course
gonna make a decaf liqueur next (:
nice cup
*scrolls thread nervously*
Where do you get cool looking coffee mugs in NA/Canada bros
Got home, had dinner, drank 2 'pressos. Simple as.
by what metric
(You)r metrics
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im not a mug guy
but does this tickle your fancy.
over-extraction does not exist
yes i does
if you have a specific extraction in mind when making coffee and you go over that extraction then you have over-extracted
you stupid fucking retard.
thrift stores and estate sales. if the dead guy was in the navy, there's a good chance there's some great victor mugs in that house.
>intentionally underextracting
See, there's your problem.
New flatbutt hario kino?
>new standart arrives
>came with decaf beans
>and a lance hendrick fridge magnet
in the bin it goes.
well the magnet at least, the beans smell pretty good.
The tracking code I get for every Standart delivery never works, I hope I get mine soon
>tracking code
i get an email saying its on its way and then one day its at my door
its kinda nice, most of the time i totally forget about it and then its here with surprise beans.
just had my first sip of these decaf beans
pour over
insanely sweet
insanely fruity
a bit tart
i mean its exactly what it says on the bag
banana, mango, apricot.
like literally.
also very strong honey notes.
like fresh honey right from the hive.
even a bit waxy as if you are licking it off the honeycomb.
best decaf i have ever had.
as it cools it tastes more like a lemon honey tea.
cant wait for you to get your copy and see what you think.
i have already had 3 cups today so im kinda glad this turned out to be decaf.
I'm sitting here with a broken grinder and an awful cup of "coffee." Thanks, Anon.
Must be smooth as butter.
Bros, coffee's been too good as of late and I control my caffeine intake to 1 BIG cup a day.
I wish good tasting decade existed :(
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>1 BIG cup a day.
no problem :)
No covfefe today, gonna try to get a natural Ethiopian tomorrow
>he put date pits in his burr grinder
>didn't even roast them first
That's on you
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I have a bowl of coffee in the morning.
>>didn't even roast them first
imagine how sticky those burrs are
i wonder if he just ate a whole bag of dates and then chucked them in.
can you even buy just the date pit?
Thoughts on nespresso machines?
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Mommy literally made a tutorial
Dogshit and you're paying $50+/lb for some of the worst coffee on the market.
This is how they keep the poor, poor and turn the middle class into poors.
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I’m going to stop by the roaster and pick up a bag of these beans on my way home from work. Should be interesting.
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The df64 stays out of alignment after pushing on it because the design is bad. The wave spring is not sufficient. The motor shaft is also not even remotely straight. I am not really sure what you are defending here or why but given the cost of the grinder it is essentially impossible for it to do what it is trying to do.
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Broke boy can't even pay homage.
Sounds like you're a tard who got a lemon but refuse to exchange it. How deep are you into it with mps and mizens?
This whole time I've been running 14g doses on my Flair. Today I went for a more normal 16g dose. Holy shit why haven't I done this before?
I'll reflect James' sentiment here that I'm surprised at how many people have all in one machines. I guess it makes sense if you're a normie who just wants some espresso and has no plans to upgrade either the machine or grinder.
Didn’t surprise me at all. There are a ton of people who know they want something but are not willing to learn about what they want so they just go to the store and buy what is convenient.
I'm also surprised he doesn't realize zoomer spro is boomer spro because thats who's been teaching them. They're just ripping high pressure 1:2 dark roast because their parents have told them to.
>daryl bueno
love this guy
just a normal dude with a camera
>that design
looks like the b75 on the bottom, the column in the middle intrigues me though, its like a lilydrip
sounds fantastic, i love seeing how far decaf has come
see above

just finished a cup of burundi dry, now to decide what to have next (:
>its like a lilydrip
You pour around the lilydrip. Its just there to halve your bed height basically, and the different tapers vary your flow rate. The tri-up pillar just seems to be there to dampen your kettle stream. Its also like $117 usd.
I used to love everything Hario because I'm a weeb and c'mon, they made the V60 surely they can't make anything bad. Then I bought a Skerton.
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Is it though?
I thought you had better taste, Mister Daytona.
Nothing wrong with trying new stuff. I’ll take a chance on $20.
To be honest I didn't even notice the light and dark roast blend kek. Absolutely bait.
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>I’ll take a chance on $20.
You can say that again!
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That’s why I bought it, had to try that out. I would say it’s more of a medium roast mixed with a dark roast. The flavor profile description was very accurate actually. I wouldn’t use these for a pure espresso but it did make a really good flat white, very chocolatey. This would be great for milk drinks in the winter months when it’s cold outside.
You see, anon, getting that perfect medium roast is hard so if you mix light and dark you get medium!
Tasted like apple pear fritter and nougat btw
Yeah, but what kind of nougat?
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Thank you. I really wanted to ask anon how many apple pear fritters he's had to be able to taste something so hyper specific. This kind of shit is what makes people hate coffeeheads. So much of this third wave single origin craze is just self important retards selling overpriced beans to other self important retards.
>I really wanted to ask anon how many apple pear fritters he's had to be able to taste something so hyper specific
One. Are you unable to remember flavors or something?
I don't mind tasting notes. I mean, sometimes saying "Hazelnut and almonds" is pretty dumb because no coffee tastes exactly like that but it does get the point accross that it tastes nutty, which is a thing in coffee. I imagine "Apple pear fritter" is just a dumb way to say it's acidic... or so I'd say but they have a citrus-cocoa scale in there that's biased towards cocoa so what the fuck do I know.
It’s just marketing designed to appeal to people who’s self worth is heightened by think they are drinking super special coffee and that they are getting to taste flavors normies won’t. It’s all just a way to sell more product. Coffee roasters are a business just like any other and they’re going to do whatever they can to make as much money as possible and that includes taking advantage of gullible people with a superiority complex just like that anon who thinks he can taste a fucking apple pear fritter in some bean water.
Gen Z are Gen X's kids
M*llennials are the Boomer spawn [and Gen Alpha are M*llennial spawn]
I didn't know there were so many here with terrible palates.
I have a dunning-kruger palate
>can pinpoint with laser precision why a bad coffee is bad
>can't tell the difference between good and great coffee/espresso
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The poors get rowdy.
Found the self important retards.
if you don't like sweet/fruit notes in your coffee, then you're wrong
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I'm sooo riiiiiiiiich. Please look at meeeeeeeee.
I bet those third worlders harvesting those beans piss on them and laugh knowing retards around the world are going to pay a bunch of money to drink their piss beans.
can you not imagine the flavour of an apple pear fritter?
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I'm drinking some right now.
I looked through some of the coffees I usually drink and none of them use too many extravagant words for taste notes. So far I've found
>Chocolate, vanilla, caramel, hazelnut, nuts, citrus, flowers, red berries, yellow berries
I've yet to find something weird like fritters, nougat and milk chocolate.
I can imagine it in the same way you're imagining you're tasting it in bean water. It's all in you're head. The question you should be asking is if that wasn't printed on the front of the bag, would you have tasted it and said, "wow, I'm getting the taste of an apple pear fritter!"

Get your weird fetish outta here.
Because you're a sane human being who isn't deluding himself with his coffee purchases.
Also because I'm a third worlder and $10/250g is my spending ceiling but fair enough, I don't know what the fuck I'd expect out of "blackcurrant and cranberry fudge with tropical mango" notes either.
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Rent free. Thx for backing up my pics. Save this one too.
I wonder if your $10 coffee is as good as his >>20844993 $60 coffee. Probably not but there's gotta be a point of diminishing returns.
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Unironic retard.
Schizos, on MY /ctg/?
Now check how many times that shitty gif has been posted dossierfag.
It depends on how it was prepared. I tried espresso pulled at 18 seconds and espresso pulled at 35 seconds and it went from incredibly acidic to super bitter. It’s insane how much those extra seconds matter, so usually try at around 25-30 seconds max.
Don't make the mistake of thinking >$=better is a universal truth. All it means in this case is that production volume is low, massively driving up the manufacturing cost which always gets passed on to you, the consumer. Dumb people see a high price and think it must mean it’s better.
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Since we're talking about tasting notes, make sure you're not buying specifically acidic coffees or too light of a roast. Don't let the lighter=better crowd to you, of course you don't want to drink (((traditional italian))) charcoal beans but you can find some pretty nice medium roasts out there.
Light roasts are definitely superior for pour over. For espresso there's at least a debate
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Brian shilling his crap on /ctg/. What's new?
I always figured that expensive isn't necessarily better because kopi luwak exists. It's literally shit coffee and everybody who's had it that I know struggled to find positive words to describe it other than "interesting". Probably not the case for every expensive bean though.
I know, I specifically said that because anon was asking about espresso. That and my only experience with specialty coffee is with espresso, back when I did filter I only drank commodity grade.
The idea behind kopi luwak was that the wild civets would naturally seek out the tastiest cherries to eat. Its a completely different end result when you're force feeding caged animals trash crops to try to sell them at a premium.
They tell you in the email that they don't pay for international tracking.
Something that used to be good but was destroyed due to market demand and greedy locals? Many such cases. Also I thought the whole point of kopi luwak was that it fermented in the civet's gut, in which case I always wondered why not drink regular natural fermentation coffee.
>Probably not the case for every expensive bean though.
It's no different than art, value is entirely based on perception. The painting you feel is a masterpiece, I find boring. I've seen Rembrandts that made me feel nothing and Vangoghs that left me amazed. Who is the better artist? How can you quantify subjectivity? Expensive coffee beans are no different. You might think your $60/lb beans are gods gift to earth and I might not like them at all and prefer the $11/lb beans I get from my local wholesale roaster.
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How dare someone post the same pic months apart.
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How should I make butter coffee?
Except my taste in art is objectively peak and so is my taste in coffee. Kidding aside, I'm only really wondering because I've never had truly expensive coffee but the ones I drink today already taste amazing to me. Would expensive coffee open my third eye and make me reach Nirvana, or would it just leave me disappointed and $50 poorer? I just don't know. Guess I'll just have to seek expensive coffees in cafes before I commit to an expensive bag of potential disappointment.
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1. Get coffee from your Keurig
2. Plop butter into it
Note: make sure it is grass-fed butter for the 2% increase in omega-3s!
Something that happened naturally was successfully, unsuccessfully commercialized and exported to the white man. You know that high dollar bug bitten tea? You can't just release a bunch of farmed insects to force that to happen. Its a natural phenomenon.
>fermented in the civet's gut, in which case I always wondered why not drink regular natural fermentation coffee
Both. They're organically selecting good cherries and it gets the old gut biome treatment. And yeah, thats why I figured naturals, and yeast fermented coffees, like the sey sidra that anon is crying about, are gaining popularity in recent years. The same idea is just being refined and adapted. Why go through the trouble of catching and abusing animals when you can toss some lager yeast in a tank and wait a day or two?
>Would expensive coffee open my third eye and make me reach Nirvana, or would it just leave me disappointed and $50 poorer?
Depends on how susceptible to priming you are. It's really just an interesting form of self hypnotism. You also have to realize that there is always a meta in play. What was popular ten years ago isn't in fashion today and what is in fashion today probably won't be ten years from now. So how can there be a "better" or "best" if the goalpost are in a constant state of flux? At the end of the day, it's all in your head.
Some people really enjoy grocery store tomatoes and red delicious apples.
>You also have to realize that there is always a meta in play. What was popular ten years ago isn't in fashion today and what is in fashion today probably won't be ten years from now
That's an interesting point. Coffees always go through trends, decades ago it used to be dark roast. The darker, the better, coffees sold themselves on how dark they were. Then it was some specific origins, I remember Blue Mountain was the shit yet I haven't heard of jamaican coffee in years. Then during the beginning of third wave coffee it became central american single origin, then african single origin, these days we're still on the single origin trend + light roast. I wonder what the next trend will be. And I wonder who even sets these trends, is it consumers experimenting and changing their tastes or is it roasters coming up with new things to sell?
>And I wonder who even sets these trends, is it consumers experimenting and changing their tastes or is it roasters coming up with new things to sell?
Probably a bit of both, I reckon.
By nature and definition, a meta is set by no one and everyone at the same time. Imagine drawing numbers from between 1-100 and everytime a number that has already been drawn, gets drawn again somehow increases it's chances of being drawn a third time which then increases it chances of being drawn a fourth, so in and so forth. Very quickly what should be a random spread of numbers is concentrating to just a few and soon after, to one number being drawn over and over and over again. This is the definition, the true definition, of a meme.

>an element of a culture or system of behavior passed from one individual to another by imitation or other nongenetic means.
>roasters coming up with new things to sell
We're growing better coffee than ever, consumers are more aware of what they're buying, and more money is going to the farmers. Farmers are able to invest in infrastructure to grow and process better coffee. (Smart) roasters don't buy top quality lots to turn into this.
>next trend
Inoculated coffees.
Had to look up who this girl was, reminded me of Dobermann from Arknights but the ears just weren't right.
counterpoint: it works fine. it grinds coffee beans.
>We're growing better coffee than ever
The problem is that "better" is subjective. I've spent that last 13 years in the cannabis industry and have been witness to the growth and evolution of cannabis cultivation. By every measurable metric we are growing cannabis with better yields, higher potency and increased resistance to infection. What those metrics can't tell you is this has all come at the cost of homogenization. The diversity of genetic traits that used to exist has all but been erased in the same time frame the individual strains have exploded in number. We have 100 times more cannabis strains today than we did a decade ago but the differences between them have become so small that many are indistinguishable from each other. Their used to be kush, skunk, OG, haze, fuel, cheese and fruit strains that were all easily identifiable by their family's unique terpene profiles. So is today's cannabis "better" than what we had ten years ago? I say no. Coffee may end up no different.
>reminded me of Dobermann from Arknights
I can see the resemblance, but catgirls > doggirls.
>I've spent that last 13 years in the cannabis industry
You really must be rich!
I've been growing small scale personal for more than a few years at this point. Actually looking for new seeds this next season. Any recs for some hype shit I can pick up off neptune or somewhere? Stubby high yield indica nonfem hashers preferably.
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I'm convinced whoever made that Helck mango knows AK. Also I need more AK coffee pics.
>he thinks $66/kg is expensive.
oh sweety...
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>Helck, ran from 2014 – 2017
>Arknights, released 2019
I doubt Helck mangaka drew inspiration from AK concept art, but I can see the similarities in some of the characters.
Oh. I think I looked at the running time for a more recent manga, 2020 and still running. Didn't realize this was a whole series.
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$66/kg shipped for the green. $200/kg roasted.
That's a really interesting perspective. Many coffee producers are working hard these days to actively diversify the genetic variety of their crops, thankfully.
How come a few sips of coffee wakes me up in the morning but a 200mg caffeine pill doesn't do shit
Get a reproduction then, the art will instill the same emotion yet the price will be much cheaper.
I’ve had geisha at a cafe and it was so thoroughly ass. Not every cafe is consistent in quality and price certainly don’t guarantee quality. I’ve brew geishas long ago with my beginner trash grinder, messed up hard and it still wasn’t that bland
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Apple pear fritter guy here
I prepared it in two ways both being concentrates. First using Rogue Wave's Aeropress recipe (med-fine, 96c, 22g/72ml) which had acidity shine and the second an WAC recipe (coarse, 84c, 24g/100ml) which tamed the acidity while bringing out sweetness and caramel. Some of you should try not being a palatelet. Thanks for reading.
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>tfw the double espresso kicks in
holy shidd my hands r shaggin:DDd
That's what they thought they were doing for cannabis but it ended up having the opposite effect. Imagine you had 8 different fruit juices in separate cups. start blending two at a time together. Then take those blends and blend two of them together. Then take two of these second generation blends and blend them together to creat a third generation. Keep doing this process a couple more times and you will end up with juice mixes that are all almost identical to each other. The paradox of diversity is that it actually requires isolation. The more you mix, the more homogenization will occur over time until eventually you reach a state where everything is indistinguishable from each other.
>i had a hard time finding a good recipe
Coffee liqueur is popular in Galicia, the bottle i have i bought it there so searching in spanish gives lots of results. I mainly followed this recipe https://www.abc.es/recetasderechupete/receta-de-licor-cafe-gallego/597/ (use a website translator).

Really cool cuppa. Do you have a preferred cup shape and thickness?

Did you use whole milk as per their recommendation?

It is different than art though. Like >>20845871 says a forgery won't be worth the original's price yet won't lose a iota in beauty (when properly made). Art is more of a money laundering scheme and/or flex for the rich.

The most expensive beans i've bought were $190/kg and i found them kind of boring and not worth it for me. I was curious and wanted to try them but i've been more pleased and delighted by some $20/kg or $40/kg beans.
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natural vs synthesised
also when you drink coffee your body digests it as a food. when you take a pill it doesnt.
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woah its mostly in focus today

uhhhh anyway, no cobbee for me rn.
premium hot cocoa
only the best Dominican Republic cocoa.
>Did you use whole milk as per their recommendation?
I always use whole milk.
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>niggas will stress over every little variable when brewing their coffee, but will just throw some cocoa powder into their mug for hot cocoa
When will the chocolate renaissance begin?
>When will the chocolate renaissance begin?
right now.
i use a cezve
pour half and then i whip air into the second half and pour that.
the key to perfect hot cocoa is aeration.
a flat hot cocoa is like a flat soda, yeah it tastes like soda but it doesnt excite you, it doesnt entice you.

its a focus intensive process that requires precise temp control, just like like when making turkish it can go from nothing to spilling over the pot.
so maintaining that critical point of reaction is really important.
>1:2.5 ratio shot comes out in like 80 seconds
>think I definitely grinded too fine
>it's even oily AF
>adjust grinder to be coarser
>take a sip
>it actually tastes amazing
Sure, that's all well and good, but,
Where were the cocoa pods grown?
When were they harvested?
How were the cocoa beans processed?
How and when were the cocoa beans roasted?
What grinder was used to grind the cocoa beans? Were they ground fresh? What particle size?
Etcetera, etcetera.

I'd really like to see chocolate treated with the same autism as coffee. Maybe someday...
Always taste. Even when you're certain it will taste bad, always taste. Then let it get to room temperature and taste again. You'd be surprised.
>Where were the cocoa pods grown?
Dominican Republic :)
on one hand i get ya
on the other i think cocoa is such a different process from coffee i dont think its as comparable.
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>woah its mostly in focus today
Kek it's a multi pic cobbee :)
>only the best Dominican Republic cocoa
From Hacienda Elvesia? Last week i finished the last i had from them, so tasty.

>I'd really like to see chocolate treated with the same autism as coffee. Maybe someday...
Some already do that, Orfève comes to mind with the most extensive info.
>i think cocoa is such a different process from coffee
Chocolate is also a dried, roasted, and ground fruit seed product. At the very least, I think similar principles apply to in regard to roasting, grinding, and staling. I've never encountered a 'lightly roasted' chocolate product for example. And very few brands list the date of production.
Good to know. Thanks.
I just skimmed their website, https://orfeve.com/en/know-how/ Pretty cool. Hopefully this kind of thing catches on.
What do you refuse to accept about the fact that the grinder is bad? The system that maintains burr position doesn't work and the burrs cannot possibly be accurately aligned during function because of how they attach to the motor. The lower burr is wobbling around like a ballet dancer at a small scale. What can you possibly say to this?

so does a pepper mill
Its hard to make sure chocolate doesn't have too many heavy metals unless each batch is tested. Navitas does this but it sort of tastes like shit.
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They have the most info that i've seen so far such as roasting temp and time and maturation time, but i'm no expert and haven't treid many bean to bars yet. Usually you see harvest time, origin/farm and conching time. I'm not sure if they've moved to source their own cocoa pods directly yet or they still go thru an importer. But they're expenseive as fuck, around 11CHF for a 70g bar whereas Felchlin, for example, i can get around 2kg for around 45CHF.
Felchlin lists the year of harvest, the origin and for some the conching time, they're much bigger manufacture than Orfève. Fuck me i orderd 6.5kg in May and only have 55g left...
The grinding is not so important as you want to brake the pod into nibs and remove the chaff like thing. Then you conch the nibs into cocoa paste. The longer you conch the more homogenous the taste will be so try to look for low conching time for more fruitiness and character.
To tie back into coffee, chocolate is not just a monolith taste note. Some roasters, beans and blends will give a more milk chocolate taste, others more dark and so forth. Some chocolate bars will have fruity and more acidic notes like light roasted coffee, others will be bitter and bold.
I find both to be fascinating and tasty to partake in.
the fermentation process and roasting process is very similar to coffee in terms of importance to flavor development
>What can you possibly say to this?
It sounds like you ordered an aliexpress grinder from a dropshipper like df64coffee.com and didn't get a warranty. Boils down to a skill issue.
I'm guessing this is one of the few chocolates that wont give me lead poisoning?
All cocoa products have some level of heavy metals. It is unavoidable.
Bought some natural ethiopians today. I've got some high hopes for these beans.
I guess I should do them as a pour-over first before using them for espresso
>Bought some natural ethiopians today
Man, I miss those times.
The ritual of drinking coffee and the psychological effects of it can't be understated.
I wasn't talking about interbreeding of varieties or other forms of genetic engineering, though that is happening. Labs in Kenya for example develop very hardy cultivars. Exotic varietals are being discovered and rediscovered all the time, and the market for them is growing rapidly. This is especially important in coffee compared to cannabis, as the former is still grown mostly outdoors and is thus susceptible to insects and fungus, with monocultures leading to widespread crop devastation. The lack of genetic diversity has been identified as a problem in this regard for decades now, hence the farmers pursuing it like I said.
Thanks for the recipe, will definitely check it out.
Beautiful stuff, as always. (:
There's still tons of great natural Ethiopians out there. Just because you can't get Harar like you used to doesn't mean those days are over.
>There's still tons of great natural Ethiopians out there.
I know, Anon. It's just... I don't know if I can find someone like her again... or if I can even feel as strongly about anyone else...


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